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  • 卖家[上传人]:鑫鑫****n
  • 文档编号:110772410
  • 上传时间:2019-10-31
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    • 1、essay写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心艺术类essay写作-现代的美术教育In order to adapt to the development of the new era, art education should have multi-faceted and innovative thinking. Only in this way can students get comprehensive quality education and adapt to the development of current culture and art more quickly. This paper makes a simple analysis of the existing problems and future development direction of art education in the new era, so as to promote the comprehensive and healthy development of art education.为了适应

      2、新时代的发展,艺术教育必须具有多面性和创新性的思维。只有这样,学生才能得到全面的素质教育,才能更快地适应当今文化艺术的发展。本文对新时期艺术教育存在的问题及未来发展方向进行简单分析,以期促进艺术教育的全面健康发展。Since its emergence, art education has developed with the changes of The Times. A review of the background of contemporary culture in our country, from the cultural revolution one size fits all culture to the reform and opening up after the influx of a large number of western modernism, leading to a large number of young people blindly pursue to blindly following and ignored the basic educa

      3、tion, ignores the traditional national art education, the aesthetic orientation of deviation, to ugliness instead of aesthetics, entered the pan arts. The outline of fine arts education points out that aesthetic education plays an important role in cultivating students healthy aesthetic ideas and abilities, cultivating their noble moral sentiments and cultivating all-round talents. Whether fine arts education is well or not has a direct impact on the national aesthetic height.艺术教育自产生以来,随着时代的变迁而发

      4、展。回顾我国当代文化的背景下,从“文化大革命”一刀切“文化”到改革开放后大量的西方现代主义的涌入,导致大量的年轻人盲目追求盲目跟随,忽视了基础教育,忽略了传统民族艺术教育、审美取向的偏差,“丑陋”而不是“美学”,进入“锅艺术”。美术教育纲要指出,美育对培养学生健康的审美观念和审美能力,陶冶高尚的情操,培养全面发展的人才具有重要作用。美术教育的好坏直接影响到民族审美的高度。Under the influence of traditional Chinese ideas, art education has always been a minor subject, and even become a specific medicine for many schools to improve the enrollment rate. Art education to a slightly embarrassing position. In the kindergarten, primary school and junior high school of art enlightenment,

      5、 apart from the open art education in the attached middle schools of several famous art schools, most of the others are the explanation of basic art knowledge and mechanical copying. It seems that the only way to measure the schools teaching achievements has become the awards of various competitions, which deviates from the original intention of art education. It is supposed to broaden students vision with art education, establish the initial natural aesthetic concept, relieve the tense learning

      6、 atmosphere and establish a good psychological environment. In addition, it is possible to explore students early interests through enlightening education, but once it is stylized, it will definitely backfire. Art education in colleges and universities mostly adopts the mode of innovation and independent thinking, but most students become dull and wooden. At the same time, the lack of attention to traditional aesthetics has resulted in the lack of correct positioning of educational ideas and the

      7、 transformation of educational methods in higher art education, despite the clear classification and division of labor.在中国传统思想的影响下,艺术教育一直是一门小学科,甚至成为许多学校提高入学率的“特效药”。艺术教育到了一个有点尴尬的位置。在幼儿园、小学、初中的艺术启蒙中,除了几所著名的艺术学校附中开放的艺术教育外,其他的大多是对基础艺术知识的讲解和机械的临摹。衡量学校教学成果的唯一途径似乎就是各种竞赛的奖项,这偏离了艺术教育的初衷。通过艺术教育拓宽学生的视野,树立初步的自然审美观念,缓解紧张的学习气氛,营造良好的心理环境。此外,通过启蒙教育来发掘学生的早期兴趣是可能的,但一旦被程式化,肯定会适得其反。高等院校的艺术教育大多采取创新和独立思考的模式,但大多数学生变得呆板、木讷。同时,由于对传统美学的不重视,导致了高等艺术教育中教育观念的不正确定位和教育方法的转变,尽管有明确的分类和分工。Art education should first change the mod

      8、e of paying attention to skill training, modeling training and expression skills in terms of methods. This is only a stage and a certain aspect of art teaching. We should not only promote the development of students intelligence, aesthetic ability and potential creativity through the training of skills and art skills. We should put people first, focus on the value of human nature and the improvement of comprehensive quality, change the skill education focusing on rationality, and add more percep

      9、tual and human feelings. Only in this way can the ability of observing, understanding and judging nature and social relations be improved, and the ability of distinguishing truth and falsehood, beauty and ugliness, good and evil be improved. For example, Jackson, a foreign art educator, said in creativity: when it comes to art, we can always talk about skills. We should not forget that through art we can also learn human love, feelings, knowledge and communication, which is the real art education. Art is a prophetic language that shows us the glorious future of mankind. It binds nature to us. Art is the key to another chaotic world. Thus it can be seen that art is not utilitarian and technical, while utility and technology are only its representation and carrier. It is not a practical subject that simply trains and improves peoples aesthetic ability, knowledge level and survival skills. Therefore, this requires that the purpos


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