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    • 1、HotEssay论文网()-专业paper写作,report写作辅导中心留学paper写作-青少年的高危行为1. Introduction1. 介绍The movie, “Havoc”, tells the story of one young girl who born in a rich family lives a decadent life. Looking for excitement everywhere, the main character, Alison, entered a motley gang in Los Angeles World and caused her good friend, Emily, to be raped. She then realized that even pure behavior will be perverse, and must pay the price.电影大浩劫讲述了一个出生在富裕家庭的小女孩过着堕落的生活的故事。为了寻找刺激,主角艾莉森加入了洛杉矶世界的一个杂色团伙,并导致她的好朋友艾米丽被强奸。然后她意识到,即使是单

      2、纯的行为也会是反常的,必须付出代价。The two main characters, Alison and Emily, have their own character traits. Alison grew up lacking of parental care. Because of her parents emotional disharmony and busy work, Alison received little care and love from her parents, which makes her lonely all her childhood and unbelieve in marriage. Alison wantd to get happiness and companionship by tangling with school punks. As to Emily, she is always a good girl and listens to her parents. Because her parents have been protect

      3、ing her, she has a strong curiosity about the outside world.两个主要角色,艾莉森和艾米丽,都有自己的性格特点。艾莉森成长过程中缺乏父母的关爱。由于父母感情不和,工作繁忙,艾莉森很少得到父母的关心和爱,这让她整个童年都很孤独,不相信婚姻。艾利森想通过和学校里的混混混在一起来获得快乐和友谊。至于艾米丽,她总是一个好女孩,听父母的话。因为她的父母一直在保护她,所以她对外面的世界有很强的好奇心。2. Discussions2. 讨论The high-risk behaviors of adolescents have been extensively researched. There are different theories about each category, such as sexual activity, smoking and drug use, under high risk behaviors. For example, in sexual behavior, Diclemente (1991) introduc

      4、ed that communication skill training and peer normative behavior perception modification can increase the condom use. In other hand, many study how to predict the high-risk behavior. Seidman (1994) pointed out that early environment and race influence have significant effects on adolescent risk behaviors.青少年的高危行为已被广泛研究。对于每一类高危行为,如性行为、吸烟和吸毒,都有不同的理论。例如,在性行为方面,Diclemente(1991)介绍了沟通技巧训练和同伴规范行为知觉修正可以增加安全套的使用。另一方面,许多人研究如何预测高危行为。Seidman(1994)指出早期环境和种族的影响对青少年的风险行为有显著的影响。The lecture explains high-risk be

      5、haviors by introducing the reasons and elaborating on sexual behaviors and juvenile delinquency. First, the lecture listed the reasons gathered from several theories such as Arnett and Balle-Hjensen (1993) before introducing CDC youth risk behavior surveillance report (1999). It analyzes the phenomena of smoking, drug use and sexual intercourse. It finds that sexually active adolescents are usually from an incomplete or big family and have poor school performance. Among all the ethnic, African A

      6、merican students have highest percentage of sexual intercourse. In addition, the lecture introduced adolescent delinquency by explaining gangs and kids on the fringe. The loneliness and depression can lead kids to enter gangs and conduct delinquency.讲座通过介绍高危行为的原因,并详细阐述性行为与青少年犯罪的关系。首先,在介绍CDC青少年风险行为监测报告(1999)之前,讲座列举了从Arnett和Balle-Hjensen(1993)等几个理论中收集的原因。它分析了吸烟、吸毒和性交的现象。研究发现,性活跃的青少年通常来自不完整或大家庭,在学校的表现也很差。在所有种族中,非裔美国学生的性交比例最高。此外,讲座还介绍了青少年犯罪,解释了犯罪团伙和边缘儿童。孤独和抑郁会导致孩子们加入帮派并产生不良行为。3. Analysis and integra

      7、tionThe high-risk behaviors of the main characters, Alison and Emily, in the “Havoc” can be explained by the theories introduced in the lecture. The broken family had a negative effect on Alison and she did not want to be constrained by her parents. As a result, she participated in a gang to looking for excitement everywhere. Her life with this gang was full of pornography, drugs and fighting. This explains what the gang is and exhibits the effects of the gang on adolescent high-risk behaviors i

      8、n the lecture. A to the research and theory about the gang, one main conclusion is that gangs have higher probability to commit the crimes, as stated in lectures. Alison is a girl on the fringe. She is distance from her parents care and love and feel depressed about her parents marriage and relationship. The quantity time alone at her childhood makes her to enter the gang in order to get accompany. These factors bring about adolescent delinquency, which in accordance with the theory in lecture.W

      9、ith the respect to sexual intercourse, Alison is sexually active, the same characteristic of the peers in the gang, and this influences Emily. The main reason for Alison and Emily, together with other members in the gang, to conduct high-risk behavior is the underestimation of the potential dangers, which is in line with the theory in lecture.4. Learning Experience ITo begin with, the learning experience of viewing this movie is that the marriage and relationship between parents have direct effects on the emotion development of the children during the childhood. Parents are the first teacher of children and the home is the most important school for children to learn. In the movie, Alisons parents showed an unhappy and broken marriage, for a long time leading to Alisons unserious attitude towards relationship and sexuality . Alison became sexually active and later and caused Emily to be raped.Secondly, th


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