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    • 1、HotEssay论文网()-专业paper写作,report写作辅导中心文学essay写作-1948年蒙大拿Larry Watson, the author of Montana 1948, describes what happens to the protagonist David Hayden in a cataclysmic summer through a first-person perspective. Fused by the death of Davids housekeeper Marie, his father Wesleys loyalty, uncle Franks crime, and grandfathers corruption gradually come to surface. The story ends up with uncle Franks suicide, with Davids whole family leaving Montana to start a new life. Despite witnessing the dark sid

      2、es of adult-hood, Davids innocent nature remains in the end.蒙大拿1948(Montana 1948)的作者拉里沃森(Larry Watson)用第一人称视角描述了主人公大卫海登(David Hayden)在一个灾难性的夏天里所经历的事情。大卫的管家玛丽的死,他父亲韦斯利的忠诚,弗兰克叔叔的罪行,祖父的腐败。故事以弗兰克叔叔的自杀结束,大卫全家离开蒙大拿开始新的生活。尽管目睹了成人世界的阴暗面,大卫纯真的本性最终还是保留了下来。Davids childhood is filled with his misunderstandings of his parents thoughts. In the beginning of part two, David and his mother are going out of the house to avoid hearing Wesley and Maries conversation. Gail says she loves the wind, which reminds her

      3、of her hometown and her fathers words. “I always loved it, that feel of rushing air. Bringing something new, was the way I felt, she said.” (55) Gails words emphasize her reminiscence of hometown and how crude and irresistible that the change of view is (from North Dakota to Montana). She wants David to feel the freshness of the wind, the nature, and what she lost (her home). However, David keeps asking questions about Marie. He does not get his mothers deeper meaning, believing that he thorough

      4、ly understands Gails word: “mothers way of saying she wanted a few moments of purity, a temporary escape from the sordid drama that was playing itself out in her own house.” (56) “But I was on the trail of something that would leave me out of childhood” (56), and he even confidently considers himself to be maturing. On top of that, after locking Frank into the basement, Wesley invites David to repaint their house together to make it less noticeable. Wesley even dreamily says that he hopes the wh

      5、ole town to become whiter so that no new citizen will be attracted to Mercer County. Apparently, Wesley strongly desires to get rid of this town along with all his family troubles. However, David completely misses his point: “was this another of his promises-like a trip to Yellowstone-to make me feel better? Was this the best he could do?” (105) Instead of empathizing his fathers sorrows, young David believes that his fathers intention is to make him happier. If David is matured enough, he would

      6、 be able to feel the sad-ness underneath his parents words. He would then try to say or do something to make his parent feel better instead.大卫的童年充满了对父母思想的误解。在第二部分的开头,大卫和他的母亲要出门,以避免听到韦斯利和玛丽的谈话。盖尔说她喜欢风,这让她想起了家乡和父亲的话。“我一直很喜欢那种空气急速流动的感觉。“我的感觉是,带来一些新的东西,”她说。(55) Gail的话强调了她对家乡的回忆,以及从北达科他州到蒙大拿州这种观点的改变是多么的粗鲁和不可抗拒。她想让大卫感受风的清新,大自然的清新,以及她失去的(她的家)。然而,大卫一直在问玛丽的事。他没有理解母亲更深层次的意思,他相信自己完全理解盖尔的话:“母亲说她想要片刻的纯洁,暂时逃离在她自己家里上演的肮脏戏剧的方式。”(56)“但我正走在一条会让我远离童年的道路上”(56),他甚至自信地认为自己正在成熟。最重要的是,在把弗兰克锁进地下室后,韦斯利邀请大卫一起重新粉刷他们的房子,使它不

      7、那么引人注目。韦斯利甚至梦想地说,他希望整个城镇变得更白,这样就不会有新的市民被吸引到默瑟县。显然,韦斯利强烈希望摆脱这个小镇和他所有的家庭麻烦。然而,大卫完全没有抓住他的重点:“这是他的另一个承诺吗像去黄石公园旅行让我感觉更好?”这是他能做的最好的了吗?(105)年轻的大卫不同情他父亲的悲伤,他认为他父亲的目的是让他更快乐。如果大卫足够成熟,他就能体会到父母话语背后的悲伤。然后他会试图说或做些什么来让他的父母感觉更好。Davids child-like nature is also depicted at the first time his cries in the novel: “But that night I cried myself to sleep because I believe that I would never see my horse, Nutty, againOne of the great regret of my childhood had always been that I couldnt live in the same grounds as my

      8、 horse.” (118) Instead of crying for his guilty uncle, who used to be his charming idol, or the death of his favorite girl Marie, David cries for the loss of his horse Nutty, which on-ly acts as his playmate. We can see that David worries a lot about loss of fun, since he only cries for the horse, which seems even more important than the people he admires or loves. Therefore, his childish and immature mind is vividly portrayed in this part.In the end of the story, uncle Frank is locked and commi

      9、ts suicide in the basement of Da-vids house. David witnesses this tragic and horrifying event, and his lack of maturity is again demonstrated, by his attitude towards his uncles suicide. “I needed time to compose myself, to make certain I could keep concealed my satisfaction over what had happened (Franks death) You see, I knewI knew! I knewthat Uncle Franks suicide had solved all our prob-lems.” (155) At this moment, from the word “satisfaction” and the multiple occurrence of “I knew”, we can see that David is almost excited as a witness. His uncles suicide seems like a surprise, relief, and even a happy ending for him. He believes that after Frank died, there will be “no trial” (155), “no pile of testimony” (155), “no pressure on anyone” (155), and no “reputations damaged” anymore. For David, getting rid of these things “solved all our problems” (155). He does not consider Franks suicide like a


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