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  • 卖家[上传人]:鑫鑫****n
  • 文档编号:113393908
  • 上传时间:2019-11-08
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    • 1、essay写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心美国essay写作-美国的行政保护主义American administrative protectionism can be divided into two types: binding and non-binding administrative protectionism. The core of non-binding administrative protectionism is strategic deterrence, which aims to achieve trade protectionism without war. Binding administrative protectionism can be divided into technical route protectionism and political route protectionism. The analysis of the types of American administrative protectionism will help us t

      2、o gain insight into the formulation and adjustment rules of American governments trade policies, so as to predict, avoid and resolve American trade protectionism against China.美国的行政保护主义可分为两类:约束性行政保护主义和非约束性行政保护主义。非约束性行政保护主义的核心是战略威慑,其目的是实现非战争的贸易保护主义。约束性行政保护主义可分为技术路线保护主义和政治路线保护主义。分析美国行政保护主义的类型,有助于我们深入了解美国政府贸易政策的制定和调整规则,从而预测、避免和解决美国对中国的贸易保护主义。Questions about the future direction of U.S. trade policy are coming to the fore in an increasingly difficult global economy, with the Democratic Party emergin

      3、g from the presidential election. Protectionism must have a place in the Obama administrations trade policy, according to democratic tradition and Obamas pre-election rhetoric. At present, the study of trade protectionism in the United States is basically a general study. However, in fact, protectionism generated by different actors has different forms, core views and essence, and different methods should be used to identify and prevent it. Therefore, it is still necessary to study classified tr

      4、ade protectionism. This paper attempts to analyze in detail the trade protectionism generated under the action of the us administrative department, namely, administrative protectionism, which is helpful for us to have an insight into the formulation and adjustment rules of the us governments trade policies, with a view to predicting, evading and resolving the us trade protectionism against China.随着民主党从总统选举中脱颖而出,在全球经济日益困难的情况下,有关美国贸易政策未来方向的问题正成为人们关注的焦点。根据民主党的传统和奥巴马竞选前的花言巧语,保护主义必须在奥巴马政府的贸易政策中占有一席之地

      5、。目前,对美国贸易保护主义的研究基本上是一个概括性的研究。然而,事实上,不同的行为主体所产生的保护主义有不同的形式、核心观点和本质,需要用不同的方法来识别和防范。因此,仍有必要对分类贸易保护主义进行研究。本文详细分析美国贸易保护主义的作用下生成的行政部门,即行政保护主义,这有利于我们有一个深入的了解美国政府制定和调整规则的贸易政策,以预测,解决和规避美国针对中国的贸易保护主义。According to the forms of administrative protectionism, it can be divided into two types: non-binding administrative protectionism and binding administrative protectionism.根据行政保护主义的表现形式,可以分为两类:非约束性行政保护主义和约束性行政保护主义。Non-binding administrative protectionism aims at achieving trade protectionism without a fight a

      6、nd USES strategic deterrence as the means. The so-called strategic deterrence means that the administration USES protectionism as a threat to free trade in order to pressure foreign trading partners to meet the interest demands of domestic trade protectionists while enjoying the benefits of free trade. In fact, strategic deterrence is a cooperative strategic game, in which the us government is the initiator and trading partners are the rational responders who are forced to participate in the gam

      7、e. Since this is a game based on asymmetric forces, the trading behaviors of trading partners that do not conform to the economic interests of the us have to be adjusted or ended. Strategic deterrence has three characteristics: first, the deterrence intensity increases continuously, but it has its maximum value, that is, the deterrent point. Once the deterrent intensity reaches the deterrent point, non-binding administrative protectionism is declared to be exhausted. Second, deterrence is about

      8、winning without a fight. Without acting on protectionism, trading partners sense that Washington is about to take unilateral trade measures and have to make concessions on its own. At last. Threatening retaliatory rhetoric will not translate into actual trade action, but it must convince the other side of the game that it will if they do not change their existing trade practices. In short, nonbinding protectionism by the executive branch seeks to deter foreign trade practices that are not in the

      9、 interests of the United States at minimal domestic cost. Non-binding administrative protectionism appeals mainly to the public, congress and the executive branch itself.非约束性行政保护主义旨在不经斗争实现贸易保护主义,以战略威慑为手段。所谓“战略威慑”,是指美国政府利用保护主义威胁自由贸易,迫使外国贸易伙伴在享受自由贸易利益的同时,满足本国贸易保护主义者的利益要求。事实上,战略威慑是一种合作的战略博弈,美国政府是博弈的发起者,贸易伙伴是被迫参与博弈的理性回应者。由于这是一个基于非对称力量的博弈,不符合美国经济利益的贸易伙伴的贸易行为必须调整或终止。战略威慑具有三个特点:一是威慑强度不断增强,但具有其最大值,即威慑点。一旦威慑强度达到威慑点,非约束性的行政保护主义就宣告穷尽。第二,威慑意味着不战而胜。如果不对保护主义采取行动,贸易伙伴们就会感到,华盛顿方面即将采取单边贸易措施,不得不自己做出让步。最后。威胁的报复性言论不会转化为实际的贸易行动,但它必须让游戏的另一方相信,如果他们不改变现有的贸易做法,就会发生这种情况。简而言之,行政部门的非约束性保护主义旨在以最小的国内代价阻止不符合美国利益的对外贸易行为。非约束性行政保护主义主要针对公众、国会和行政部门本身。American foreign policy is determined by the American public and congress. The same is true of non-binding administrative protectionism, where the public and congress are the executive branchs preferred tools for achieving its objectives. It is for this reason that when foreign governments Sue us trade laws for violating WTO


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