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    • 1、essay写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心英国essay写作-英国高校的学生工作队伍Student work force student work and team building are the main idiomatic expressions in Chinese colleges and universities, while the similar concepts in Britain are student affairs management and organizational structure. Due to the differences in social system and cultural tradition, there are also differences in educational concepts and related institutions in the field of colleges and universities.“学生工作”和“团队建设”是中国高校的主要习惯用语,而英国的类似概念是“学生事务管理”和“组织结构”。由于

      2、社会制度和文化传统的差异,高校领域的教育理念和相关制度也存在差异。Generally speaking, the student work in colleges and universities in China mainly includes two aspects: one is the ideological and political education of students, and the other is the daily management of students. The British student affairs management focuses on the daily management of students. The term organization is rooted in the concept in the field of management in our country, as for the specific condition of relative to the UK, we are here to perform wo

      3、rk for student affairs management mode type, the standard and the related policies and regulations of selecting and appointing personnel composition, synthesis, with these specific indicators to reflect required including the connotation of the term organization.一般来说,我国高校学生工作主要包括两个方面:一是对学生进行思想政治教育,二是对学生进行日常管理。英国的学生事务管理注重学生的日常管理。术语“组织”植根于概念领域的管理在我国,至于具体的条件相对于英国,我们是来执行工作对于学生事务管理模式类型,选择的标准和相关的政策法规和任命人员组成、合成,这些具体指标来反映需要包括“组织”一词的内涵。The learning contract is a common teaching method in the ability educ

      4、ation of British universities. At many schools and departments at wolff ampton, students take a learning contract module, such as in the humanities and social sciences and computer science departments, where they can choose a subject and conduct their own needs analysis, program design, organization, and project evaluation under the guidance of faculty. Students work in groups of 4 to 5 to develop a research plan based on the characteristics of the selected topic, which is called learning contra

      5、ct. After the draft is put forward, the student research group reports to a review committee composed of instructors, students and employer representatives, and requests the committee to review the plan, also known as contract negotiation. After deliberation and modification, the adopted plan is fixed in the form of learning contract, and the research group organizes and implements it according to the contract provisions.“学习契约”是英国大学“能力教育”中常用的一种教学方法。在沃尔夫安普敦的许多学校和院系,学生参加“学习合同”模块,如人文社会科学和计算机科学系,在那里

      6、他们可以选择一个主题,并在教师的指导下进行自己的需求分析、程序设计、组织和项目评估。学生以4 - 5人为一组,根据所选课题的特点,制定研究计划,称为“学习契约”。草案提出后,学生研究小组向由教师、学生和雇主代表组成的审查委员会报告,并请该委员会审查该计划,也称为“合同谈判”。经商议修改后,以“学习合同”的形式确定所采用的方案,课题组根据合同规定组织实施。Decentralization means that the whole university is a virtual entity, which only has symbolic significance to the outside world, but what really plays a role is the colleges below the university, which are the entity of the university. This type of management is quite common in traditional universities in Britain, and th

      7、e famous Oxford University and Cambridge university are typical representatives of this type. For example, the university of Oxford has 38 colleges, each of which is equivalent to a small-scale university system. The college is responsible for the daily management, tutoring, accommodation, welfare, enrollment and employment of students, and many colleges even have the same departments.分权是指整个大学是一个虚拟的实体,它对外界只有象征意义,但真正起作用的是大学下面的学院,它们是大学的实体。这种管理模式在英国的传统大学中非常普遍,著名的牛津大学和剑桥大学就是这种管理模式的典型代表。例如,牛津大学有38个学院

      8、,每个学院相当于一个小规模的大学系统。学院负责学生的日常管理、辅导、住宿、福利、招生和就业,许多学院甚至有相同的院系。Centralization means that the whole university is an entity, implementing a unified and centralized management from top to bottom. Each college and department belongs to the whole university, and all its affairs are coordinated and arranged by the whole university. Such types of management are common in Britains new universities. For example, the university of reading, where we are studying, is a centralized management university. This k

      9、ind of management mode is similar to the current management mode of colleges and universities in China. Therefore, the research on the organization and construction of student work force will mainly focus on universities with such management mode.Learning guidance is mainly aimed at the following types of students: one is the writing difficulty, which is mainly reflected in the students inability to write in a planned way, lack of analytical thinking ability, and the phenomenon of writing barriers. Writing disorder refers to the students while doing a good schedule, according to the effective writing method to prepare, but at the time of writing will still cant remember what to write, cant find the past accumulated information and language of the mind, like a stuck, grammar mistakes, lack of basic knowledge in writing papers and articles, etc. The other category is students who cant take notes and read, who


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