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新人教版选择性必修4 Unit 5 Using language(1)

  • 卖家[上传人]:刚**
  • 文档编号:445266531
  • 上传时间:2024-04-09
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    • 1、学校教育教学学校教育教学通用模版通用模版PRESENTED BY OfficePLUS新人教版选择性必修四 Unit5Using language(1)Choose a university majorCONTENTSnLead-innListening practicenSpeaking project1Lead-inLook at the picture below.Discuss in pairs which univerity major each picture might show.Bio-medical engineering Cybersecurity Public health Computer game design Data science Robotics361254Video Time:The reason why you should choose civil engineering 2Listening practice1.Listen and tick the chart according to what is needed to get into a

      2、 good university in each country.RequirementChinaUKUSAGet a good gradePass the entrance examWrite an essay 2.Listen again,and take notes on what each student would like to study and why.StudentsChoosen majorReasonLiu MingSusanOliviaComputer game designInternational businessRoboticsto design fun games for children to learn withto find work overseas and see more of the worldinterested in futuristic things3.Listen again and answer the questions below.1.What did Liu Ming say about cybersecurity and

      3、data science?2.What did Susan say she was told?3.What did Olivia say they need to do to get into good universities?They are really fascinating subjects if youre good at computer programming.Theres no point in choosing a subject that you like but youre not very good at.They need to start studying even harder.Speaking project31.Work in groups.Discuss these questions.1.Do you agree with Olivias parents when they say that a persons career might depend on what university they get into?Why or why not?

      4、2.Do you agree that there is no point studying something that you like but you are not very good at?Give your reason.It depends upon the career.For a few highly specialized careers,getting into the right university is key.For many other careers,it does not matter which university you have been to or even really what you have studied at university.Yes,because it serves no purpose.I might like listening to the piano and dream of becoming a concert pianist,but if I lack the talent,what is the point

      5、?2.In pairs,tell each other about the major(s)you would like to choose.Use expressions below to help you.Id choose.because.I plan/hope/wish to.If possible,Id really like to.My goal/dream is to.Im not sure if that suits you,because.Ive always wanted to.I think that is really difficult becuase.Thats a good choice,but I think you should.Are you sure thats a good choice?Have you thouht about.?Im not sure what I want to study yet,but right now Im thinking about.because.Some majors you can choose from

      6、哲学 Philosophy经济学 Economics财政学 Public Finance金融学 Finance&Banking国际经济与贸易 International Economics&Trade法学 Law国际政治 International Politics社会学 Sociology艺术教育 Art Education体育教育 Physical Education汉语言 Chinese Language新闻学 Journalism天文学 Astronomy海洋科学 Marine Science生物科学 Biological Science心理学 Psychology机械工程 Mechanical Engineering工业设计 Industrial Design计算机科学与技术 Computer Science&Technology软件工程 Software Engineering土木工程 Civil EngineeringA:What major will you choose in university?B:Im not really sure yet.My goal is

      7、 to work at a large company,so I guess Business administration.A:Are you sure thats a good choice?Most of the people I know who are working at large companies majored in something else and a lot of companies want employees with different education backgrounds,as they have different skills and points of view.B:So,what would you suggest?A:Have you thought about history?You love that subject.Sample conversationB:Thats a good choice,but I still think I should study something more useful for my futur

      8、e career.What about you?What major will you choose?A:I plan to study nutrition and child health after I go to medical school.B:So you want to be a doctor?A:Yes,if possible,Id really like to become a pediatrician.B:WOW!I think that might be quite difficult for you.Your grades in science have been weak so far.A:That might be true,but it is my dream.Ill study harder when it comes to science from now on.B:What if it doesnt work out?A:Well,Ill just have to cross the bridge when I come to it.Homework:1.2.THANK YOU

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