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高考英语读后续写:My birthday present

  • 卖家[上传人]:l****y
  • 文档编号:331343430
  • 上传时间:2022-08-22
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    • 1、读后续写读后续写 Introduction:书面表达面表达-读后后续写写 提供一篇350词以内的材料,要求考生依据材料内容、所给段落开头语及所标关键词续写一篇150词左右的短文。将其发展成一篇与给定材料有逻辑衔接、情节和结构完整的短文。续写部分为2段。原文给出10处左右的标有下划线的关键词语,所续写短文应使用5个以上。(满分25分)短文 内容和情节 词汇和语句 1.词数:3502.体裁:记叙文或夹叙夹议为主3.故事逻辑性强,有情节,有起伏Introduction:测试要求和特点1.有自由空间2.合乎情理和逻辑-有效续写1.至少使用5个以上的关键词2.每段段首句已给3.字数:15020 words半限定写作-“戴着镣铐跳舞”第五档(21-25分)(1)与所给短文融合度高,与所提供的段 落开头语衔接合理。(2)内容丰富,应用了5个以上短文中标 出的关键词语。(3)所使用语法结构和词汇丰富、准确。(4)有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,所 续写短文结构紧凑。Introduction:阅卷评分标准阅卷时考虑以下几个方面:(1)与所给短文及段落开头语的衔 接程度;(2)内容的丰富性和对所标出关键 词

      2、语的应用程度;(3)应用语法结构结构和词汇的丰 富性和准确性;(4)上下文的连贯。题型解读题型解读 读后续写既考查学生对所学语言知识的运用能力,又考查学生的发散思维能力和创造力。该题型要求考生首先要读懂已有信息,不仅能读懂字面含义,还要理清文章的脉络和关系。续写这篇短文时,考生需要明白故事的发展进程、前因后果、地理位置变化、人物特征和情感等。在此基础上,考生顺着文章的思路,根据线索,发挥想象,对其后的情节进行合理预测,并用英语表达出来。同时,在组织语言时,切记使用5个以上给出的提示词。读后续写表面看来难度不小,但在平时学习过程中,若能抓好词汇积累,注重词汇运用能力的培养,写出好的续写篇章是不成问题的。至于发散思维的培养,在高考备考阶段,如果能按话题进行词汇复习,将孤立的词汇通过话题联系起来,必然能起到事半功倍的效果。continuation writing-My birthday present第二节读后续写(满分25分)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。A few years ago,my mom went to the doctor to ask him

      3、about her neck,which had been a little bigger than usual.It turned out there was something wrong with her lymph glands(淋巴结),and soon they scheduled Mom to have a biopsy(组织切片检查)on the seventh of September.As soon as I found out,I was very angry,as September 7 is my birthday.They had promised to take me to see a spider-man movie and had a picnic in the yard.I shouted at her and everyone else,too.I even shouted at the dog.I started begging her to reschedule the biopsy.She gave me this look like she

      4、 was about to cry and said,Ive done everything Ican.Ive got a disease.Could you forgive me?Finally,I just shouted,I hate you!and ran into my room,crying.I sat on my bed thinking-Why do things always have to happen to me?Everyone gets diseases Why couldnt mum just go to hospital another day?For the next couple of weeks I remained silently angry.Deep down I knew I sbouldnt act that way,but I did anyway.Anyone could see how sad I was making my mom.I knew it wasnt her fault,but I had to have someone

      5、 to blame.Finally,my birthday came.My parents left early in the morning for the hospital,and I was sent to our neighbors house.No spider-man movie,no birthday present,and no picnic.Though I was taken good care of,I was not having a good time.This isnt fair,I thought.This was supposed to be my day.My parents came home late that night.Mom walked in with a bandage on ber neck She satdown and rested her head on my dads shoulder.It hurt so badly that it was diffcult for her to talk.注意:1,所续写短文的词数应为150

      6、左右;2,应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3、续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4,续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Laterthatnight,Momaskedmetogetintoherroomandshepulledoutabox_AweeklaterwhenMomgotthetextresult,shehuggedmetightlyandsaid,“ThankGod,itwasnotcancer!”_Whats the writing style of the passage?Narration(记叙文)Argument(议论文)Exposition(说明文)A narrative storyA narrative storyhas six elements.has six elements.what are they?what are they?Fast-readingBirthday presentwhoImotherfatherwhenwhenA few years agoFor the next couple of weeksSeptem

      7、ber 7Latethatnightwherewhereat homeat homewhatbirthdaypresentsee a moviehave a picnicwhyMy mother was illhowI was sent to our neighbours houseno spiderman movieno birthdaypresentno picnicSummarize the main content of the article according to the time cluesSummarize the main content of the article according to the time cluesMymother_andlearnedthatshehadalymphglandsand_tohaveabiopsyonSeptember7,whichhappenedtobemybirthday.A few years agowenttothedoctorbescheduledFor the next couple of weeksI remai

      8、ned silently_.angryFinally,my birthday cameMyparents_earlyinthemorningforthehospital,andI_ourneighborshouse.No_movie,nobirthdaypresent,andno_.left was sent tospider-manpicnicMomwalkedinwitha_onberneckShesatdownandrestedherheadonmydads_.Ithurtsobadlythatitwas_forhertotalk.My parents came home late that night.bandageshoulderdiffcult Para.1 IntroductionclimaxendingPara4Para4had no birthday presentsno spider-man movieno picnic in the yardPara.2-3 developmentpara.5happy?excited?shoutedatbegged ranint

      9、osatonthinkingMy mother was ill and be scheduled to have a biopsy on my birthday What is the little childs feeling?What is the little childs feeling?angryangry;sad;miserable;confusedI was sent to neighbours houseno any presentupset;disappointed;sense of lossLaterthatnight,Momaskedmetogetintoherroomandshepulledoutabox._she pulled out a box?itwasnotcancerpara.6shocked?guilty?happy?AweeklaterwhenMomgotthetestresult,shehuggedmetightlyandsaid,“ThankGod,itwasnotcancer(癌症)!”A:actions A:actions 动作的动作的丰富

      10、性丰富性F:feelings F:feelings 情感情感表达的多样性表达的多样性S:surroundings S:surroundings 恰当运用环境描写恰当运用环境描写WritingA:A:用动作的描写来表达人物的情感用动作的描写来表达人物的情感angry I shouted at her and everyone else,too.I even shouted at the dog.原文中的表达He stamped his foot in angerHis face was red with angerHe opened his eyes angrily,the veins in his forehead bulging with the roar of his breath.他怒睁着眼,额角的青筋随着呼呼的粗气一鼓一张。burst with angersurprisesurpriseHewassosurprisedthathestoodtherewithhismouthopen.ashamedashamedofwhathehaddone,hewasabouttoturnaw

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