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    • 1、Unit 1,The Great wall,Warming up,What do you know about the Great Wall? Have you ever been to the Great Wall? Where is the First Pass under the Heaven?,万里长城在我国北方辽阔的土地上,东西横亘着一道绵延起伏、气势雄伟、长达一万多里的长墙。这就是被视为世界建筑史上一大奇迹的万里长城。万里长城是我国古代一项伟大的防御工程它凝聚着我国古代人民的坚强毅力和高度智慧,体现了我国古代工程技术的非凡成就,也显示了中华民族的悠久历史。 长城是中国也是世界上修建时间最长、工程量最大的一项古代防御工程。自公元前 七八世纪开始,延续不断修筑了2000多年,分布于中国北部和中部的广大土地上,总计 长度达50000多千米,被称之为“上下两千多年,纵横十万余里”。如此浩大的工程不仅 在中国就是在世界上,也是绝无仅有的,因而在几百年前就与罗马斗兽场、比萨斜塔等列 为中古世界七大奇迹之一。,EXPLAIN,1.The Great Wall is one of the

      2、worlds most famous wonders. one of +名词复数“之一” eg.He is one of the tallest students in our class.,1.It is located in the north of China . be located in . “位于,坐落于” eg. The village is located at the foot of the mountain. 这个村子坐落于山脚下。 The new hospital is located to the east of our school. 这所新医院位于我们学校的东面。,2.The Walls were built to protect these states. protect “保护,防御” 常与 连用, 即 protectfrom /against做“保护以防”解。 eg.You need warm clothes to protect you from cold. 你需要暖和的衣服来御寒。 The girl is wearing the sun glass

      3、es to protect her eyes fom the sunlight . 那个女孩戴着太阳镜保护眼睛以防阳光。,3.In221BC ,the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty unified China and decided to have the walls lingked and extened . to have sth. done “使被 ” 其中have 的是使役动词,done 用作宾语补足语,指别人做的事或别的情况造成的。 eg.I have my bike repaired. 我找人把我的自行车修了。 When I was trainning in the gym ,I had my leg hurt. 我在体育馆里练习时,把腿弄伤了。,4.It is said that about 1million people, one fifth of China population at that time ,were forced to build the Wall. 据说,大约100万人,大约相当于当时人口的五分之一,被迫去修建长

      4、城。 It is said that据说其中的it是形式主语,真是主语是that后面的从句。 例如:It is said that the bridge was built in the Ming dynasty. 类似的表达还有 It is believed that “据信” I t is reported that “据报道”,Be made/forced to do “被迫做” be made/forced to do 迫使某人干某事 主动语态是 force /make sb. to do 使某人做某事 They made/forced the little boy to clean the car .他们迫使那个孩子擦车。 The little boy was forced to clean the car .那个孩子被迫擦车。,5.It took more than ten years to build it under terrible conditions .人们在恶劣的条件花了十多年的时间去修建长城。 It take sb. time /money to do “做某

      5、事花费某人(时间,金钱)”It 是形式主语,真是主语是不定时短语。 It took me 3 hours to fininsh my homeworks. 做作业花了我三个小时时间。 I took 100 yuan to buy this book. 我花了100元买了这本书。,6.The bricks and stones which were used to build the Wall is believed to be enough to build a wall five meters high and one meter thick around the wall.用来修建长城的砖和石材,据说足够修建一座5米高和1米厚绕地球一圈的墙。 “数量+形容词(long ,wide ,high)”表示某物的尺寸 例如:The box is 4 feet long .这个盒子有4英尺长。 The door is two meters high and 1.5 meters wide . 这扇门高2米,宽1.5米。 be enough to do sth.做某事够了 Two hours

      6、is enough to finish my homework. 我完成作业两个小时的时间就够了。,7.T housands of travelers from all over the world come to visit the Great Wall every year. thousands of “成千上万的” hundreds of 成百上千的 millions of 数以百万计 tens of thousands of 数以万计的 hundreds of thousands of 数十万计的 eg. Thousands of buildings fell down in the earthquake. 数千幢建筑物在地震中倒塌了。,Reading comprhension,1. The Great Wall is in the north of China . 2.Its building first began during the period of the Warring states. 3.They built the walls to protect their countries . 4.The first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty decided to have the walls linked and extended. 5.About one million people were made to build the Wall. 6.It took more than ten years to build it. 7.The Wall which we can see now was rebuilt during the Ming Dynasty in the 16th century. 8.Its total length is more than 6,700 kilometers. 9.In 1987 it was listed by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.,Thank you,


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