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Assignment写作- Eastern Asia Tea Culture

  • 卖家[上传人]:me****n
  • 文档编号:89401643
  • 上传时间:2019-05-24
  • 文档格式:DOCX
  • 文档大小:24.96KB
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    • 1、WWW.12Y.ORG 留学生活网 专业留学生assignment写作机构Assignment写作- Eastern Asia Tea Culture下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Eastern Asia Tea Culture,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了东亚茶文化。最早发现茶的是亚洲人,在历史的发展过程中,他们逐渐创造了茶文化。中国有茶歌、茶舞、茶戏、茶画、茶文学等艺术形式。而在日本,茶道是指在接待和社交中举行的一种特殊的仪式。日本的饮茶方式不仅要求环境安静优雅,而且对煮茶、泡茶、品茶的程序也有严格的规定,他们把喝茶作为培养道德品质、提高文化意识和与他人交流的重要方式。在韩国,有一种传统的茶道形式,在韩国人中间流传了一千多年。通过仪式,韩国人倾向于自然和轻松地享受茶。然而,对于西方国家的人来说,很难理解茶在丰富精神生活中的作用,他们往往把东亚茶文化看作是一个神秘的问题。IntroductionIt was the Asian who firstly discovered tea, and they gradually created tea cultur

      2、e during the historical development. In China, there are song of tea, dance of tea, drama of tea, painting of tea, tea literature and other artistic forms. In Japan, the Way of Tea refers to a special ceremony in reception and social intercourse. Japanese Way of Tea not only requires quiet and elegant environment, but also has strict rules about the procedure of cooking tea, making tea and tasting tea. The Japanese treat Way of Tea as an important way to cultivate their moral character, improve

      3、cultural awareness and communicate with others. In South Korea, there is a traditional form of tea ceremony which has been kept among Korean people for more than one thousand years. Through the ceremony, the Korean people tend to achieve naturalness and ease of enjoying tea.However, for people in western countries, it is difficult to understand the function of tea in enriching the spiritual life, and they tend to consider Eastern Asia tea culture as mysterious issue. For example, in an article c

      4、alled “Western Tea Culture & Tea Hermits”, James (2017) points out that, many western tea drinkers are drinking alone. Though many of them may enjoy a cup of tea from time to time, but most of the time they tend to look past the true knowledge behind the cup of tea. In order to really get to know the eastern Asia tea culture, there are many questions that must be answered, such as: Why is the tea set designed this way? What concept did they follow when designing the tea house? The Eastern Asia t

      5、ea culture is known for their uniqueness, it is affected by many factors such as location and history. Generally, the paper seeks to reveal the concepts and philosophy behind the Eastern Asia tea culture. It firstly introduces how the western countries such as the U.S. consider the Eastern Asia tea culture, and presents Chinese tea sets in American museum. After that, it analyzes the major changes and development in the history of Eastern Asia tea culture, and gives specific examples of tea sets

      6、 and tea houses in order to demonstrate eastern philosophies and concepts. At the same time, it analyzes the artwork from different regions which reflect different tea cultures. Finally, it draws out some more general conclusions.Attitudes of Western Countries towards Eastern Asia Tea CultureIn Tea and Chinas Rise, Gary Sigley (2015) points out that, tea has played an important part in Chinese history and in Chinas relations with foreign cultures near and far, and it is necessary to demonstrate

      7、how tea reinforces a sense of unique Chinese identity and national character, as China has become the worlds largest economy and reshape the global order. Sigley (2015) argues that, the British people only aimed to create a standardize tea which common people are able to buy it and easy to buy it; however, Chinese people especially for the Chinese government seek to use tea to establish Chinese culture which could help bind the people and nation through the transition. In other words, tea cultur

      8、e is treated as an artefact of government which could be guided and developed and put to specific governmental and social uses (Sigley, 2015).In addition to journals, people could also find Chinese tea sets in American museums. I had been to Metropolitan Museum of Art once and found the Chinese tea sets as follow.For most American people, at least the ones I know, they cannot understand why Chinese people take great chains to design the shape and appearance of tea set. They even take coffee as e

      9、xample, and they think there are many differences between Chinese tea culture and American coffee culture. In this way, it is necessary to present the history of Eastern Asia tea culture and the tea culture behind the tea sets and tea houses.Historical Development of Eastern Tea CultureThere is no doubt that China is the original tea-growing area, and China is also the first country to grow, produce and drink tea (Wang, 2011). Based on the record in Holy Farmers Herbal Classic, China discovered and began to use tea almost 3000 years ago (Wang, 2011). Tang Dynasty was a vigorous period in the feudalistic society of China. During the time, China put an end to the situation of secession and balkanization, achieved national unity, and strengthened ties with mainland, which made it possible for frequent economic and cultural exchange between the south and north. The social condition laid foundation for the further popularization and developmen

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