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    • 1、 meeloun论文网 专业留学生Essay写作品牌Essay写作范文-英国的高等教育评估Essay写作范文-Higher education assessment in the UK本篇essay代写- Higher education assessment in the UK讨论了英国的高等教育评估。英国的学科教育评估是高等教育质量保证局的一项重要工作,其首要目的是确保社会在高等教育方面的投资是有价值的,通过评估鼓励他们改正教育中存在的缺点,提高教育质量。评估从课程的设置、内容和组织,教与学及其评价,学生进步和成绩,学生支持和指导,学习资源,质量管理和提高进行。英国既加强了政府的控制,又注意了大学的作用,强调大学在高等教育评估体制中的重要地位及其质量责任。Educational evaluation has always been a concern of all countries. With the development of Chinas social and economic progress, Chinas higher education has been the r

      2、apid development of how to face the large scale of higher education, people have to worry about its quality, that how to ensure the quality of higher education will not decline due to the expansion of the scale has become a universal concern of the society. China is also monitoring the quality of higher education by means of assessment, so we should constantly learn from the experience of other countries to improve the quality of Chinas higher education assessment.The quality assurance system of

      3、 British higher education has also formed a unique style. The quality assurance system consists of internal quality assurance and external quality control. Internal quality assurance is embodied in the sober quality self-discipline consciousness, perfect quality management system and strict quality assurance measures. External quality control includes many aspects, such as academic quality audit, teaching quality assessment, professional qualification certification and scientific research level

      4、assessment.The higher education quality assurance bureau was established in 1997. It is an institution that guarantees good teaching standards in higher education institutions and promotes the continuous improvement of higher education management quality. QAA achieves this goal through standards and quality assessment and providing reference standards for higher education institutions. Its functions mainly include:To ensure the quality and degree level of higher education for students and the pu

      5、blic;To provide academic standards and quality assurance to study employers and public policy institutions;Strengthen the management and guarantee measures of higher education standards and quality, and promote a broader understanding of higher education standards and quality;Raise broader concerns about the standards and quality of higher education, including a common reference in the UK, Europe and even the world.The quality assessment of higher education contains many contents and varies from

      6、 place to place. Taking higher education in England as an example, the quality assessment includes school quality assessment, stage quality assessment, subject quality assessment and foreign-related quality assessment.Subject assessment, which began in England and Northern Ireland in 2000, is an important part of the institutions work. The primary purpose of subject education evaluation is to ensure the value of societys investment in higher education, and to encourage them to correct the shortc

      7、omings in education and improve the quality of education through evaluation. The whole subject education assessment can be divided into two parts: school self-assessment and external assessment panel visit. School self-assessment mainly describes the purpose and goal of school education, and evaluates students learning experience and achievements. The assessment was made in six ways.Although the current teaching evaluation in China can generally reflect the development of education quality in Ch

      8、ina, it cannot accurately reflect the characteristics of various disciplines. British quality assessment has a long history, perfect system and standard operation, which has great enlightenment and reference significance for the assessment of higher education in China. Based on the current situation of Chinas assessment, this essay puts forward several inspirations for China:The establishment of higher education school education evaluation system needs to grasp the main contradiction, the core i

      9、s how to proceed from the national conditions of different countries, correctly understand and deal with the status and role of the government, society and schools in higher education evaluation. There can be a variety of models, including government-led model, social supervision model, independent school model, and a combination of the three models. In China, the government leads, while in Britain, the internal quality assurance and external quality supervision of schools are combined. From the perspective of development direction, the trend of reform in the future is to gradually establish and improve the higher education evaluation system with the main characteristics of internal, internal and external integration, and external promotion of internal.College evaluation is a theoretical, policy and operational work, as well as a complex system engineering, which must be carried out under the guidance of theory


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