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整合集训(12)2024年高中英语高三每日精选精练40分钟 (解析卷)

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    • 1、整合集训(11)2024年高中英语高三每日精选精练40分钟新高考(全国通用)高频词30+阅读理解1+七选五1+完形填空1+语法填空+精选作文1英语(原卷版)高频词30学科网(北京)股份有限公司1.wealthy 富有的2.function 功能3.stressful 有压力的4.persistent 坚持不懈的5.reluctant 勉强的,不愿意的6.diligent 勤奋的7.confuse 使迷惑,使混淆8.trap 陷阱,困住9.secondary 次要的10.turn up 出现11.show off 炫耀12.impression 印象13.examination 考试,检查14.contribution 贡献15.certainty 肯定16.awful 糟糕的17.break in 闯进18.settle down 定居,安定下来19.relief 安慰,减轻20.justice 公正21.keep up with 跟上22.catch up with 追赶上e up with 想出24.put up with 忍受25.be equipped with 配备有.26.

      2、possession 财产27.precious 珍贵的28.appreciate 欣赏,感激29.admire 钦佩30.wander 闲逛学科网(北京)股份有限公司阅读理解1You may have noticed sudden, brief twitching (抽动) at some point while your dog was sleeping and wondered if they were dreaming or even expressing some type of discomfort.These involuntary movements only occur during dream states and usually dont last long. So is twitching just a normal part of dreaming, or are there times when you should worry?Dogs sleep an average of 1214 hours each day. While they sleep, a

      3、 dogs brain processes information and experiences from the day through dreams. Twitching is often related to active dream cycles in the brain.According to research by psychologist Stanley Coren, an averagesize dog will dream about every 20 minutes, and these dreams will last about a minute. Larger breeds have fewer dreams that last longerabout every 45 minutes for 4 minutes. The opposite is true for smaller breed dogs; they will dream about every 10 minutes for up to 30 seconds.Dogs experience t

      4、he same dream stages as humans, including nonrapid eye movement (NREM), shortwave sleep (SWS), and rapid eye movement (REM). During the REM state, a dogs eyes move around behind their closed eyelids, and the large body muscles are turned off so the dream is not physically acted out. The amount of twitching depends on how much these offswitches cramp muscle movement.If your dog sleeps next to you, they may unintentionally disturb your sleep with their sudden body movements. However, it is often a

      5、dvised not to awaken a dog that is twitching in their sleep unless they are clearly in distress.A bad dream or night terror could be the cause of these involuntary movements, and they may wake up frightened. Try to avoid touching them so they dont bite you as a result of being shocked and panicked. Instead, gently call your dogs name until they respond. Speak calmly and tell them that they are safe and secure after they wake up. While they appear to be pretty active in their sleep, dreaming dogs

      6、 may be slow to awaken.1Which of the following influences how often dogs dream?ATheir sleeping time.BTheir body size.CTheir daily experiences.DTheir health conditions2What does the underlined word “cramp” mean in Paragraph 4?AStimulate. BAnalyze.CRestrict. DMonitor.3Why is it advised not to wake up a dog twitching in sleep?ATo avoid being bitten by the dog.BTo ensure the dog adequate sleep.CTo prevent the dog getting shocked.DTo escape disturbance from the dog.4Which of the following is a suitab

      7、le title for the text?AHow does Dogs Brain Work?BWhy do Dogs Dream at Night?CWhy do Dogs Twitch in Their Sleep?DHow does Dogs Twitch Affect Their Sleep?BCAC【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要解释了为什么狗在睡觉时会抽搐的现象,以及如何处理这种情况避免被狗咬伤或惊吓到狗。1答案与解析:B细节理解题。根据第四段描写了中型犬,大型犬和小型犬做梦频率不同,可知狗的体型会影响狗的做梦频率。2答案与解析:C词句猜测题。根据画线词上文“During the REM state, a dogs eyes move around behind their closed eyelids, and the large body muscles are turned off so the dream is not physically acted out.”以及“The amount of twitching depends on how much t

      8、hese off switches”可知,抽搐的程度取决于这些开关对肌肉运动的限制程度。故画线词意思是“限制”。3答案与解析:A细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Try to avoid touching them so they dont bite you as a result of being shocked and panicked.”可知,建议不要吵醒睡梦中抽搐的狗是为了避免被狗咬伤。4答案与解析:C主旨大意题。根据第一段中“You may have noticed sudden ,brief twitching (抽动) at some point while your dog was sleeping and wondered if they were dreaming or even expressing some type of discomfort.”结合文章主要解释了为什么狗在睡觉时会抽搐的现象,以及如何处理这种情况避免被狗咬伤或惊吓到狗。可知,C选项“为什么狗在睡觉时会抽搐?”最符合文章标题。七选五1阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有

      9、两项为多余选项。How to Save Water During a Drought?The drought is happening because of climate change. California just had its driest year in a century. Gov. Gavin Newsom has declared a statewide drought emergency, asking all Californians to save water in every way possible. _1_, though you cant save California on your own.Small things can add up. Youve probably heard these tips before, but consider this a refresher course: Dont let the water running while you wash dishes in the sink or washing, brushing or shaving. _2_. Water outdoor plants in the morning or evening, so you dont lose as much water to evaporation in the midday sun.Replace old appliances. How old is your toilet? If its from before 1990, it could be using up to 6 gallons per flush. Newer toilets may use a

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