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    • 1、www.ocscf.org Essay代写范文-美国职业教育的趋势本篇essay代写- Trends in vocational education in the United States讨论了美国职业教育的趋势。相对于普通教育而言,职业教育是一种表现出明确职业定向性的终结性教育。判断职业教育发展水平高低的一个重要标准便是检视职业教育与经济生活是否保持了密切的联系以及这种联系的程度。对于职业教育系统内部而言,其主动朝向这种联系与适应的努力的基础工作便是对劳动力市场的需求做出准确的预测。美国职业教育人才培养模式的变革在这一方面做出了很多尝试与努力。The United States is a country that takes pragmatism as its founding spirit. When solving all social problems, it tends to use effective social resources in a certain historical period to solve the most urgent problems exis

      2、ting in the society. This historical and cultural tradition has a long historical roots, and the protestant ethic concept held by the earliest European puritans who immigrated to the American continent actually provides rich nutrients for the formation of this cultural tradition later. The harsh natural environment and harsh living conditions of the American continent provide the soil for the pragmatic American pragmatism. American pragmatism permeates all aspects of American social life, which

      3、is reflected in the close connection between American education, economic development and social life, forming a cooperative relationship of all glory, all loss. Naturally, the whole history of American education has become a continuous history of adding practical applied science to the traditional humanities, and American vocational education has stepped into the room and developed gradually in this process.American vocational education has a tradition of serving economic development and social

      4、 life. After the war, the United States government promulgated a series of education laws closely related to the development of vocational education, which are all the embodiment of this tradition in the new era. These include the national defense education law of 1958, the vocational education law of 1963 and the amendment to the vocational education law of 1968.Compared with general education, vocational education is a kind of terminative education that shows a clear occupational orientation.

      5、An important criterion for judging the level of vocational education development is to examine whether and to what extent vocational education and economic life have maintained close links. One way to judge this is to see how quickly workers adapt to new jobs, and to what extent and at what level. For the vocational education system, the basis of its active efforts towards such connection and adaptation is to make accurate prediction of labor market demand. The reform of American vocational educ

      6、ation personnel training mode makes an attempt and effort in this aspect.In view of the current impact on the development of vocational education in the United States a major problem lies in the wide spread and use of high, precision, advanced technology in the field of production, greatly improving the employment quality requirements of workers. The development of technology and the application and penetration of technology in production lead to the changes in the types of occupations and the s

      7、kills required for occupations. If the mode of vocational education personnel training fails to respond to the change of skill training cycle caused by technological progress or the response is not agile, fast and efficient enough, it will undoubtedly cause the estrangement between vocational education and economic life.Based on this requirement, American scholar Pattica Flynn conducted in-depth and comprehensive research on the impact of technological changes on careers and the possible respons

      8、e of educational institutions to these changes. Through a large number of analysis and research on the impact of technology, frayn finally divides the product life cycle into four stages: development stage: development stage; Maturity stage; A steady or declining stage. Due to different degrees of specialization and standardization of products and production processes at each stage, the impact on work skills and vocational and technical training methods also varies. Frayn concludes that when job

      9、 skills become more accessible, the more likely it is that vocational education will play a role in training. For example, in the stage of product development, relevant training activities are usually arranged in a specific factory, and on-site teaching is conducted by scientists or engineers who develop products. The further development of products and the improvement of standardization often lead to the reduction of the level of production skills, thus providing the possibility of large-scale vocational and technical training. Vocational schools and other vocational training institutions can exert great power in vocational training once the application of new technologies makes the operation of labor easier and the nature of work changes significantly. Therefore, the implementation of vocational education should be sensitive to the application of new technologies and pay close attention to the different stages of product production caused by high and new techn


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