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    • 1、essay写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心美国essay写作-美国医生薪酬Doctor income, has been a sensitive topic of health care reform in various countries. On April 21, Medscape released its American physician pay report 2015. The mixed data obtained from 26 specialties and nearly 20,000 doctors self-reported data is not hard to see the changes in the practice pattern inspired by the overlapping policies and technology integration, and it is even more a picture of the professional survival of American doctors.医生收入,一直是各国医疗改革的敏感

      2、话题。4月21日,Medscape发布了2015年美国医师薪酬报告。从26个专科的混合数据和近2万名医生的自述数据不难看出,重叠的政策和技术融合所带来的执业模式的变化,更是美国医生职业生存的写照。While the income picture is inevitably painful for some doctors in the United States, the 2015 U.S. physician pay report sends a generally positive message - most doctors pay is rising modestly. Data released in the last year, in addition to the department of rheumatology doctors and urinary surgeons, decreasing outside income regret to other specialist pay a rising tide lifts all boats, particularl

      3、y in HIV/AIDS, pulmonary medicine, the emergency department, department and family medicine grab an eye most. As always, the average annual salary for primary care physicians is still far below that of specialists, with surgeons earning far more than their chronic counterparts.尽管对美国的一些医生来说,收入状况不可避免地令人痛苦,但2015年美国医生薪酬报告发出了一个总体上积极的信息大多数医生的薪酬正在小幅上升。去年公布的数据显示,除了风湿内科医生和泌尿外科医生外,减少外收入遗憾的是,其他专科医生的薪酬水涨船高,尤其是在艾滋病、肺内科、急诊科、家庭医学科最为抢眼。与以往一样,初级保健医生的平均年薪仍远低于专科医生,而外科医生的收入远远高于慢性疾病医生。When it comes to the core intri

      4、nsic component of doctors compensation - income from medical services, Won more than $300000 from high to low rank respectively orthopaedic surgeons, the cardiologist, gastrointestinal doctor, should anesthesiologists, a plastic surgeon, the radiologist, urological surgeons, a dermatologist, the general surgeon, the emergency department doctors, an oncologist, but there are less than $200000: Pediatrician, family physician, diabetes/endocrinologist, general internist.当涉及到核心的内在组成部分医生的薪酬医疗服务收入,赢得了

      5、300000多美元从高到低排名分别矫形外科医生,心脏病,胃肠道医生,麻醉医师,整形外科医生、放射科医生,泌尿外科医生,皮肤科医生,外科医生,急诊医生,一位肿瘤学家,但有不到200000美元:儿科医生,家庭医生,糖尿病/内分泌学家,普通内科医生。Compared with the 2011 U.S. physician pay report, which was first released in 2011, orthopaedic doctors continue to hold the top position in medical income, while radiologists and anesthesiologists, who were the second or third highest in that year, no longer hold the top position, while pediatricians, primary care doctors and endocrinologists remain at the bottom.In fact, in

      6、 addition to medical services related to income, expert testimony, speech training, product sales and other non-medical services output is also an important options: doctors pay listing orthopaedic surgeons in the best position, still followed by the uropoiesis surgical department, orthopedic surgery, and a dermatologist, radiology, in pediatrics, anaesthesia a doctor with a net worth of less than ten thousand yuan, he and primary care doctors situation also is not optimistic.American doctors ca

      7、reer satisfaction, salary satisfaction survey returns, may be difficult to exciting. None of the dermatology, pathology and psychiatric/mental health departments in the top three in terms of career satisfaction belong to mainstream clinical departments, while 47% of internists, 48% of nephrologists and 49% of general surgeons are the least happy people. Less than 50 percent of primary care physicians and just under half of specialists clearly agree on current pay, and looking back at 2011 figure

      8、s - 47 percent and 52 percent - its hard to believe that years of reform have gone down well.Currently, doctors in the United States generally hold three positions on the level of compensation: one is the recognition of satisfaction, with a satisfaction rate of 60% for those who are more outstanding, such as dermatologists, emergency department physicians and pathologists. 61%; second, it is considered relatively fair. The representative groups include nearly half of family doctors and internist

      9、s. Third, the sense of loss was relaxed, especially in ophthalmology, allergy department and general surgeons. It is worth mentioning that the salary satisfaction of emergency departments and pathologists improved the most significantly, with a year-on-year increase of 12%.When asked what is your career plan if you could choose again? After the horizontal and vertical comparison, it is not difficult to find that the salary level no longer dominates peoples career choice orientation as most people think, competent for their own work, maintain a good doctor-patient relationship and know I can make the world a better place are the absolute leading role to achieve the happiness of doctors career and salary satisfaction.美伦论文网(Meeloun)为留学生提供高效、优质的论文服务


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