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    • 1、essay写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心艺术类essay写作-美国学校的音乐教育In the early 1990s, the United States promulgated the target year 2000: American education act, which for the first time listed art, including music, as the core subject of American basic education, aiming to make American education world-class. In order to reflect the above requirements, in 1994, under the guidance of the national committee for arts education standards, the national federation of arts education associations compiled the national standar

      2、d for arts education, from which we can see the change of music education thought in American schools.20世纪90年代初,美国颁布了目标为2000年的美国教育法案,首次将包括音乐在内的艺术列为美国基础教育的核心学科,旨在使美国教育“世界级”。为了体现上述要求,1994年,在全国艺术教育标准委员会的指导下,全国艺术教育协会联合会制定了全国艺术教育标准,从中可以看出美国学校音乐教育思想的变化。American music educational circles always attach importance to the formulation and expression of music basic educational thoughts. In 1957, the 50th anniversary of the music educators national conference was held. One of the important contents is to for

      3、mulate the basic idea of music education in American schools, which emphasizes the universality of music education objects and the role of music in inspiring human spirit and purifying human ecological environment. In the revised music program for schools: description and standards in 1986, the music educators national conference summarized the basic idea of music education again, reflecting the new understanding of music education in the American music education circle.美国音乐教育界历来重视音乐基本教育思想的形成和表达

      4、。1957年,召开了全国音乐教育家大会50周年。制定美国学校音乐教育的基本理念是重要内容之一,强调音乐教育对象的普遍性,强调音乐对人类精神的启迪和对人类生态环境的净化。1986年,全国音乐教育工作者大会在修订后的学校音乐计划:描述与标准中,重新总结了音乐教育的基本理念,反映了美国音乐教育界对音乐教育的新认识。As the new century American music education reform, the music education on behalf of the organization, the music educators national conference in September 1993 issue of the journal of music educators, in first place in the university of Iowa Kenneth phillips, an article, entitled for music education to establish the basic idea of the more pow

      5、erful, we can see the American music education reform of middle school music education ideas to generalize. The content of this basic idea includes 6 respects.新世纪美国音乐教育改革,代表组织的音乐教育,音乐教育工作者全国性会议1993年9月出版的音乐教育工作者,首先在爱荷华大学的肯尼斯菲利普斯,一篇文章,题为“音乐教育建立的基本思想“越强大,我们可以看到美国音乐教育改革中学音乐教育思想的概括。这一基本思想的内容包括六个方面。Music may not be a universal language, but like reading, writing and language, it conveys ideas and emotions.“音乐可能不是一种通用的语言,但就像阅读、写作和语言一样,它传达思想和情感。”Music and other arts contain the commonality and individua

      6、lity of human culture. Music helps us understand ourselves, our traditions and the way we think and behave. At the same time, music helps us to understand other peoples and their traditions and behaviors.“音乐和其他艺术包含了人类文化的共性和个性。音乐帮助我们了解自己,了解我们的传统,了解我们的思维方式和行为方式。同时,音乐帮助我们了解其他人和他们的传统和行为。The traditional music learning domain consists of three: cognitive domain, emotional domain and psychology-sports domain. In addition, music learning also includes an important field, that is, the field of aesthetics

      7、. Through music, one can fully engage in the entire learning process, develop the sharpest understanding and perception, and understand how knowledge, skills, emotions and organs are intertwined.Music provides a means to develop self-expression and creativity, and its learning process includes movements from convergent thinking to divergent thinking, while creative activities help develop the ability to solve problems through endless avenues of exploration.Music is a comprehensive art. In the mu

      8、sic learning process, students are also exposed to other basic areas of the curriculum: mathematics, science, sociology, language and physical education. Although music has its own knowledge system and learning value, its comprehensiveness can still be regarded as the basis of learning in a complete and comprehensive educational context.Music gives us a way to develop beauty. Music learning teaches people to appreciate the creative products of human beings that represent the highest levels of th

      9、ought, emotion and technological achievement. When one can understand and experience great works of art, he can experience the connotation and beauty of life at a deeper level and in a higher form.The above six music educational thoughts reflect the new concept of music education and contain the new trend of music education reform in contemporary American schools, which can be summarized in two aspects:American culture is a rich fusion of peoples and ideas from many cultures, traditions, and backgrounds. This diversity provides a unique learning advantage for American students, which reflects that the United States takes understanding the worlds diverse cultures and enhancing the understanding among the worlds ethnic groups as the basic national policy of music education.Music is a combination of many cultures, and its comprehensiveness can be regarded as the basis of learnin


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