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    • 1、www.12y.org 留学生活我那个 专业留学生论文作业写作机构Assignment写作-美国高等教育治理体系下面为大家整理一篇优秀的Assignment代写范文- American higher education governance system,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国高等教育治理体系。虽然美国高校办学目标多种多样,发展水平也参差不齐,但其治理体系却基本相同。美国高校的共同治理结构体系主要包括外部治理和内部治理。从外部治理看,政府与高校在法律上地位平等,政府不直接干预大学的内部治理,高校拥有充分的办学自主权,保障了高校内部教学研究事务遵循学术标准进行决策,从而不受行政压力和行政许可的干扰。内部治理的主要影响因素有以校外人士为主导的董事会、以校长为代表的行政系统、以教师为代表的学术评议会等。The United States has the most developed economy in the world. It has a highly developed higher education system with more than 4,000 college

      2、s and universities. Public universities and private universities coexist, while for-profit private universities and non-profit private universities coexist. Although the goal of running a school is varied, the level of development is uneven, but its governance system is basically the same. The analysis of the effective experience and practice of American university governance system is of positive significance to accelerate the modernization of Chinas higher education governance system.In the mo

      3、re than 300 years of history of American higher education, its higher education governance has experienced a development process from the board of directors autonomy to the principals leading management, and then to the common governance of interest subjects.In 1636, harvard college was founded, which was the beginning of the governance of American universities. The management power of universities was controlled by the board of directors with the nature of legal person, which was a top-down man

      4、agement mode. In 1745, Yale college was founded and its independence was strong. The board of trustees appoints the President of the university, who decides who handles the day-to-day affairs of the university.After the American civil war, in order to expand educational opportunities, the government invested to establish public universities. The structure and status of public universities began to be established. The group of university administrators developed rapidly and gradually gained the p

      5、ower to manage the daily affairs of universities from the board of directors. In 1915, the American association of university professors was established, and the power contradiction turned to the competition between administrators headed by the President and teachers, which was the characteristic of the American higher education governance system in this period.In 1967, AAUP, the American council of education and the association of college and university boards of directors jointly issued the st

      6、atement on governance of universities and colleges, which proposed the principle of joint governance. Collective bargaining and trade union system became weapons for teachers to fight for power and safeguard rights and interests. Principals and faculty share the decision-making power of the university, and all stakeholders can participate in the decision-making of the university according to their abilities. Since then, co-governance has been the basic principle of the governance structure of Am

      7、erican universities, which continues to this day.The common governance structure system of American colleges and universities mainly includes two aspects: external governance and internal governance. The main influencing factors of external governance include government, social organization and market. From the perspective of external governance, the government and colleges and universities have equal status in law. The government does not directly interfere in the internal governance of univers

      8、ities. Colleges and universities have full autonomy in running schools, which ensures that the internal teaching and research affairs of colleges and universities make decisions in accordance with academic standards and thus are free from administrative pressure and interference of administrative licensing. The main influencing factors of internal governance include the board of directors led by external personnel, the administrative system represented by principals, and the academic review coun

      9、cil represented by teachers. From the perspective of internal governance, the structure of joint governance endows teacher groups with primary power over the board of directors and principals in academic affairs decision-making. This power and tenure system together constitute the institutional basis for American universities to protect academic freedom, and to the greatest extent avoid the direct intervention of the board of directors in academic affairs and the erosion of academic power by administrative power.In American universities, it is a basic condition for ensuring academic autonomy and healthy operation of universities to insist on the administration of professors, guarantee academic freedom, and maintain the central position of professors in university management. Professor committee system is also an important system of American university governance system and an important embodiment of democratic governance and professor governance. T


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