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    • 1、2+Lesson 6 Percy Lesson 6 Percy ButtonsButtons珀西巴顿斯2+ 2+ 2+2+2+Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Percy ButtonsPercy Buttons珀西巴顿斯22+2+I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. In return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs. I gave him a meal. He ate the food and drank the beer. Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away. Later a neighbour told me about him. Everybody knows him. His name is Perc

      2、y Buttons. He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.Add a Footer3情景认识2+2+Wordbeggar n.乞丐乞丐-Beggars cant be choosers. 饥不择食。-A beggar cant be bankrupt. 死猪不怕开水烫。beg v.乞求,乞讨-The poor man begs in the street.-I beg your pardon?foodfood n.食物(作为统称词时不可数,表示食物的种类时可数)-Everyone needs food.-Bread is a common food.fruit, wine, beer, tea, cheese, art, culture.-Do you like tea?-Long Jing is a well-known tea.Add a Footer42+2+callcallv i . 去 . . . , 拜 访 . .

      3、.ucall at sp. 去某地去某地&call on sb. 拜拜访某人某人-I called at the bank on my way home.-I called on my grandparents last week.ucall sb. (up) 给某人打某人打电话-I will call you (up) tonight.ucall in sb. 叫某人来帮忙叫某人来帮忙-Your father is very sick.-Youd better call in a doctor.ucall sth. off取消某事=cancel sth.-Theyve called off their engagement.5-Im moving soon.-They ve moved.-He has moved (from Beijing) to Shanghai.move house 搬家-They ve moved.ps: move ones house move v.搬家冠冠词a an thea/an 不定冠词,只修饰可数名词单数the 定冠词,可修饰任何名词a/an 用于第

      4、一次出现的人或物前,用a还是an取决于后面单词的第一个音标;若是元音用an,辅音用aa book a teacher a chair an apple an orange an excusea useful tool an honest mana one-eyed mana European country定冠词the常用的三种用法1.用于特指的人或物前。用于特指的人或物前。e.g. The watch is mine. 2.用于世界上独一无二的事物前。用于世界上独一无二的事物前。the sun/earth/moonthe Great Wallthe European Union辅音前读,元音前读3.用于上文中提到用于上文中提到过的人或物前。的人或物前。4.名字前面一般不加冠名字前面一般不加冠词;国家、城市之前不加冠国家、城市之前不加冠词。-My name is Elaine.-I live in Sydney.-Sydney is in Australia.一、不可数名一、不可数名词前不加冠前不加冠词。-Mike is very refreshing.二、可数名二、可数名词有三种形式

      5、:有三种形式:1.名词复数2.the+单数名词3.a/an +单数名词-Horses are beautiful animals.-The horse is a beautiful animal.-A horse is a beautiful animal.表示事物种类的方法knock at sth. 敲(门窗等)knock sth. off sth. 把.从.碰掉knock off 下班knock sth. off 减价,杀价knock sb. over 把某人撞倒knock sb. out 把某人打晕-He asked (me) for money/advice/help/my address.ask for trouble 自找麻烦be asking for it 自作自受-We had to ask him to leave.-The man at the door is asking to see you.ask (sb.) for sth. (向某人)要某物ask (sb.) to do 要求(某人)做某事a glass/jar of beer a glass of mil

      6、ka cup/mug of tea/coffeea slice/piece of cheesea bar of chocolate a bar of golda bottle of inka cake of soappick ones pocketpickpocket pocket money beer moneymoney burns a hole in ones pocket go away 离开run away 逃跑slip away 溜走move away 搬走(搬家)-Tell me your phonenumber.tell sth. to sb. -My ex-boyfriend informed me of his marriage.tell sb. about sth./sb. 告诉某人某事inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事-Everybody /Everyone knows him.-Every one of them knows him.-They all knows him.-All of them know him.-All the neigh

      7、bors know him.oncetwicethree times four timestwice a daythree times a week-How often do you go to the cinema?- (I go to the cinema) once a week.1. Percy Buttons stood on his head and sang songs because _.1. Percy Buttons stood on his head and sang songs because _.a. he wanted a piece of cheese a. he wanted a piece of cheese b. he liked doing thisb. he liked doing thisc. he was a beggar c. he was a beggar d. he wanted to d. he wanted to paypay for his meal in this way for his meal in this way2. T

      8、he writer didn2. The writer didnt know about Percy Buttons because _.t know about Percy Buttons because _.a.a.she was new to the neighbourhood she was new to the neighbourhood b. he had never called at that house beforeb. he had never called at that house beforec. he was a beggar c. he was a beggar d. he didnd. he didnt live near hert live near her3. The writer has just moved to a new house. She was _ yesterday.3. The writer has just moved to a new house. She was _ yesterday.a.a.at house at hous

      9、e b. to the house b. to the house c. at home c. at home d. in the homed. in the homed da ac c4 4. She gave _. She gave _.a.a.to to him a meal him a meal b b. a meal for him . a meal for him c c. him to a meal . him to a meal d d. a meal to . a meal to himhim5 5. A . A neighbourneighbour told me about him. He _ Percy Buttons was a beggar. told me about him. He _ Percy Buttons was a beggar.toldtolda.a.b b. said me . said me b.b.c c. told to me . told to me c.c.d d. . SaidSaidd.d.6 6. Everybody kno

      10、ws him. _ know him. Everybody knows him. _ know him.They They all all b b. Each . Each c c. Every . Every a.a.d d. All . All theytheyb.b.7 7. _ does he call? Once a month. _ does he call? Once a month.How How seldom seldom b b. How long . How long c c. How soon . How soon d d. How often. How oftend dd da ad d8. A beggar is a person who _.8. A beggar is a person who _.a. asks for money but doesna. asks for money but doesnt work t work b. asks for foodb. asks for foodc. works hard c. works hard d.


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