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4The Man in the Water新版现代大学英语个性化完整教案.doc

  • 卖家[上传人]:飞****9
  • 文档编号:132586577
  • 上传时间:2020-05-17
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:117KB
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    • 1、二、主要内容:第 教学周/第 节(第 次课) 第 页教学目的Teaching Objectives:To acquire the key words, important and difficult sentences and language points教学重点和难点Teaching FocusPossible Difficulties教学方法和手段Teaching techniquesTo integrate several different teaching methods and techniques: elicitation; explanation; illustration and discussion.教 学 基 本 内 容备 注 Unit 4 The Man in the Water1. Warming-up Questions1) Question: Who are the heroes in the story?Two police rescuers and, a young passerby and the man in the water.2) Quest

      2、ion: Who is the greatest hero? Why?The man in the water.Ordinary as he was, he could rise to challenge when the test came. He displayed courage and noble character in human nature at its best. 3) Question: In the authors view, do people feel proud or sad about the disaster? Why?They feel proud because man defeated the indifferent natural forces.4) Question: What is referred to as one of mans natural powers according to the passage?Sacrificing his life for the life of others.5) Question: The figh

      3、t between the man in the water and the natural forces ended up with the death of the man. Why does the author say he is not a loser?He was the best we can do to fight against the indifferent natural forces. Whats more, he never dies in peoples heart. What was unusual about the air crash? Why does the author refer to the aesthetic aspect of the clash? What are the things the author mentions to be worth noticing? What does the author mean when he says the human nature was groping and struggling? W

      4、hy does the author say that the man went unidentified gave him a universal character? How could the man in the water give a lifeline to those who watched him? What does the “lifeline” here symbolize? What does the greatness of the anonymous man actually lie in? What do you think are the strongest human powers endowed with by nature?2. Background Information I. The Air CrashOn Jan. 13, 1982 one of the worst snowstorms in the history of Washington, D.C. hit the city. Just about everything closed d

      5、ownthe government, businesses, schools, the airports. By about noon, the skies cleared and Washingtons National Airport reopened for business. The crew of Air Florida Flight 90 began preparing for a nonstop trip to sunny Fort Lauderdale, Florida. At 3:59 p.m., the twin-engine Boeing 737 was cleared for takeoff and began rumbling down the runway on its final flight.Minutes later, the plane smashed into the 14th Street Bridge, only 1,200 yards from the Pentagon, destroying four automobiles and kil

      6、ling five people. The jet then fell into the ice-covered Potomac River, bringing all the passengers to their instant death except fivefour passengers and one flight attendantfrom the tail section, who found themselves gasping and struggling in the icy waters.These five people however survived and they were able to survive because of four heroes. The author wrote this essay in praise of these heroes, three of whom had risked their lives to rescue the survivors and were able to live to tell the st

      7、ory, but the man that really held the whole nations attention was the fourth one who had kept pushing his lifeline and flotation rings to others until he went under.II. Presidential Monument1) Washington MonumentIn recognition of his leadership in the cause of American independence, Washington earned the title “Father of His Country”. With this monument, the citizens of the United States show their enduring gratitude and respect for the first President of the United States. 2) Jefferson Memorial

      8、Thomas Jeffersonpolitical philosopher, architect, musician, book collector, scientist, horticulturist (园艺学家), diplomat, inventor, and third President of the United States, also author of the Declaration of American Independence, and Father of the University of Virginia. 3) Lincoln MemorialThe Lincoln Memorial is a tribute to President Abraham Lincoln and the nation he fought to preserve during the Civil War (1861-1865). The Lincoln Memorial was built to resemble a Greek temple. It has 36 Doric c

      9、olumns, one for each state at the time of Lincolns death. A sculpture by Daniel Chester French of a seated Lincoln is in the center of the memorial chamber.III. Potomac RiverThe Potomac River is often referred to as the “Nations River”, because it flows through the nations capital, where the magnificent monuments of the Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln memorials are reflected in its waters. It is one of the most beautiful and bountiful rivers on the East Coast and is known for its historic, scenic and recreational significance. It begins as a small spring at the Fairfax Stone in West Virginia, and winds its way through the mountains and valleys of Appalachia, past battlefields and old manufacturing towns. The river flows more than 380 miles and grows to more than 11 miles wide as it reaches the Chesapea

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