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U校园 新一代大学英语(提高篇)综合教程2unit2答案

  • 卖家[上传人]:飞****9
  • 文档编号:132879570
  • 上传时间:2020-05-21
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:21.20KB
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    • 1、U校园 新一代大学英语(提高篇)综合教程2unit2答案 Unit 2Viewing1. skills2. degree3. employers4. single CV/single C.V.5. skills1. Yes, I think the service provided by the platform is useful and effective. In this way, employers will not receive many “copy-and-paste” applications from people who are not genuinely interested. Interested. Instead, employers can find students who better match their needs. The process would become significantly more efficient for both parties.Words and expressions1. supportive2. feedback3

      2、. Initially4. Scary5. investors1. set up2. in return3. come in handy4. being hung up on5. live off/live off his parentsCollocations1. fulfill their entrepreneurial ambition / dreams2. forged his own path3. networking events4. made a huge investment5. match the needs / requirementsVocabulary1. highly2. genuinely3. glaringly4. incredibly5. quite1. 对于任何新的企业来讲,进入一个竞争非常激烈的市场很困难。参考答案: Breaking into a highly competitive market is very difficult for any new business.2. 这件事情很恐怖。参考答案:The whole thing is qu

      3、ite scary.3. 这个软件模仿医生正常的工作流程,因此很直观好用。参考答案:The software mimics the natural workflows of physicians, which makes it incredibly intuitive and easy to use.4. 许多人申请自己并不非常感兴趣的工作。参考答案:Many people apply for jobs that they are not genuinely interested in.5. 很显然这里有一个问题需要解决。参考答案: Its glaringly obvious that there is a problem to solve.Language focusLanguage focus1. You can establish your own company, _ (如果你能平衡好学习与管理职责).参考答案:providing that you can balance study and management responsibilities2. We can go to

      4、the angel investor meeting next week, _(如果我们已经准备好策划).参考答案:providing that we have our proposal ready3. Maintaining a start-up is not that hard _ (如果你能找到足够的资金).参考答案:providing that you can find sufficient funding4. Well buy everything you produce _(倘若价格合适).参考答案:providing that the price is right5. You can wear jeans for the dancing class, _ (如果他们不是很紧).参考答案: providing that they are not too tightBanked cloze1. entrepreneur2. business3. partner4. incredibly5. attending6. focusing7. offer8. marketing9.

      5、currently10. betterSharing your ideas参考答案:Entrepreneurship is not for everyone. However, for those who want to be an entrepreneur, it is the perfect place and time to launch a business while one is still at university. Being a university student entrepreneur, I think, may have the following advantages.First, universities host a lot of activities and events, which provide networking opportunities for student entrepreneurs. In these activities and events, student entrepreneurs may meet potential i

      6、nvestors and clients, which is of great importance for a start-up business.Second, university students are free of many obligations to family. They dont have to pay mortgages or support family. So they are more willing to take risks and embrace challenges, which is very important for starting a business.In addition, universities are a hotbed of knowledge. Students have access to valuable advice from professors and faculty.Last but not least, students can promote their products or services by wor

      7、d of mouth. Word spreads quickly on campus and it will be your cheapest form of marketing. Friends recommendation is one of the most effective marketing strategies for any products or services and student entrepreneurs can make full use of this strategy.Listening听力原文:Dont worry. Any mistake is an income, is a wonderful revenue for you. So I tell myself, and told my young people: Before 20 years old, be a good student; when you do (become an) entrepreneur just learn some experience. Before 30 yea

      8、rs old, follow somebody. Go to a small company. Normally, in a big company, it is good to learn processing; you are a part of a big machine. But when you go to a small company, you learn the passion, (and) you learn the dreams. You learn how to do a lot of things at one one time. So before 30 years old, its not which company you go (that matters); its which boss you follow (that matters); its very important. And a good boss teaches you differently. And before 30 from 30-40 years old, you have to think very clearly if you will work for yourself (and) if you really want to be an entrepreneur. When youre 40-50 years old, you have to do all the things that you are good at. Dont try to jump into the new area; it is too late. You may be successful, but the the rate of dying is too big. So, 40-50, think about it: How can (you) focus on things that you are good at? But when you are 50-60 years old, work for the young people. Because young people can

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