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    • 1、HotEssay论文网()-专业paper写作,report写作辅导中心美国paper写作-美国种族主义问题The controversy in the US in recent years, of some NFL players refusing to stand up in the court when the US National Anthem played, has raised attention both domestically and internationally. This behavior of the players was motivated by the protest against the emerging racism issues in the country in recent years. In response, some of the commentators on the Internet regard this action as a disrespect for the nation, condemning the players

      2、for not loving and respecting their country. multiple rounds of arguments have been passed, making this controversy one of the most heated social issues in the US. In fact, the controversy has reflected the increasingly polarized US society in recent years. People are being involved in political issues more than before, and forced to take side. The sports field is no exception (Campbell 26). In this essay, a brief history of the controversy will be introduced, followed by arguments from the two

      3、sides of the debate. Regarding the controversy, in the near future, I believe that the voices supporting the protesting players will be suppressed by the mainstream detestation.近年来,美国一些NFL球员在奏国歌时拒绝起立的争议引起了国内外的关注。这种行为的球员是由抗议种族主义问题在该国近年来出现的动机。作为回应,一些网络评论员认为这是对国家的不尊重,谴责球员不热爱和尊重他们的国家。经过多轮的争论,这一争议成为美国最激烈的社会问题之一。事实上,这一争议反映出近年来美国社会日益分化。人们比以前更多地卷入政治问题,并被迫站在一边。运动场上也不例外(坎贝尔26)。在这篇文章中,将简要介绍争论的历史,然后讨论双方的观点。关于这场争论,我相信在不久的将来,支持抗议球员的声音会被主流的憎恨所压制。The controversy started in August 2016, when NFL player Colin Kae

      4、pernick did not stand up for multiple times during the National Anthem (Powell). Kaepernick was also not raising his hand close to the chest, like the other players did. Instead, he sat on the bench in protest of the discrimination from the US society against Black Americans. Quoting from Kaepernick, “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color (Clayton and Pat).” Such an action quickly drew attention and opposition from the pu

      5、blic. Many people felt his way of protesting was an insult to the country and the people who died defending it. Some angry fans even burnt his uniform to demonstrate their rage (Powell). In response to the outrage, Kaepernick explained that his protesting meant no disrespect for the US soldiers, and he simply wanted to raise peoples attention to the social injustice that he experienced. Afterwards, Kaepernick changed from sitting to kneeling on one knee, to continue his protest. In September 201

      6、7, fans booed at him while he was kneeling, some arguing that he should be fired by the league for such disrespects. Kaepernicks socks with pigs wearing police caps on them raised further controversies (Szczepanik). NAPO demanded him to apologize for this insult, but Kaepernick said he was only targeting the policemen who used violence against the black people. Despite the oppositions, Kaepernick received equal amount of support from his teammates. Megan Rapinoe, a member from the national socce

      7、r team of the US, also kneeled during the National Anthem on the 4th, September 2017 to show her support (Payne). Following the demonstration, President Donald Trump expressed his negative opinion on the issue, both in a speech and through Twitter. This further expanded the scale of the controversy, bringing more football players, and even NBA player, into the protest.这场争议始于2016年8月,当时美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)球员科林卡佩尼克(Colin Kaepernick)在国歌响起时没有多次起立(鲍威尔)。卡佩尼克也没有像其他球员那样把手举得离胸口很近。相反,他坐在法官席上,抗议美国社会对美国黑人的歧视。引用Kae

      8、pernick的话,“我不会站起来为一个压迫黑人和有色人种(克莱顿和帕特)的国家的国旗感到骄傲。这样的行动很快引起了公众的注意和反对。许多人认为他的抗议方式是对国家和为保卫国家而牺牲的人们的侮辱。一些愤怒的球迷甚至烧了他的制服来表达他们的愤怒(鲍威尔)。在回应公众的愤怒时,Kaepernick解释说他的抗议并不是对美国士兵的不尊重,他只是想引起人们对他所经历的社会不公的关注。之后,凯帕尼克从坐着变成单膝跪地,继续他的抗议。在2017年9月,当他跪着的时候,球迷们对他发出嘘声,一些人认为他应该因为这种不尊重被联盟开除。Kaepernick的袜子上有戴警察帽的猪引起了进一步的争论(Szczepanik)。纳波要求他为这种侮辱道歉,但凯珀尼克说他只是针对那些对黑人使用暴力的警察。尽管有这些反对,Kaepernick还是从他的队友那里得到了同样多的支持。2017年9月4日,美国国家足球队队员梅根拉皮诺(Megan Rapinoe)在国歌响起时也跪了下来表示支持(佩恩)。游行之后,唐纳德特朗普总统在演讲和推特上表达了他对这个问题的负面看法。这进一步扩大了争议的范围,更多的足球运动员,甚至NBA球

      9、员加入了抗议。Among the two sides of the controversy, the protesting side is mainly composed of African American athletes. According to Kaepernick, the one who initiated the protest, his actions were merely in response to the increasing police violence that targeted the black race. In recent years, numerous incidences of police shootings have indeed created social disturbances in the US. The Black Lives Matter (BLM) campaign on social media platforms has become a central factor that drives the society into two directions of thinking (Thompson 459). While the black activists continue to expand their influence on social media, an emerging force appeared, that is mainly composed of Trump supporters. Under this social context, the motivation for Kaepernicks action seems to be clarified. It was further claimed by Kaepernick, that the social injustice was adequate justification for him not to stand up. He condemnws the police to have “murdered” innocent lives and


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