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    • 1、Unit 5 Loving familyiExplore 15-2 iExplore 1: ReadingViewing 1-21)children2)family3)come back4) one another5)talk about6) work it out7)faith8)loveViewing 1-3Reference:Yes. I always turn to my family, especially my parents. for help whenever I run into problems. I have known for a long time that can completely trust my parents and that every piece of advice comes from their unconditional love. Besides, they are much more learned and experienced thanNo. I dont often seek help from my family when I

      2、run into difficulties. My parents are far away from me, so try not to worry them if can solve problems with help from my friends and teachers. But if it is a serious problem, I will talk it over with my parents before making a decision.5-3 iExplore 1: Building your languageWords and expressions 1-1B A A B B AWords and expressions 1-21)on their mind2)takes3)off4)every bit as5) is grateful6)for7)is8)true of9)won10)over11)was bathed in12)look back onCollocations 1-11.Cared2.deliver3. switch4.treat5

      3、. remind6. protested7.take8.relievedCollocations 1-21. dim light2. skip school3. positive encouragement4. bright light5.gives pleasure/brings pleasure6. constant encouragementVocabulary learning strate 1-2B F D E C AVocabulary learning strate 1-31. window frames2.child seat3. dishwasher4. can opener5.birthday6.earthquakeLanguage focus 1-2Reference:1. Bending down in front of me, she gave me advice I carry with to this day: Be friends with everyone.2. Choking back my tears. I tell her, The doctor

      4、 said I couldnt have a baby, so your daddy and I decided to adopt a baby. That baby was you.3. They traveled around the country, living in Florida, Texas, and Boston.4. He seemed relaxed, talking to his guests and laughing often.5. My mother worked in a textile factory, weaving knitwear.Banked cloze1)remembers2)quit3)questione4)stimulating5)seed6)remind7)switch8)pleasure9)encouragement10)meaniExplore 25-4 iExplore:ReadingViewing 1-2ACEViewing 1-3Reference:My group members all choose different th

      5、ings for their childhood room. For A. a football fan since childhood,he would like to put posters of some super stars, like Lionel Messi and Ronaldo on the wall. For B, also my roommate, a music fan as a young boy, he prefers to put aset of hi-fi inthe room. For C, she liked dancing very much when she was young, so she wants to have a big mirror to help her practice dancing. For D, she dreamed of wearing a new dress every day when she was in her elementary school, so she would need a large wardr

      6、obe badly. Finally. for me, a boy crazy about racing cars, I would put my collection of racing car models in my childhood room.5-5 iExplore 2: Building your languageWords and expressions 1-11. skinny2.faint3. triggered4.emotional5.cherish6.innocentWords and expressions 1-21. one after another2. wear away3. made his way4. set aside5. were accompanied by6. in comparison toCollocations 1-1ABBAABCollocations 1-21. a stack of textbooks2. a clump of trees3. a bunch of flowers4. a sea of information5.a

      7、n album of stamps6.a mountain of debtsVocabulary learning strategies 1-2BAABBTranslation 1-2Reference:1.我在一个小镇长大,那里的小学距离我家步行需要十分钟,那时孩子们可以回家吃午饭。2.就在这所房子里,那个小男孩转眼就长大了。这些话都是他小时候的心声,而这个声音在过去的这些年里却越来越微弱。3.尽管五六岁的孩子能记得更多的事情,但他们对这些事情的叙述不太完整。年龄大一些的孩子记得的事情要少些,但他们能记得这些事情的更多细节。4.在发达国家,现在的人们并不比20世纪60年代的人们更幸福。在一些调查中,人们对自己幸福程度的等级作出评定,其结果证明了上述说法。Translationl-3Reference:1. The family is of crucial importance to Chinese people. As time goes on, Chinese peoples family attachment to the has been changing.2.In China

      8、, practicing filial piety toward parents and elders is not only a personal moral behavior. but also a commitment to society.3. Chinese people are relatively implicit in expressing their emotions, but this doesnt mean that we are not sincere or enthusiastic. The reunion dinner, important for bearing the emotions of Chinese people. draws them from all corners of the world to return home and celebrate the Spring Festival.iProduce5-6 Unit projectiAssess5-7 Unit testVocabulary and structureA C D C BV

      9、ocabulary and structure 21)stimulating2)looking back on3)take4)off5)unconscious6)cherish/cherishedBanked clozeCFH ABGEReading comprehensionD B D A CTranslation IReference:1.Despite the generation gap, parents and children can the bett understand each other better through efforts.2.The Master said, While your parents are alive, do not travel a long way from home unless To make children feel confident about success.3.American parents usually praise and encourage them tofulfill their dreams.Translation 2Reference:1.在我们国家,很多父母过于关注下一代的学习,以至于不让孩子做任何家务2.他在学校学习成绩好,这让他成了左邻右舍父母们的羡慕对象。


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