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Assignment写作范文- Adventurous Eyewear

  • 卖家[上传人]:me****n
  • 文档编号:89401638
  • 上传时间:2019-05-24
  • 文档格式:DOCX
  • 文档大小:18.90KB
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    • 1、 专业留学生essay写作机构Assignment写作范文- Adventurous Eyewear下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Adventurous Eyewear,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了爱冒险的眼镜。爱冒险的眼镜作为一家为户外探险者提供定制处方眼镜的科技公司,依靠电子商务进行营销、运营和物流。电子商务平台上的多元化工具使他们在造福世界的同时实现长期盈利和可持续发展。1. Who Are We?Adventurous Eyewear wants to solve a problem. The going price for eyewear, sport-oriented eyewear in especial, is prohibitively high for the average sport-lover. Coupled that price tag with prescription lenses, the eyewear can leave ones wallet bare. The frames at LensCrafters and

      2、shades at Sunglasses Hut can set one back for $400-500. But industry insiders know that the high price does not necessarily reflect the cost but has a lot to do with monopoly (Swanson 2014). Worse still, they may not fit after a fortune has been spent on them. Ouch! Adventurous Eyewear wants to offer custom-made, high-performance, premium-quality sport eyewear at a price that not only enables but empowers people to enjoy their favorite activities in the great outdoors. Because we believe that ou

      3、tdoor sports such as ocean swimming and diving, cycling and mountaineering, snowboarding and skiing connect us to Mother Nature, keep us fit, and enrich our lives. We also believe that people with challenged vision have equal right to be active in the outdoors without having to pay ridiculously more. Having prescription lenses fitted into a pair of swimming goggles, a diving mask, or a pair of performance sunglasses is costly and time-consuming. But it shouldnt be. Adventurous eyewear wants to t

      4、ransform the experience of buying prescription sport eyewear into a fun and affordable adventure.On our team are eyewear material and design experts specialized in four outdoor groups water sport, mountain sport, snow sport, and outdoor lifestyle. We source premium materials and design our glasses and goggles in house so as to keep prices low and quality high. We engage with customers directly through E-commerce every step of the way in order to keep the shopping experience easy and painless.In

      5、stead of setting up brick-and-mortar stores, we operate on our E-commerce website. Customers can choose from the four outdoor categories and click on the particular eyewear they want. Through our built-in webcam, the shopper take a short video of his or her face, including front and both profiles. Our technology identifies the model that fits the customer best in terms of face shape, head size, and other relevant parameters. Afterwards, the customer either selects “yes” or “no, try another one”,

      6、 until he or she finds the perfect one. In addition, we have on display a catalog of the most popular styles and materials and the shopper can tweak details like the color of the arms or the tint of the lenses. The customer can select one and its modifications to have it fitted to his or her face on the webcam. The shopper then submits his or her prescription to conclude the designing process of the product. In the final stage, we receive online payment and ship the eyewear to the customer after

      7、 its been made, which usually takes 5-10 days.Integrating E-commerce into our business model is essential to what we do providing customized modern prescription eyewear for the outdoors-loving adventurers.2. Why Do We Choose E-commerce?In comparison to traditional commerce, E-commerce has multiple advantages that are vital to the success and sustainability of our business.First of all, we need a platform that reaches the widest consumers with the least cost. As opposed to the heavy overhead cost

      8、 of setting up real stores and showrooms in various locations, an E-commerce integrated official website can help us reach outdoors sports(wo)men and enthusiasts all over the world. Whats more, over 80 percent of web users have made a purchase online, which means almost all of our potential clients will be at our fingertips (Rheude 2017).The next reason why we have decided on E-commerce is that it has seen a tremendous growth over the past decade and the future growth of the online shopping spac

      9、e is still very exciting. Thirteen to twenty-five percent is predicted by experts and projections from E-marketers have shown fast growth all through 2018, with a peak at around 1.6 trillion US dollars by the end of 2018 in the US alone (Smale 2017). This is a gravy train that every retailer with the technological capacity should get on.In addition, by choosing E-commerce over traditional retail, we can minimize our initial investment into building a retail space and hiring retail personnels. Without the brick-and-mortar cost, which can be exorbitantly high in prime locations in big cities, we can allocate more capital and other resources to improve on our technology, our products and customer services, which will set us up for success in the long run.The last factor that prompts us toward E-commerce in our decision-making process is the highly sophisticated tools and versatility on E-commerce platforms. With tools

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