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Essay写作-The American two-party system

  • 卖家[上传人]:me****n
  • 文档编号:89049165
  • 上传时间:2019-05-16
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    • 1、 浩天论文网 专业留学生Essay写作机构Essay写作-The American two-party system本篇essay代写- The American two-party system讨论了美国的两党制度。美国两党是为竞选而存在的党,实行总统制下两党制。不管怎样,两党都是以总统竞选论成败,为成功竞选而存在。美国两党制的另一个特点是党组织结构松散,没有严格的投票纪律。当两党竞选总统或者国会议席时,互相大肆攻击对方的政治主张,造成国民意识混乱,把投本党候选人票的选民视为本党成员,导致党性上的模糊性和无界限性。一旦遇到重大问题决策时,各议员主要从本选区利益出发,考虑本区利益实际,进行投票而不去考虑本身的党性派别。这导致了美国两党的结构松散,缺乏约束力和凝聚力。The two-party system occupies an important position in the American political system and is the main carrier of the American political operation. On the premise of

      2、 affirming the advantages of the two-party system in the United States.The United States has a unique political party system - the two-party system under the presidential system. The two parties represent the interests of different classes of capitalists and serve their respective bosses. Once conflicts of interests arise, they will take safeguarding their own interests as the principle, do whatever it takes to damage the rights and interests of the public, and fight for the life of each other,

      3、resulting in the government having to shut down and wait for employment. So what is a two-party system? What are its basic features? What are the characteristics of the American two-party system? What is its essence? What are the inherent defects?The so-called two-party system, generally speaking, refers to the political party system in bourgeois democratic countries, in which two equal and monopolistic political parties run for the presidency or the majority of parliamentary seats in order to r

      4、ealize the rotation of power. It has three basic characteristics: first, there are two major political parties that are evenly matched and have taken turns to dominate the national politics for a long time. Second, the two major parties are in opposition and competition. Third, both major political parties are elected on the basis of majority representation. Most of the current two-party states are former British colonies, such as the United States, Canada and New Zealand. The two-party system k

      5、eeps pace with The Times. After decades of development, two typical two-party systems, namely, the parliamentary cabinet system represented by the United Kingdom and the presidential system represented by the United States, have finally come into being.Economic base determines superstructure, therefore, the basic nature of capitalist private ownership of means of production determines the superstructure nature of political party system. Therefore, loyal representatives of capitalist interest gro

      6、ups, responsible to the bourgeoisie, and dictatorship over the masses is the essence of the American two-party system.The United States is the two parties for the election of the party, the implementation of the presidential system under the two-party system. The President is the head of state, head of government and commander in chief of the armed forces. The position was so powerful that it became the primary target of democratic and republican contests in the general election. The success of

      7、the election means that the party becomes the ruling party, enters the national power center and carries on the political rule, otherwise, it becomes the opposition party. However, under the separation of powers structure, the US President and congress are equal in law, so running for congressional seats is also an important goal for both parties. Presidential and congressional elections are held separately in the United States. The ruling party may not be the party with the majority of seats in

      8、 the congress, but it may be the minority party. However, this does not affect the ruling partys ruling status. At the same time, opposition parties can participate in the power distribution of the country by winning a majority of seats in the parliamentary elections. Either way, both parties operate on the basis of presidential election success or failure.Another characteristic of the two-party system in the United States is that the party structure is loose and there is no strict voting discip

      9、line. American political parties are different from British political parties in that they have no political leader or leader. In the federal system, congress and state legislatures, up to the basic level of parliament, have a hierarchical structure without any affiliation. The President is not the leader of his party and has no leadership over it. One party from top to bottom does not constitute a linear power system, which leads to the political order within the party and other consequences, but also affects the unity of the party. When the two parties run for the President or the congressional seat, they will attack each others political ideas, causing confusion of national consciousness and treating the voters who vote for the candidates of their own parties as members of their own parties, resulting in the ambiguity and borderlessness of party spirit. When making decisions on major issues, members of parliament mainly pro

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