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留学作业写作范文-An English sonnet

  • 卖家[上传人]:me****n
  • 文档编号:91099186
  • 上传时间:2019-06-22
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    • 1、www.12y.org 留学生活网 专业留学生作业代写品牌网站留学作业写作范文-An English sonnet下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- An English sonnet,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国的十四行诗。十四行诗自文艺复兴时期由怀亚特和萨里引入英国,经历了四个多世纪的变化、发展,其间多位语言大师对该诗体的主题和结构等各个方面进行了卓有成效的调整与变革,形成的英国十四行诗独特的风格。四百多年间十四行诗在英国经历过辉煌与繁荣,也感受过沉寂与冷落。但这一诗体仍是英国诗歌的一个重要表达形式,是英国文学的一个重要组成部分。The sonnet was introduced to England by Wyatt and surrey during the Renaissance, and has undergone changes and development for more than four centuries. During this period, many language masters have made fruitful adjustme

      2、nts and changes to the theme, structure, rhythm, rhythm and other aspects of the sonnet, forming a unique style of English sonnet. Over the past four hundred years, sonnets in England have experienced splendor and prosperity, as well as silence and neglect. However, it is still an important form of expression in English poetry and an important part of English literature.The sonnet originated in Renaissance Italy, which is a kind of lyric poem with normative structure, complete form and strict ru

      3、les. During the British Renaissance in the 1620s, the sonnet was introduced to England by Wyatt and surrey, and experienced more than four centuries of changes and development in England, with many significant changes in form, structure, content, theme, meter and other aspects. The development of sonnets in England can be roughly divided into four stages: imitation and transformation; A period of prosperity and innovation; Quiet periods; A period of return and reinvention.The representatives of

      4、the first stage, Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard, were the first to introduce the sonnet into England. As scholars of the upper class, both of them had visited Europe for many times, and were deeply influenced by the European Renaissance trend of thought. They had a lot of research on the poetry of Italy, the birthplace of the Renaissance. Deeply impressed by the lyrical beauty of petrarchs sonnets, they translated and deliberately imitated many Italian sonnetsWyatt and surreys contribution to Eng

      5、lish poetry was not only the introduction of sonnets, but more importantly their adaptation of this lyric poetry to the English character. Italian sonnets are complete in form, precise in structure, beautiful in rhythm and rich in variety. They are mostly lyric poems with love as the theme. But in Wyatt and surrey imitation translation and writing in the process of the Italian sonnet, found that due to the differences between the two languages and aesthetic temperament and interest of the two co

      6、untries are different, the Italian soft, delicate feelings are not perfect in English expression and become rigid stiff, so the first thing to solve the problem of sonnet is British, to make this verse better adapt to the expressive habits of the English language.Wyatt changed the last six lines of the sonnet into one quatrain and one two-line line according to the iambic rhythm pattern commonly used in English poetry tradition. The whole poem took iambic pentameter as the basic rhythm and each

      7、line had 10 syllables. The metrical forms were abba, abba, CDDC, ee and abba, abba, CDCC and dd.The earl of surrey went a step further, dropping the original rhyme from the first eight lines. In his sonnets, abab, CDCD, efef and gg are often used to rhyme. The first three stanzas and four lines of the poem develop the theme, while the last stanza summarizes the theme. The number of rhymes in the whole poem increases to 7, which loosens the constraint of form on content and makes the whole poem m

      8、ore varied in form. This form of the earl of surrey laid the foundation of the meter of the English sonnet, which was adopted by many later English poets.Most of the sonnets they wrote imitated petrarch. In terms of content, they mainly sang about love, but added the characteristics of English poetry. Wyatts poems are melancholy in style, with many references to the political environment and personal feelings of the time. Surreys poems, on the other hand, follow the traditional style of English

      9、poetry. Their exploration laid a solid foundation for the development of sonnets in England.The 16th century is the golden age of sonnet development and prosperity. After Wyatt and surrey, Sidney, Spenser, Lodge, Drayton and Shakespeare all came out on top. Among them, Sidney, spencer and Shakespeare achieved the highest achievements.Sidneys sonnet set, the star and his love, was a great success in England, and played a decisive role in establishing the form, style and status of English sonnets. Therefore, together with spencers suite of love songs and Shakespeares 154 sonnets, it is regarded as the outstanding representative of English sonnets. In contrast to the prosody and rhythm of the newly established English sonnet, spencer created the original sonnet in Spensers style. He adopted the form of three stanzas and four stanzas of the English sonnet and an even sentence, but took a different approach to the prosody arrangement, creating the patterns o

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