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    • 1、Revision1.freeze2.blanket3.dozen4.abandon5.overestimate6.out of nowhere7.some 100 feet8.was/were doing sth e upon10.travel at 65 miles per hour11.pull the handle violently 12.walk sb to safety13.twist14.far from specific15.be applauded/acknowledged冰冻,僵住,惊呆,吓呆冰冻,僵住,惊呆,吓呆毛毯,毯子毛毯,毯子一打一打遗弃遗弃desert,放任,放任abandon oneself to doing,estimate估计估计underestimate低估低估不知从哪儿来;突然冒出来不知从哪儿来;突然冒出来大约大约100英尺英尺正在做某事这时候突然正在做某事这时候突然偶遇,遇到偶遇,遇到以每小时以每小时65英里的速度行进英里的速度行进猛烈地拉把手猛烈地拉把手陪伴、护送某人到安全的地方陪伴、护送某人到安全的地方扭曲,曲折扭曲,曲折一点也不明确、详细

      2、一点也不明确、详细被称赞被称赞/被认可被认可Revision16.参加活动17.被期待做某事18.签到报名参加19.告知某人某事20.一些相关的细节21.预定22.违反交通规则23.与.通信联系24.不能抵制做某事25.用不同的方法take part in/participate in an activitybe expected to do sthsign up for/register forinform sb of sthsome relevant detailsmake reservationsviolate the traffic rulescorrespond with/to,与,与.一致,与一致,与.相符合;相当于相符合;相当于cant resist doing resistance be resistant towith/through different methodsin different waysby different meansRevisionRevision26.So nervous was I that I couldnt resist tremblin

      3、g.27.I was so nervous that my mind went blank and I forgot my lines.28.I felt my stomach tightening,my hands sweating and my thoughts rushing about.29.There was nothing ambiguous that my performance turned out to be an absolute success.30.Out of expectation/Unexpectedly,the audience burst into a thunder of applause,which gave me great encouragement.高二英语读后续写-动词的精确使用5第一部分课题引入6Paragraph 1Dad opened the box and a sweet little dog appeared.At first,Poppy barked at him.Dad gently caressed the little d

      4、og and said,“Dont worry,you will get used to the new family.”Mom approached Poppy and said in a low voice,“Poppy,he is your new friend.Be happy.”Poppy became quiet as if he said yes.Dad said in a humorous tone,“You see,Poppy understands what we say!”2020年浙江高考英语试卷-读后续写7Paragraph 1Dad opened the box and a sweet little dog appeared.At first,Poppy barked at him.Dad gently caressed the little dog and said,“Dont worry,you will get used to the new family.”Mom approached Poppy and said in a low voice,“P

      5、oppy,he is your new friend.Be happy.”Poppy became quiet as if he said yes.Dad said in a humorous tone,“You see,Poppy understands what we say!”2020年浙江高考英语试卷-读后续写(第一段)8Paragraph 1Dad opened the box and a sweet little dog appeared.At first,Poppy barked at him.Dad gently caressed the little dog and said,“Dont worry,you will get used to the new family.”Mom approached Poppy and said in a low voice,“Poppy,he is your new friend.Be happy.”Poppy became quiet as if he said yes.Dad said in a humorous tone,“

      6、You see,Poppy understands what we say!”2020年浙江高考英语试卷-读后续写(第一段)Paragraph 1Dad opened the box and a sweet little dog appeared.At first,Poppy barked at him.Dad gently caressed the little dog,comforting“Dont worry,you will get used to the new family.”Mom approached Poppy and whispered,“Poppy,he is your new friend.Be happy.”Poppy became quiet as if he agreed.Dad joked,“You see,Poppy understands what we say!”Vivid&Accurate9 档档 次次 描描 述述 第五档第五档(21212525)与所给短文融洽度高,与所提供各段落开与所给短文融洽度高,与所提供各段落开 头语头语衔接合理。衔接合理

      7、。内容丰富,应用了内容丰富,应用了5 5个以上短文中标出的个以上短文中标出的 关键词语。关键词语。所使用语法结构和词汇丰富、准确,可能所使用语法结构和词汇丰富、准确,可能 有些许错误,但完全不会影响意义表达。有些许错误,但完全不会影响意义表达。有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使所续有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使所续 写短文结构紧凑。写短文结构紧凑。第二部分重点解析11say,tell,talk,inform,-121.add:-sth./that;-sth.to sth.2.disagree:-with sb./to a plan./on sth./to do 3.chat/quarrel/argue:-with sb.over mand/request/instruct/urge:-sb.to do sth.5.persuade/convince:-sb.to do sth/that 6.congratulate:-sb.on sth./sbs doing/sth.7.admit:-doing/sth.8.remind/warn:-sb.of sth./that9.blame:-st

      8、h on sb./-sb.for sth/sb.is to-10.apologize:-to sb.for sth./doing sth./that,13“Thank God,”Mary almost blurted out,“at least it wasnt me.”14screamwhisper howlgossipcriticizecomfortcommandapologizeblurt outmurmur1.to speak very quietly or in a low voice 2.to make a long,low sound3.to give a sudden sharp loud voice4.to say sth.without hesitation in a direct way5.to talk about others private lives 6.to give moral or emotional strength to sb.7.to make a soft,unobvious,continuous sound,often to oneself

      9、.8.to say sorry for doing sth.wrong 9.to blame that sb./sth.is responsible for sth.bad 10.to order sb.to do sth.151.He approached me and _ to my ear that he was a bit afraid.2.She _ herself with the thought that there was still a beam of hope.3.“Help!Help!”Seeing the blood,the girl _ out in terror.4.“Im so sorry Im late,”the aunt _to Franklin.5.People are _about the film stars sudden divorce.6.“Dont move!Hands up!”The police rushed in and _.7.The on-lookers_ the driver severely for his careless

      10、driving.8.The old lady lay on the floor _painfully.9.“A”he _,feeling very confident.10.The athlete _ before starting to run at the beginning line.whisperedcomfortedscreamedapologizedgossipingcommandedcriticizedhowlingblurted outmurmured161.他真诚地为他所做的事情道歉。2.突然,妈妈尖叫道:“我的钱包哪里去了?”3.老人躺在冰冷的地上,痛苦地呻吟着。4.“晚安”妈妈在Mike的耳边轻声说,轻轻地离开了房间。5.她扶起老人,耐心地安慰他。He apologized sincerely for what he had done.Suddenly,Mom screamed“Wheres my purse?”The old man lay on the cold ground,howling painfully.“Good night”Mum whispere


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