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    • 1、essay写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心美国essay写作-美国的职业技术教育体系After entering the new century, the terminology of Vocational and Technical Education in the United States has changed from Vocational and Technical Education in the past to Career and Technical Education, which has been confirmed and recognized by the 2005 amendment of Carl perkins Vocational and Technical Education passed by the senate in March this year.进入新世纪后,术语的职业技术教育在美国已经从职业技术教育在过去的职业和技术教育,这已被证实和认可的2005年修正案卡尔珀金斯职业技术教育通过参议院今年3月。Currently, tens of t

      2、housands of comprehensive high schools, secondary and post-secondary vocational and technical education institutions, career colleges and community colleges in the United States are providing vocational and technical education programs and courses in various career fields to prepare young people and adults of all ages for higher education and lifelong learning. At present, vocational and technical education covers professional fields such as agriculture, commerce, housekeeping, health care, sale

      3、s, technology, handicraft and industry.目前,成千上万的综合高中、中等和高等职业技术教育机构,职业学院和社区学院在美国提供职业技术教育项目和各种职业领域的课程准备所有年龄段的年轻人和成人高等教育和终身学习。目前,职业技术教育涵盖了农业、商业、家政、卫生保健、销售、技术、手工业、工业等专业领域。Since the United States is a federal country, the administration of vocational and technical education is dominated by local governments. The governing body of vocational education in the United States is the vocational and technical education committee or similar institution established at the state level, which plans, coordinates

      4、and plans the prefectural vocational and technical education. To administer the allocation of federal and state funds for vocational and technical education; Reviewing and evaluating curriculum and training programs; To issue teacher certificates; Determine student fees and audit school district financial performance. School district education committees in each state are responsible for discussing and developing school district financial budgets, determining and adjusting professional Settings

      5、and training programs, providing financial aid and career guidance to students, and hiring principals and teachers.由于美国是一个联邦制国家,职业技术教育的管理由地方政府主导。美国职业教育的管理机构是在州一级设立的职业技术教育委员会或类似机构,负责计划、协调和计划全州的职业技术教育。管理联邦和州职业技术教育经费的分配;审查和评估课程和培训计划;颁发教师资格证书;确定学生费用和审计校区财务业绩。每个州的学区教育委员会负责讨论和制定学区的财政预算,决定和调整专业设置和培训计划,为学生提供财政援助和职业指导,以及聘用校长和教师。American vocational and technical education mainly relies on local property taxes, state grants, federal grants and tuition fees. State grants, accounting for 18 to 20 percent of

      6、school income; Federal funding, about 10 percent; Student fees, ranging from 8 percent to 10 percent, are used mainly to provide new much-needed professional courses and training programs, as well as to provide financial assistance to students with disabilities, ethnic minorities and students from low-income families.美国的职业技术教育主要依靠地方财产税、州助学金、联邦助学金和学费。国家补助,占学校收入的18%到20%;联邦资金,大约10%;学费从8%到10%不等,主要用于提供急需的专业课程和培训项目,以及为残疾学生、少数民族和低收入家庭的学生提供经济援助。The technical readiness programme, which began in the early

      7、 1980s, has led to the reform of vocational education through collaboration between secondary and post-secondary institutions, and the reforms have been implemented through an agreement process. The program works through secondary and post-secondary education to create a seamless transition system that avoids duplication in the curriculum. So far, 47% of public high schools offer one or more technical preparation programs. Nearly every community and technical college participates in a technology

      8、 readiness program, including many four-year colleges and universities, as well as private businesses, employers, and associations.1980年代初开始的技术准备方案通过中等和高等教育机构之间的合作导致了职业教育的改革,这些改革是通过一个协议进程来执行的。该项目通过中等和高等教育来创建一个无缝过渡系统,避免课程重复。到目前为止,47%的公立高中提供一项或多项技术准备课程。几乎每个社区和技术学院都参加技术预备项目,包括许多四年制学院和大学,以及私营企业、雇主和协会。Career college is a school within a school type, usually located in high schools. The career college program embodies a number of innovative ideas, including the construction of small classes, the integ

      9、ration of academic and career-related courses, and the involvement of employers in school education in multiple roles. Career colleges are generally offered in grades 10 through 12. Some colleges are open to students in grades 9 through 12 or 11 through 12. After careful evaluation, career colleges have been proven to have a positive impact on students and schools, including student attendance, credit attainment, grade levels and graduation rates. There are currently about 2,500 high schools in the United States with career colleges.Work - based learning embodies the idea of integrating work experience with vocational education curriculum. By involving students in the construction of knowledge and encouraging them to participate in real work tasks, it helps students personality development and professional growth. Work-based Learning includes a variety of Apprenticeship programmes such as j.shadowing, Service Learning, Internship,


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