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    • 1、 Top论文网 专业留学生论文作业写作机构paper写作范文-英国的独立投资顾问业paper写作-Independent investment advisory business in the UK下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Independent investment advisory business in the UK,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国的独立投资顾问业。独立投资顾问业起源于英国,并在英国的金融服务业中占据了绝对主导地位,其主要通过服务准则、资质管理、费用明示等机制保证了其提供投资建议的客观中立性。As the center of international finance, Britains financial products investment consulting service industry is quite developed and perfect. In the fund industry, for example, a much higher proportion of funds are bought through i

      2、nvestment advisers than through Banks and brokers. At present, there are more than 11,000 investment advisers in the UK and more than 26,000 investment advisers. The funds sold through them account for nearly 90% of the total share of all funds, among which more than 20 relatively large independent financial advisers basically control the whole sales market. The independent investment consultant model originated in the UK and occupies an absolute dominant position in the financial consulting ser

      3、vice industry in the UK. This is mainly because the mode of independent investment adviser can effectively make the investment adviser recommend products to customers from a neutral and fair standpoint, and it is easy to establish long-term trust relationship with customers, and at the same time, it can also reduce various risks brought by direct sales of fund managers.UK investment advisers are generally divided into three categories: independent investment advisers, exclusive product underwrit

      4、ers and multiple product underwriters.Generally speaking, independent investment advisers have no direct equity relationship with financial product providers. After comprehensive, objective and independent research on the whole market, they provide investors with unbiased investment advice and provide investors with the most suitable financial products according to their own investment orientation. The comprehensiveness of the products provided by independent investment advisers and the objectiv

      5、ity of investment research and advice are the most important characteristics that distinguish them from other investment advisers. In order to ensure the scientific and objectivity of IFA provides advice, IFA is first to understanding of the customer, they will ask a series of carefully designed in detail to the customer good questions, these questions involving the basic situation of investors, investors financial goals, investor attitude to risk and so on, these are the basis of IFA do investm

      6、ent advice for customers.Such agents include certain bank branches or financial institutions associated with financial product providers, and they only recommend the financial products of this affiliated institution. Although financial products agents have their own limitations, but sometimes in the price may give customers a greater discount, so it is still favored by many investors.In order to provide investors with more choices, the investment advisory industry has emerged the institutional a

      7、rrangement of multiple product underwriters, that is, financial institutions that originally sold only one product can sell the financial products of several companies. This kind of investment adviser falls in between the first two, and it is limited to recommend some financial products selectively. They only choose financial products suitable for customers within the range of products they sell. Investors only need to consider whether they can find the products they like, and do not need to spe

      8、nd time researching the whole market to find the best products.In recent years, with the increasing number of financial products such as investment, mortgage, pension, insurance and so on, the decision-making of financial asset investment has become more and more complicated for most non-professional investors, and people need an expert to guide them. Against this background, independent investment advisers have grown at an alarming rate. There are more than 9,000 lfas in the UK, according to th

      9、e IFA, and they are spread across the country, making it easy for investors to find one nearby.Providing appropriate investment advice to investors is the service principle of IFA. From the perspective of customers, the biggest feature of IFA is to choose suitable financial products for investors, which is also the magic weapon to ensure that IFA is invincible in the fierce competition. Therefore, IFA must match the needs and risk expectations of investors when recommending products to them. This means that they must have a good understanding of the investors needs and investment situation before they can help investors choose investment products, and must provide written reasons for their recommendations to ensure the objectivity and neutrality of their recommendations.Express cost detail sheet, ensure investor enjoys sufficient right to know. Investment advisers income mainly comes from two sources: consulting fees fr


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