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留学论文写作-New left movement in Britain

  • 卖家[上传人]:me****n
  • 文档编号:90384593
  • 上传时间:2019-06-11
  • 文档格式:DOCX
  • 文档大小:19.04KB
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    • 1、 浩天论文网 专业留学生论文写作品牌留学论文写作-New left movement in Britain本文主要讨论了英国新左派运动。英国新左派运动始于1956年,随后在20世纪60年代中期发生分裂,退化为一个团结在新左派评论杂志周围的知识分子小团体,并在20世纪70年代以后走向终结。虽然作为政治运动的新左派历时短暂,但它仍为当代英国政治留下了一些重要的间接遗产。The British new left movement started in 1956, then split up in the mid-1960s, degenerating into a small group of intellectuals united around the new left review magazine, and came to an end after the 1970s. Although the new left as a political movement lasted for a short time, it still left some important indirect

      2、 legacies to contemporary British politics. Since the early 1990s, research on the history of the new left has been on the rise.Professor Kenny, you may not know that the new left movement in Britain has been a topic of great concern in Chinese academic circles in recent years. There are many reasons why Chinese academic circles pay attention to this topic. First of all, since the 1990s, Williams, Thompson and other contemporary British leftist thinkers have gained more and more theoretical infl

      3、uence in China. Chinese scholars have found in them a common experience: the new left movement. Second, as you know, since the early 1990 s, the academic circles have published some study of British new left movement, such as Lin Chun British new left and your first generation of British new left, these works gradually entered the view of the Chinese academic circles, promoting our understanding of this movement. Finally, in the late 1990s, a group of scholars who called themselves the new left

      4、appeared in mainland China, which in some ways stimulated the desire of Chinese academic circles to understand the new left in Britain. However, in general, the understanding of the British new left movement in the Chinese academic community is superficial, and there are many mistakes. Could you first introduce the general definition of the British new left or the British new left movement to Chinese readers?The new left movement was an ideological and political trend that was introduced to Brit

      5、ain from France and opposed to the two main left parties, labor party and British communist party. It is also, to a large extent, an intellectual movement that attracts intellectuals, scholars, artists, teachers and other professionals. Political publications Reasoner and Universities and Left Review are the main public spokesmen of the campaign. In its earliest days, many of the movements members were either activists in the anti-nuclear movement that erupted in the 1950s or active participants

      6、 in the political struggles within the Labour party. The early days of the movement focused on building new left discussion circles around the country. Later, the two magazines merged to form the new left review, which was originally edited by Stuart hall. But after hall resigned as editor of the new left review in 1961, the new left ceased to be a political movement and became a much smaller group of intellectuals centered around the new left review.So, in your opinion, what are the differences

      7、 between the new left and the traditional left?In fact, if you compare the theoretical and political attitudes of the new left with those of the traditional left, the main differences can be seen: the new left opposes the centralized economic domination, political centralization and institutionalized hierarchy associated with the traditional left parties and their leadership traditions. Therefore, the new left thinkers pay attention to the praise of bottom-up autonomy, diversity and diversity, t

      8、rying to prove that there are some things in socialism that are neglected but should actually be placed at the forefront of the political struggle of the left. The most striking difference, of course, is that the traditional left exists as a political party, whereas the new left does not. The new left has not become a party to campaign main benefit is that it makes creativity and original thought greatly spewing out, a disadvantage is that sports cant continue to survive, because the movement di

      9、d not develop a system to support its continued development or to let it continue to exist mass base.The exodus of intellectuals from the British communist party in 1956 was a prerequisite for the formation of a new left. So, in your opinion, could this wave of defections have been avoided at the time? Or, to put it another way, why did the new left fail to dominate the British communist party?The red armys occupation of Hungary at the end of 1956, followed by a bloody crackdown on the Hungarian revolution, led to the withdrawal of almost a third of British communists. This is of course a major challenge to the authority and power of British communism, but it is important to note that only a small proportion of those who left the party joined the emerging new left. In addition, some gave up politics altogether, while others turned to the right and became fanatical anti-communists. So communists and ex-communists are suspicious o

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