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    • 1、HotEssay论文网()-专业paper写作,report写作辅导中心科技类Paper写作-人工智能Artificial Intelligence, which can be abbreviated as AI, is a topic of tremendous prevalence. AI refers to the concept that advanced technologies are implemented to accomplish functions which requires intelligence from human beings. AI can be regarded as the simulation of human intelligence. It can process information like human and thinking like human. Due to the complexity of methodology of process information, AI techniques require abundant k

      2、nowledge not just in the field of computer science, but also in the field of psychology and philosophy. Now, AI becomes the most popular subject for scientist in different fields.人工智能,简称AI,是一个非常流行的话题。人工智能是指利用先进的技术来完成需要人类智慧才能完成的功能。人工智能可以看作是对人类智能的模拟。它可以像人类一样处理信息,像人类一样思考。由于过程信息方法论的复杂性,人工智能技术不仅需要计算机科学领域的丰富知识,还需要心理学和哲学领域的丰富知识。现在,人工智能成为各个领域科学家最热门的课题。With the development of computer hardware, computers are able to process big data. Under this circumstance, many applications are implemented to further i

      3、mprove peoples lives. AI technologies are being used in almost every field of business. On the Internet, search engine applies machine learning to determine which website is better suit the topic. While purchasing online, recommendations will pop out according to users preference. Personal assistance can be further personalized with the help of AI. When turning on Siri on iPhone, natural language processing is utilized to understand human language. Typing words via sounds are convenient which is

      4、 helpful under the condition of unable to type in hands. Image detection is another application of artificial intelligence. Microsoft has developed an application to recognize flower once users upload an image with flowers in it. In financial applications, AI is applied to better serve users. For instance, banks utilize data to analyze users risk tolerance. Intelligent contact center is put into practice to deal with millions of consults from customers. Smart house is introduced into peoples hor

      5、izon. With the automation of houses, the concept of energy saving and comfortability can be further experienced by users. Moreover, technologies help masters to better secure their living spots. In the field of security, facial recognition is applied to make sure strangers are not trespassing. While taking a physical body check, AI can also be applied to detect underlying diseases. What is more intriguing is that artificial intelligence is developed to think as human. A successful case is the Al

      6、phaGo which is programmed by Google. It defeated the number one player Ke Jie in the game of go. It can be regarded as the monumental moment which machine can play better in the domain needs the fully engagement of intelligence. Intelligent robots are developed to perform dangerous jobs in perilous conditions. In conclusion, the utilization of artificial intelligence has been widely introduced into humans life. In some area, it frees labor from hazardous workplaces while in other area, it makes

      7、the living environment more convenient. Overall, the trend of introducing AI application into human beings life is becoming more and more prevalent.随着计算机硬件的发展,计算机能够处理大数据。在这种情况下,许多应用被实施,以进一步改善人们的生活。人工智能技术几乎应用于商业的每一个领域。在互联网上,搜索引擎使用机器学习来确定哪个网站更适合这个主题。在网上购物时,会根据用户的喜好弹出推荐。在人工智能的帮助下,个人帮助可以进一步个性化。当在iPhone上打开Siri时,自然语言处理被用来理解人类的语言。通过声音打字很方便,这在无法用手打字的情况下很有帮助。图像检测是人工智能的另一个应用。微软开发了一款应用程序,一旦用户上传了鲜花图片,就可以识别花朵。在金融应用中,人工智能被应用于更好地服务用户。例如,银行利用数据来分析用户的风险承受能力。智能呼叫中心已投入使用,以处理数以百万计的客户咨询。智能家居被引入人们的视野。随着住宅的自动化,节能和舒适的概

      8、念可以被用户进一步体验。此外,技术帮助主人更好地保护他们的生活点。在安全领域,人脸识别被用来确保陌生人不被侵入。在进行身体检查的同时,人工智能还可以用来检测潜在的疾病。更有趣的是,人工智能的发展是为了像人类一样思考。一个成功的例子是AlphaGo,它是由谷歌编程的。它在围棋比赛中击败了排名第一的柯洁。它可以被看作是一个不朽的时刻,机器可以发挥更好的领域需要充分参与的智能。开发智能机器人是为了在危险的条件下执行危险的工作。综上所述,人工智能的应用已经被广泛的引入到人类生活中。在一些地区,它使劳动力从危险的工作场所,而在另一些地区,它使生活环境更方便。总的来说,人工智能应用于人类生活的趋势越来越普遍。In the future, the value of AI can be further exploited. Auto driving can be the nearest application to put into practice. Although several companies such as Google and Uber have developed automatic

      9、 cars, it still not as stable as an experienced driver. There may be no drivers on the road. Automatic cars are helpful to avoid traffic accident. Due to the fact that programed cars will not break traffic rules, safety and abidance are ensured. Another application is the smart robots which can take up the housework duties. The picture is always depicted in a science fiction. With the popularization of AI application, the living condition of people is cleaned and managed by robots. Robots can communicate with their masters. They cook food and prepare dresses when masters wake up. Living with the help of housework robots, masters are able to spend their spare time in a more meaningful way. Artificial reality is another application can be developed in the future. Imagine the moment when customers are shopping, they can try on different clothes without putting it on. While applying a passport, robots can process the documents quickly and precisely. Appl


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