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    • 1、HotEssay论文网()-专业paper写作,report写作辅导中心艺术类paper写作-音乐对人类的依赖Music is a universal language that is relevant to all human beings. Most people are able to feel something or relate to a past experience listening to music. Different emotions can be generated in the music listening as well. In this essay, it is argued that music is dependent upon the presence of human intent behind the purposeful organization of sounds. The existence of music cannot be separated from either emotional intent or emotional pe

      2、rception. Building on a scope and definition of music, the arguments will be supported from two perspectives: the creators of music and the listeners. Finally, a connection will be established between the two perspectives, by comparing music with language, and the support from the cognitive and evolutionary theories.音乐是一种世界性的语言,与人类息息相关。大多数人都能感觉到一些东西或与过去听音乐的经历有关。听音乐也可以产生不同的情绪。在这篇文章中,它认为音乐是依赖于存在的人类意图背后的有目的的组织声音。音乐的存在与情感意图或情感感知是分不开的。以音乐的范围和定义为基础,这些论点将从两个角度得到支持:音乐的创造者和听众。最后,通过音乐与语言的比较,以及认知和进化理论的支持,将

      3、两者联系起来。Before exploring the relation between music and the human intent, a definition of music must be presented first. This definition must be derived from the purest form of music, that is, with no presence of non-musical elements, such as language and context. By understanding what the purest form of music is composed of, it would be much easier to expand the definition to a much larger musical domain, with the integration of pure musical elements with other non-musical elements (McKeownGreen

      4、 394). Music in the modern world has been substantially broadened, and song is probably the most wide-spread form of music that most people listen to. In addition, music has also been expanded into the domains of plays, pictures, television, games, etc. Despite all these forms, the expressiveness of different types music is largely originated from the pure musical elements in them.在探讨音乐与人类意图之间的关系之前,必须先给出音乐的定义。这一定义必须源于最纯粹的音乐形式,即不存在非音乐元素,如语言和背景。通过理解最纯粹的音乐形式是由什么组成的,将纯粹的音乐元素与其他非音乐元素(McKeownGreen 394

      5、)的整合,将更容易将定义扩展到更大的音乐领域。现代世界的音乐已经大大地拓宽了,而歌曲可能是大多数人听过的传播最广的音乐形式。此外,音乐也扩展到戏剧、电影、电视、游戏等领域。尽管有这些形式,但不同类型音乐的表现力在很大程度上还是来源于其中纯粹的音乐元素。The basis of the understanding of music is that some form of sound organization must be present. However, organization of sound may be too ambiguous, as there are many instances where organization of sounds leads not to music, but to language, machines, and animals. In order to narrow down the definition, people have added further conditions to this definition. The first

      6、one is the involvement of musical characteristics, including pitch, tone, and rhythm (Stecker 376). This is a further elaboration of “sound.” However, this is not a very effective narrowing. Actually, almost all kinds of sounds can be integrated into a music performance. The sound of the keyboard being typed on, the sound of traffic in the background, the sound of wind blowing, and even the sound of water flowing in the toilet can all be part of the broadened definition of “music (Kania 2).” Thi

      7、s leaves the categorization of sound rather extreme: a sound is either music or noise, and even some noise can be turned into music.对音乐的理解的基础是必须存在某种形式的声音组织。然而,声音的组织可能太模糊了,因为在很多情况下,声音的组织不是导致音乐,而是导致语言、机器和动物。为了缩小定义的范围,人们给这个定义增加了更多的条件。第一个是音乐特征的介入,包括音高、音调和节奏(Stecker 376)。这是对“声音”的进一步阐述。“然而,这不是一个非常有效的缩小。实际上,几乎所有的声音都可以融入到音乐表演中。键盘敲击的声音,背景中交通的声音,刮风的声音,甚至是厕所里流水的声音都可以成为广义上的“音乐(Kania 2)”的一部分。这使得声音的分类变得相当极端:声音要么是音乐,要么是噪音,甚至一些噪音也可以变成音乐。This leads to the question of whether some of its expressive musical charac

      8、teristics are intrinsic to a sound or not. The answer may be negative. A sound is not music until it is organized with other sounds and perceived as music by an audience (Rakowski 126). The musical characteristics thus cannot be separated from how they are created and perceived. Different people may have different degrees of perception of music. For those who have a much stricter definition over the intrinsic musical nature of sounds, their range of musical is considerably smaller. In comparison

      9、, people which a more relaxed definition of music tend to have a much broader acceptance over different types of music. This shows that both musical characteristics and aesthetics are necessary conditions to define music. Based on these conditions, music is defined to be: intentionally organized and produced sound pieces, with an audience, and either to contain musical features, or to be perceived with such features (Kania 2).这就引出了一个问题:它的一些富有表现力的音乐特征是否是声音固有的。答案可能是否定的。一个声音只有与其他声音组合在一起并被听众感知为音乐时才算音乐(Rakowski 126)。因此,音乐的特征与它们是如何被创造和感知的是分不开的。不同的人对音乐可能有不同程度的感知。对于那些对声音的内在音乐性有更严格定义的人来说,他们的音乐范围要小得多。相比之下,对音乐定义较宽松的人对不同类型的音乐有更广泛的接受度。这说明音乐特征和审美都是界定音乐的必要条件。基于这些条件,音乐被定义为:有意识地组织和产生声音作品,有观众,或者包含音乐特征,或者被这样的特征感知(Kania 2)。Having derived a comprehensive definition of music, a correlation between music and humans are inseparable. From production to perception, human intent is present in every component in music. Regarding why humans and music have such an intimat


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