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    • 1、 top论文网 专业留学生essay写作机构英国哈佛格式Essay-成人教育的意义1.0 Introduction引言20世纪上半叶,成人教育这一术语首先在欧洲流行和传播。二战后,欧洲终身学习实践的快速发展促进了成人教育的专业化(Aksakal和Kazu,2015)。建立成人教育机构,增加对成人教育的研究、出版和项目,使成人教育不仅是一个特殊的概念,而且是一项在世界范围内推广的运动,特别是在欧洲,成人教育和学习成为欧洲委员会一体化运作的重要组成部分,并且其他组织。迄今为止,世界上大多数国家都意识到成人教育的重要性,并制定了一系列政策或机构来支持和规范其成人教育系统(Dimitrescu、S_RBU和Lacroix,2015年)。第二次世界大战后,由于一些社会条件,如随着科学技术的进步,工业工人需要提高自身的知识和技能,以满足社会生产的需要。当时学校的教育不满足他们的需要。在此背景下,成人教育得到了快速发展。然而,随着互联网经济的到来,知识经济以及新一代人在个性、能力和知识上的差异,人们对成人教育的需求也将发生重大变化,未来如何满足人们对成人教育的新需求,继续发挥成人教育的积极作用。LT

      2、教育在提高自身整体素质、满足个人物质和精神追求、促进社会经济发展方面已成为当代成人教育工作者需要认真思考的问题(Kalenda,2015)。本文在分析未来社会对成人教育的需求的基础上,了解成人教育的概念、特点和重要性,对今后成人教育的发展提出建议。第一部分介绍了本文的背景和意义。第二部分首先介绍了成人教育的概念,其次介绍了成人教育的特点,然后介绍了成人教育的重要性。最后,对成人教育的未来发展提出了建议。In the first half of the 20th century, the term of adult education was first popular and spread in Europe. After the World War II, the rapid development of lifelong learning practice in Europe promoted the specialization of adult education (Aksakal and Kazu, 2015). Establishment of adult educatio

      3、n institutions, an increase in research, publications and programs on adult education made adult education not only a special concept, but also a sport promoted worldwide, especially in Europe, adult education and learning became one of the important components of operation integration of the European Commission and other organizations. Until now most of the countries in the world are aware of the importance of adult education and have developed a series of policies or institutions to support an

      4、d standardize their adult education systems (Dimitrescu, Srbu and Lacroix, 2015). After World War II, the rapid development of adult education caused by some social conditions, for example, with the improvement of science and technology, industrial workers need to improve themselves for more knowledge and skills to meet the requirements of social production. And at that time the school education did not meet their needs. In this context, adult education gained rapid development. However, with th

      5、e arrival of the Internet economy, the knowledge economy, as well as the differences of new generation of people in personality, ability and knowledge, peoples demand for adult education will also change significantly, in the future, how to meet peoples new needs for adult education to continue to plays the positive role of adult education in improving their overall quality to meet personal material and spiritual pursuit to promote social and economic development has become au issue that educato

      6、rs who are engaged in contemporary adult education need to think about seriously (Kalenda, 2015). This essay understands the concept, characteristics and importance of adult education, based on analyzing future social demand for adult education to recommend on the development of adult education in future. First part presents the background and significance of the essay. The second part introduces the concept of adult education, followed by the characteristics of adult education, then, it present

      7、s the importance of adult education. Finally, it recommends on the future development of adult education. 2.0 Body2.1 Definition of adult educationThere are many different researches on adult education, different researchers are from different perspectives to define adult education. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (1997) are from the perspective of education objects of define adult education: “it typically begins at the end of full-time compulsory educat

      8、ion for those countries that have a system of compulsory education. More specialization may be observed at this level than at ISCED level 2 and often teachers need to be more qualified or specialized than for ISCED level 2. The entrance age to this level is typically 15 or 16 years”. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) points out that adult education is learning activities for people who are over compulsory school age and no longer attend school to meet their learning n

      9、eeds (Aksakal and Kazu, 2015). England and Wales Institute of Adult Education define adult education as all kinds of education offered for people who are old enough to work, vote, fight, get married and have completed a continuous learning (Fieldhouse, 1996). England and Wales Institute of Adult Education analyzes that objects of adult education are people who assume responsibility in a family and in a society, it emphasizes that the standard for a adult is psychological maturity, the mental resilience and the ability of assuming social responsibility of an education object must be basically mature, he should able to take the responsibilities to create wealth or provide labor for a family and a society (Fieldhouse, 1996). Based on the above theories, it can be concluded that adult education is a series of educational activities launched for physical maturity and psychological maturity objects.Postan (2014), Neagu (2014) are from the perspective


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