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    • 1、HotEssay论文网()-专业paper写作,report写作辅导中心管理学Paper写作-如何加强企业人员管理If an enterprise does not establish a complete employing mechanism, no effective human resources strategy, to achieve the ultimate goal of the enterprise and prove the self-worth is unrealistic. This article is a strengthening enterprise personnel management, detailed content Click to view the full text.如果一个企业没有建立完整的用人机制,没有有效的人力资源战略,实现企业的最终目标和证明自我价值是不现实的。本文是一篇加强企业人事管理的文章。Any enterprises engaged in business and production activities need to

      2、 have three major capital: financial, material and human. Human resources are the most important and critical resources.任何从事经营和生产活动的企业都需要具备三大资本:财力、物力和人力。人力资源是最重要、最关键的资源。First of all, the competition between enterprises is ultimately the quality of human resources competition. Secondly, man is defined as the most important component of productive forces in Marxist political economy. If an enterprise does not establish a complete employing mechanism, no effective human resources strategy, to achie

      3、ve the ultimate goal of the enterprise and prove the self-worth is unrealistic.首先,企业之间的竞争归根结底是人力资源的质量竞争。第二,“人”是马克思主义政治经济学中最重要的生产力组成部分。如果一个企业没有建立完整的用人机制,没有有效的人力资源战略,实现企业的最终目标和证明自我价值是不现实的。The Personnel management strategy must take the enterprise management strategy as the guidance, the enterprise management is the establishment Personnel management strategy premise and the foundation. In addition, the Personnel management strategy is one of the enterprise management function strategy is also the

      4、enterprise strategy indispensable important constituent, to the management strategy realization has the huge promotion and the support function. At the same time, it is the effective guarantee to realize the enterprise strategic goal. More importantly, in the increasingly fierce market competition, because the human resources has become the enterprises first resource. The strategy of Personnel management has a role in the determination and execution of the overall strategy, financial management,

      5、 technology development, manufacturing, supply management, marketing, etc.人事管理战略必须以企业管理战略为导向,企业管理是制定人事管理战略的前提和基础。此外,人事管理战略是企业管理职能战略之一,也是企业战略不可或缺的重要组成部分,对管理战略的实现具有巨大的促进和支持作用。同时也是实现企业战略目标的有效保证。更重要的是,在日益激烈的市场竞争中,人力资源已经成为企业的第一资源。人事管理战略对企业的总体战略、财务管理、技术开发、生产制造、供应管理、市场营销等方面的制定和实施具有重要作用。Motivation is the process of motivating, directing, and sustaining behavior in an organizational environment. The theory of organizational behavior is that motivation mainly refers to stimulating peoples motives or work

      6、enthusiasm, mobilizing peoples enthusiasm, so that people have an internal power, toward the desired goal of the psychological process of progress. Motivation plays an important role in the improvement of enterprise productivity and the realization of individual self-worth. -, the worlds famous potential research expert, has pointed out that each persons potential is limitless, and the question is what means we use to inspire this potential.The implementation of personality-oriented personnel ma

      7、nagement, undoubtedly conducive to encouraging morale, improve staffs work passion and mobilize their enthusiasm. Some scholars have found that the impact of personality factors on job performance accounted for 20% to 30%. Recently, the authors analyzed the effect of personality on motivation by using the method of predicting the true character of personality, and found that the personality factor influenced the effect of the stimulation. The key to personality is to respect the employees person

      8、ality, to enhance the staffs emotion to the enterprise, to establish the sense of ownership, and to arouse the enthusiasm and drive of the employees.Enterprise culture is an indispensable element in the organization environment. With the rapid development of the education industry in our country, the group of knowledge workers in enterprises is growing, their temperament and character have their own characteristics, they generally have a strong personality and their own independent values, like

      9、to have a democratic, free, relaxed, able to self-management work environment, this kind of employees tend to be relatively large mobility, their work effect is difficult to measure, the process of its work is difficult to direct monitoring. I think that we should carry out knowledge-oriented staff with respect for personality and unique values based on the personality-oriented management, can create a unity, harmonious work atmosphere, inspire staff self-esteem, responsibility, achievement desire, thereby enhancing the vitality of enterprises, forming a good corporate culture. Therefore, the strategy of personnel management exists as the core of enterprise management strategy.HotEssay论文网()为留学生提供优质的paper写作,report写作服务


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