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中考英语总复习 第3篇 语法知识专题 第3节 代词课件 人教新目标版

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  • 常见问题
    • 1、第三篇 语法知识专题,第三节 代词,(一) 人称代词、物主代词、反身代词,1,物主代词用法口诀 物主代词分两种,形容词性名词性。 两种代词形不同,添个s形变名。 his,its不用变,my变mine要记清。,2,(二) 不定代词 1some,any 的用法 2.a few,few,a little,little的用法 (句中有only,just,still时要用a few/a little),3,3.each/either/both/all/neither/none,4,4.one.the other/one.another/some.the others/some.others,5,(三) 指示代词,疑问代词 (四) 疑问代词,6,(五) 代词考点 1第一、二、三人称主格作主语时排序 单数形式:二,三,一;复数形式:一,二,三 eg. You, he and I all like watching the World Cup. We, you and they all go to Brazil. 2other和else 的区别 else 常与疑问词,不定代词连用。what else/

      2、anything else/anyone else other后跟名词复数。other students/schools/rooms,7,3each和every的区别 each常和of连用。Each of us has many problems. every不和of连用,every后跟名词单数。Every student in our class likes PE. 4no one和none的区别 who提问的句子回答时常用no one来答。 Who can answer this question?No one. none 常和of连用。 None of us has gone abroad so far.,8,5too many,many后跟可数名词复数。too much,much后跟不可数名词。much too后跟形容词。 too many students too much water much too heavy 6表比较时用that指代前文出现的不可数名词,可数名词复数用those指代。 The weather in Beijing is much colder than

      3、 that in Zunyi in winter. 7one/it用法比较 one代替前文提到的同类事物 (非原物);it代替前文提到的同一事物 (原物)。 Tom has a pet cat.Its very cute.I want to have one like it,too.,9,8反意疑问句中everyone用they或he反问,everything用it来反问。 Everyone has a book,dont they/doesnt he? Everything is OK,isnt it? 9电话用语中this指“我”,that指“你”。 10重点反身代词固定搭配:teach oneselflearn.by oneself自学 enjoy oneselfhave a good time玩得高兴 help oneself to 随便吃、用 leave sb.by oneself把某人单独留下 come to oneself 苏醒 all by oneself 全靠某人自己 for oneself 亲自,10,考点一 人称代词 1. (2016中考改编)Tell Sally

      4、 to call_, please. ( ) Amy Bme Cmine 2(2016中考改编)Healthy food and exercise help_to study better. ( ) Aus Bwe Cour 3(2016中考改编)Who taught_English last year? Nobody.He taught himself. ( ) Ahim Bher Cyou 4(2016中考改编)How are your grandparents? Please say hello to_for me. ( ) Athey Bthem Cthemselves,B,A,A,B,11,考点二 物主代词 1(2016中考改编)The scarf is very nice.Is it_? Yes, but Ill give it to my friend Lucy as _birthday present. ( ) Ayou; her Byour; her Cyours; her 2(2016中考改编)Are these pens_? No, they are not mi

      5、ne. They belong to_.( ) Ayour; her Byours; her Cyou; hers 3(2016中考改编)Oh! I came in a hurry and forgot to bring food. It doesnt matter.You can have_.( ) Awe Bus Cours,C,B,C,12,4(2016中考改编)Its said that having long hair with students is not allowed to enter your school. Thats true. Its a new rule in_school. ( ) Amy Byour Cher 5(2016中考改编)This is_classroom, but where is ours? ( ) Athey Bthem Ctheir,A,C,13,考点三 反身代词 1(2016中考改编)I could take care of_when I was five. Really?I cant believe it.( ) Amyself B

      6、herself Chimself 2(2016中考改编)How did your brother learn to play the guitar? By_.( ) Amyself Byourself Chimself 3(2016中考改编)If our parents do everything for us children,we wont learn to depend on_.( ) Athem Bus Courselves,A,C,C,14,4(2016中考改编)Is this model plane yours,Susan? Yes,its mine.Its made by_.( ) Amyself Byourself Chimself 5(2016中考改编)His name is Thomas,but he usually calls_Tom.( ) Ahim Bhimself Cher,A,B,15,考点四 不定代词 1(2016中考改编)Could you come over to my house on Tuesday or Wednesday? Im afraid

      7、_day is possible.( ) Aeither Bboth Cneither 2(2016中考改编)I prefer reading to speaking in English learning. Oh,really!I think you should be good at_of them.( ) Aboth Bneither Csome 3(2016中考改编)Youre late again.Do you have anything to say for yourself? _except sorry.( ) ASomething BNothing CAnything,C,A,B,16,4(2016中考改编)_is waiting for you at the gate.He wants to say thanks to you.( ) AEverybody BNobody CSomebody 5(2016中考改编)New Zealand has two islands.One is North Island and_is South Island.( ) Aanoth

      8、er Bthe other Cother,C,B,17,考点五 指示代词、疑问代词 1(2016中考改编)_ is that woman over there? She is Dicks aunt.( ) AWhich BWhat CWho 2(2016中考改编)Do you know_this notebook belongs to? Let me see.Oh,its_ .( ) Awho does; mine Bwho; mine Cwhose; mine 3(2016中考改编)_ is her son? The boy on the left wearing black jeans.( ) AWho BWhat CWhich,C,B,C,18,4(2016中考改编)_ is your sister,Jim? Shes a journalist from CCTV.( ) AWhat BHow CWho 5(2016中考改编)Excuse me,_ is the way to the nearest supermarket? ( ) Awhere Bwhich Cwhy,A,B,19,C,either,B,us,A,Each,B,likes,B,his,A,nothing,20,

      《中考英语总复习 第3篇 语法知识专题 第3节 代词课件 人教新目标版》由会员简****9分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语总复习 第3篇 语法知识专题 第3节 代词课件 人教新目标版》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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