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    • 1、essay写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心美国essay写作-美国跨国公司的风险管理In order to adapt to the changes of the contemporary international economic and political environment, especially to adapt to the fierce international competition in the field of science and technology, the risk management strategy of contemporary multinational companies is undergoing significant changes. As a developed country with abundant natural resources and vast territory, the United States has a relatively long history of transnational operation

      2、and rich experience in risk management. The risk management of American multinational corporations has the following important characteristics.为了适应当代国际经济政治环境的变化,特别是为了适应科学技术领域激烈的国际竞争,当代跨国公司的风险管理战略正在发生重大的变化。美国是一个自然资源丰富、幅员辽阔的发达国家,跨国经营历史较长,风险管理经验丰富。美国跨国公司的风险管理具有以下几个重要特点。American multinational companies attach great importance to the cultivation of high-tech industries and invest a large amount of money in the development of high-tech products. At the same time, in order to prevent and control the ma

      3、cro risks in the world market, American multinational companies, with special emphasis on technology monopoly, attach great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights, and are very cautious about technology export, generally tend to transfer to the U.S. wholly foreign-owned enterprises. The new risk prevention strategy emphasizes the transformation from passive risk prevention to active risk prevention, from regional risk prevention to global risk prevention, from traditional l

      4、ow-level risk prevention to high-tech based strategic risk prevention system. This strategic transformation of the United States has gone through a painful and profound process of reflection. Since the 1970s, American multinational companies have been challenged by Japan all over the world. Japans challenge to force U.S. multinational companies to rethink their traditional risk management strategy mode, and prompted the authorities recognize that transnational corporations must fundamentally tra

      5、nsform the multinational companies risk management strategy and train of thought, must accelerate to construct national innovation system as the characteristics, the high-tech industry as the pillar of the global strategic risk prevention system. Experts of American multinational corporations believe that the strength of risk prevention is fundamentally determined by the direction of future technological development in the world. Contemporary epoch-making technology, such as very large scale int

      6、egrated circuit, especially the design and manufacture of application-specific integrated circuit, process automation technology, artificial intelligence technology, industrial process control and computer aided design of robot control system, new materials, energy transformation, biological technology, etc., however, the use of digital system is a new technology of contemporary multinational company faces at the heart of the revolution. In order to accelerate the implementation of the new globa

      7、l risk prevention strategy, the research fund of the us government mainly funds biotechnology and new materials. In development, funding for space exploration and space flight; Much of the funding for microelectronics development is included in research for many defence projects, as well as some civilian ones. Corporate America spends most of its money on six industries: motors and electronics, aircraft and rockets, chemistry and medicine, non-electric machinery, automobiles, and scientific and

      8、professional instruments.美国跨国公司非常重视高新技术产业的培育,在高新技术产品的开发上投入了大量的资金。同时,为了防止和控制世界市场的宏观风险,美国的跨国公司,特别强调技术垄断,高度重视知识产权的保护,和对技术出口非常谨慎,通常倾向于转移到美国外商独资企业。新风险防范战略强调从被动风险防范向主动风险防范转变,从区域风险防范向全球风险防范转变,从传统的低水平风险防范向基于高新技术的战略风险防范体系转变。美国的这一战略转型经历了痛苦而深刻的反思过程。自20世纪70年代以来,美国的跨国公司一直受到日本在世界各地的挑战。日本的挑战迫使美国跨国公司重新考虑他们的传统风险管理策略模式,并促使当局认识到跨国公司必须从根本上改变跨国公司风险管理策略和思路,必须加快建设国家创新体系的特点、高新技术产业为支柱的全球战略风险防范体系。美国跨国公司专家认为,风险防范的力度从根本上决定于未来世界技术发展的方向。“当代”的划时代技术,如超大规模集成电路,特别是应用专用集成电路的设计与制造、过程自动化技术、人工智能技术、工业过程控制、机器人控制系统的计算机辅助设计、新材料、能源转化、生物技

      9、术等。数字系统的使用是当代跨国公司面临的一项新技术革命的核心。为了加快实施新的全球风险防范战略,美国政府的研究基金主要资助生物技术和新材料。在发展方面,为空间探索和空间飞行提供资金;微电子发展的大部分资金都被用于许多国防项目以及一些民用项目的研究。美国企业将大部分资金投入六个行业:电机和电子、飞机和火箭、化学和医药、非电动机械、汽车、科学和专业仪器。In order to enhance the ability to resist risks, American multinational corporations often adopt the strategy of vertical merger and diversification. Take AT&T as an example. Since the mid-to-late 1980s, besides its main business of telecommunications, it has also engaged in financial, insurance, tourism, commercial, leasing, real estate, medical, transportation, publishing, consulting and other service industries, with its output value exceeding 50% of the total output value. American multinationals see no greater risk than the loss of market opportunities. Starting from the new risk management strategy, American multinational companies also widely use penetration strategy to occupy the world market. On the one hand, actively make venture investment to explore and occupy new mar


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