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    • 1、 Top论文网 专业留学生论文作业写作机构Paper写作-美国英语对英国英语的影响下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The influence of American English on British English,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国英语对英国英语的影响。英语作为一种国际语言,随着它被越来越广地使用,在不同的使用区域逐渐产生不同的变体。其中以英国英语和美国英语为代表。英国英语和美国英语在词汇、语法、读音和拼写等方面有差异,而美国英语具有更容易让人接受的优势,并对英国英语产生了很大影响。在很大范围上,特别是20世纪后半期,美国英语极大地影响了英国英语。这种影响是整个综合环境造成的,但某些方面的影响更加明显、更加深刻。As an international language, English has gradually produced different varieties in different areas as it is more and more widely used. It is represented by British English

      2、 and American English. British English and American English differ in vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and spelling, while American English has the advantage of being more acceptable and has a great influence on British English.English is the language of England, where it originated, and it is also the language of the english-speaking countries. Since World War II, the use of English has expanded rapidly and has become the international language. At present, except for english-speaking countri

      3、es, almost all other countries are learning English, either as a second language or as a foreign language. English has truly become the world language.The more people and the wider the range of a language, the more likely it is to mutate. The expansion of English in the world also inevitably changes in pronunciation, spelling, grammar, vocabulary and other aspects, thus forming different variants. Two of the most important are British English and American English. The scope of use of these two v

      4、ariants is clearly demarcated. British English is commonly spoken in Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, the West Indies, South Africa and other countries. Although British English has long been considered the only real English, as the worlds political and economic center from Europe to the United States, the American English gradually attracted the attention of various countries, including the United Kingdom. Now American English has achieved a certain status, is no longer a subsidiary of

      5、 British English.English settlers came to America across the Atlantic as early as 1607 and established the first colony at Plymouth in 1620. But English was really brought to America in the 18th century. The works of Shakespeare and Milton had a profound influence on the Americans, and the language in their works became the starting point of American English. Just as American English thrived on this foundation, changes took place in Britain itself, leading to changes in British English that have

      6、 continued to develop into the English we know today. American English at that time was not affected by this, so it has developed since it inherited the orthodox British English at that time. Because of this, many people say American English is closer to traditional English and more conservative and inherited than British English.Although American English is developed from British English and is largely a variant of British English, there are also many differences between American English and Br

      7、itish English. The main differences are in vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling and grammar.In terms of vocabulary, British English and American English have the same basic vocabulary, but it is often the case that the same meaning in British English and American English is represented by different words, or the same word has different meanings in British English and American English. No matter what kind of apartment they have, no matter what kind of apartment they have, no matter what kind of ap

      8、artment they have. Mad is angry in American English but crazy in British English.In terms of pronunciation or pronunciation, the most obvious difference between American English and British English is the pronunciation of /r/ and the pronunciation of some vowels. For example, when pronouncing car, turn, offer and other words with the /r/ sound, the American pronunciation will contain obvious retroflex sounds. In the vowel /a: / sound, American English reads /? /, e.g. Cant read /k in American En

      9、glish? Nt /. In addition, there are differences between American English and British English in the nasalization of short and long sounds and vowels.In terms of grammar, the differences between American English and British English are mainly reflected in the following aspects: have is a normal verb in American English when it means have, and its negative and interrogative forms are both expressed by do, while in British English, have got is often used to mean have rather than have alone. British English often USES the present perfect tense when giving information, while American English USES a past tense more often. In some subjunctive subject verb forms, American English tends to use the direct original form of the verb, while British English often USES the original form of the verb should+. In American English it is common to omit the article to and the article.With the relative decline of the commonwealth and the rapid


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