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    • 1、essay写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心英国essay写作-英国的私立教育Early years or pre-school in England is for children between the ages of 0 and 5. All children aged three to four in England now get 570 hours of free pre-school a year. Some 2-year-olds from low-income families or with special educational needs also receive some free early education.在英国,早教是为0到5岁的儿童准备的。现在英国所有3 - 4岁的儿童每年有570个小时的免费学前教育。一些来自低收入家庭或有特殊教育需要的2岁儿童也可以接受一些免费的早期教育。There are various kinds of early education institutions in the UK, including chlidminder

      2、s, domestic premises providers, non-domestic premises providers, early education institutions maintained by local governments, Independent schools with nursery provision.英国有各种各样的早教机构,包括托儿所,家庭用房供应商,非家庭用房供应商,由地方政府管理的早教机构,提供托儿所的独立学校。In the five categories of early education providers or institutions, except the early education institutions funded by local governments, all other institutions or individual services need to be purchased by parents, but the state will provide subsidies according to the

      3、 number of children.在五类早教提供者或机构中,除地方政府出资的早教机构外,其他所有机构或个人服务均需由家长购买,但国家将根据儿童人数提供补贴。In 2013, there were 55,900 child-care workers registered with the state supervision office, 17,900 full-time small-group early education institutions, 7,100 part-time early education institutions and only 450 full-time childrens centers. The number of after-school nursing institutions reached 13,400, 12,800 before classes, and 7,200 during holidays. School-based early education institutions include 400 pre-schools,

      4、7,600 primary schools with all dependent pre-schools and pre-schools, and 8,800 primary schools with all pre-schools but no pre-schools.2013年,国家监察办公室登记在册的保育员5.59万人,全日制小班早教机构1.79万家,非全日制早教机构7100家,全日制儿童中心仅450家。校外护理机构13400所,课前12800所,节假日7200所。以学校为基础的早教机构包括400所学前教育机构、7600所附属学前教育机构和学前教育机构的小学、8800所只设有学前教育机构而没有学前教育机构的小学。In the UK, the basic education stage is dominated by public schools, with private primary and secondary schools accounting for a small proportion. However, it has a long history and has f

      5、ormed a group of private education institutions with good educational tradition and large scale, such as Eton College and Harrow Schoo. These are considered the worlds top private schools.在英国,基础教育阶段以公立学校为主,私立中小学所占比例较小。但历史悠久,形成了伊顿公学、哈罗公学等一批教育传统好、规模大的私立教育机构。这些学校被认为是世界上最好的私立学校。According to the department for education, as of October 21, 2014, there were 2,377 private primary and secondary schools in England, accounting for about 10% of the total number of 24,354 schools in England. In addition, abo

      6、ut 60 new private schools are opened in England each year. As of January 2014, there were about 574,800 private primary and secondary students in England, accounting for about 7% of Englands 8.3 million primary and secondary students. There are a few private schools in Scotland and even fewer in Northern Ireland.据英国教育部统计,截至2014年10月21日,英国共有2377所私立中小学,约占英国24354所私立中小学总数的10%。此外,英国每年大约新开60所私立学校。截至2014年1月,英国约有57.48万名私立中小学生,占英国830万中小学生的7%左右。苏格兰有几所私立学校,北爱尔兰的私立学校就更少了。In England and wales, private schools

      7、 are called independent schools. British private schools are typical of the characteristics of privilege and elite education. The public school, the symbol of British private schools, is an obvious example. Strict selection and examination of new students, academic courses, high-level teachers and teaching are the premise and guarantee of its elite education function. But British private schools, with their high fees, are seen as posh schools, or stepping stones into them. According to the Briti

      8、sh broadcasting corporation reported in August 2014, the proportion of primary and middle school students attend private school in England, though only 7%, but 50% of the British parliaments upper house members, 36% of the cabinet, parliament members of the house of Commons, 33% and 71% of senior judges, 62% of senior officers, 55% of senior civil servants, 53% of senior diplomats, 45% of public institutions, chairman of the 44% of the Sunday times rich list is a list of private school was born.

      9、在英格兰和威尔士,私立学校被称为“私立学校”。英国私立学校具有特权和精英教育的典型特征。公立学校,英国私立学校的象征,就是一个明显的例子。严格的新生选拔和考核、学术课程、高层次教师和教学是其精英教育功能的前提和保障。但是英国私立学校,由于其高昂的学费,被视为“豪华”学校,或者说是进入这些学校的垫脚石。据英国广播公司报道,2014年8月,中小学生的比例上私立学校在英格兰,虽然只有7%,但50%的英国国会上议院成员,36%的内阁,议会下议院成员,高级法官的33%和71%,62%的高级军官,高级公务员的55%,高级外交官的53%,45%的公共机构,星期日泰晤士报富豪榜44%的主席是一所私立学校的创始人。After the war, private primary and secondary schools with the nature of church, such as Catholic schools and Anglican schools, were incorporated into the public education system and became Voluntary Aid school or Assisted school. The schools are still owned by the church and run by a semi-independent body, but are so tightly controlled by the government that they are no longer strictly private.In the 1980s, in order to change the uneven development and declining quality of British public schools, the conservative government under thatcher carried out a series of reforms to improve education standards and introduced


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