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    • 1、essay写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心美国essay写作-美国的食品安全体系In recent years, food safety accidents have occurred frequently, and food safety has become a common concern of the world. Attaches great importance to the earlier on this issue in the United States, has offered the food and drug act in 1906 and the federal meat inspection, more than 100 years, with the new problems, the formation of the timely formulate new laws and regulations, or to amend the existing laws and regulations, and gradually established a r

      2、elatively perfect and perfect food safety system, embodied in the following aspects:近年来,食品安全事故频发,食品安全已成为世界各国共同关注的问题。高度重视早期在美国在这个问题上,提供了食品和药品法案和1906年的联邦肉类检验,超过100年,新问题,及时制定新的法律法规的形成,或修改现有的法律法规,并逐步建立了相对完善的和完善的食品安全体系,体现在以下方面:In the United States, the most important food safety regulatory agency is the food and drug administration. The ministry of agriculture is the second most important department in charge of food safety. Its food safety inspection department is responsible for the safety supervis

      3、ion of meat and eggs. The third major regulatory agency for food safety is the environmental protection agency, which is responsible for pesticide management, including the registration of pesticides and the formulation of standards for their use.在美国,最重要的食品安全监管机构是食品和药物管理局。农业部是负责食品安全的第二大部门。其食品安全检验部门负责肉类和蛋类的安全监督。第三个主要的食品安全监管机构是环境保护局,它负责农药的管理,包括农药的注册和使用标准的制定。In addition, some agencies are responsible for some specific work, such as the national Marine fisheries service of the ministry of commerce,

      4、which is responsible for the inspection and grading of seafood; the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms of the ministry of finance, which is responsible for the administration of tobacco and alcohol products; and the general administration of customs, jointly with the department of agriculture and the FDA, which is responsible for the safety supervision of imported food.此外,一些机构还负责一些具体工作,如商务部国家海洋渔业局负责海产品的检验和分级;财政部烟酒枪支管理局,负责烟酒产品的管理;海关总署、农业部、食品药品监督管理局负责进口食品的安全监管工作。In the United States, everythi

      5、ng from the production of food to the sales of food is subject to strict supervision and inspection by the supervision department. There are stationed offices in the factory, and inspectors are stationed in the factory and rotate every six months. There is both division of labor and cooperation among various departments to jointly build the food safety system in the United States.在美国,从食品的生产到食品的销售,一切都受到监管部门的严格监督和检查。工厂设有“派驻”办公室,检查员派驻工厂,每六个月轮换一次。美国的食品安全体系建设既有分工又有各部门之间的合作。The United States has intro

      6、duced a lot of laws and regulations on food safety. The federal food, drug, and cosmetic act is the basic law for food and drugs in the United States. There is also the federal meat inspection act, the federal pesticides, fungicides and rodenticides act, the poultry products inspection act, the egg products inspection act, the food quality protection act, and a number of very specific laws. These laws and regulations cover all kinds of food and set very specific standards and supervision procedu

      7、res for food safety, so that all aspects of food quality supervision, disease prevention and emergency response can be legally followed.美国已经出台了很多关于食品安全的法律法规。联邦食品、药品和化妆品法是美国食品和药品的基本法。还有联邦肉类检验法联邦杀虫剂、杀菌剂和灭鼠剂法家禽产品检验法蛋制品检验法食品质量保护法以及一些非常具体的法律。这些法律法规涵盖了各类食品,并为食品安全制定了非常具体的标准和监督程序,使食品质量监督、疾病预防和应急反应的各个方面都能得到法律的遵守。In the management of imported food, the federal law, all imported food must conform to the products of the same in children there as in the United States standards, and launched standard of food

      8、production supervision project, food protection plan, import safety action plan, and other food safety regulatory plan, to strengthen the import of food safety monitoring.The food recall system in the United States is a remedial measure taken after the defect of food quality is found, trying to nip the problem in the bud. The recall system is activated in two situations: first, enterprises know that the products are defective and take the initiative to remove food from the market; second, the fo

      9、od and drug administration and other emergency situations force companies to recall food products. The modern food safety act, passed on January 4, 2011, gives the FDA the authority to recall unsafe foods and gives it additional resources to do so.The United States has a high standard for imported food and strict supervision.In modern society, the power of the government is limited, and social forces should be advocated to intervene in food safety management. American consumer protection groups play a role in urging the implementation of food safety standards and government supervision. The positive interaction between public opinion and the government and legislative bodies in the United States is conducive to the continuous improvement of food safety in the United States.In addition to effective supervision by public opinion, a system of protection and reward for whistleblowers is also implemented to


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