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    • 1、Essay写作英国音乐节的市场分析Executive SummaryThis marketing analysis report has been done on UK music festivals to assess whether new festival has a scope in the industry or not.A structural overview of the music festival industry states that as there is a large no of a music festival in the UK,tells us that the barriers are low to enter the industry.A strategic group analysis shows that there is around 90,000 or less no of the people who attend the music festivals in the UK.A market analysis shows that un

      2、der the half of the market share of industry is dominated mainly by seven festival organizers,which suggest that for a new company to come in the market and stay independent of these companies might be difficult.Another analysis shows that competencies and required sources should be obtained as the value of the industry must be consumer experience.The geographical distribution of the top UK music festivals is shown in the map(later)which shows how and where the cluster of the festivals is develo

      3、ped.This will help in understanding the opportunity to get a new music festival in the UK(northern regions).An industry lifecycle diagram(later)depicts the stages that a music festival generally goes through:EvolutionGrowthDownturnExperienceDeclineEverything besides downturn or downfall is supposed to grow until the company experiences decline.Studying these factors will help in understanding where exactly the main problem lies and it can be eliminated with right decisions.Three key competitors:

      4、Isle of Wight festival,T in the park and Glastonbury Festival.An analysis highlights their strengths,weaknesses,opportunities(to improve)and also the threats.Studying these factors will help in overcoming the problems they faced and will give the new company and give a fair chance to compete with the major companies.TABLE OF CONTENTExecutive Summary,Essay writing service on essa y.lxws.n et1.0.Introduction2.0.Industry Analysis2.1.Industry Structure2.2.Geographical Distribution2.3.Leading Compani

      5、es2.4.Lifecycle Of The Industry2.5.Value Chain Analysis2.6.Strategic Group Analysis3.0.Major Competitors3.1.Introduction3.2.Glastonbury Festival3.3.Isle Of Wright Festival3.4.T In The Park Festival4.0.Conclusion5.0.Appendices5.1.Appendix 15.2.Appendix 25.3.Appendix 35.4.Appendix 45.5.Appendix 55.6.Appendix 65.7.Appendix 76.0.Bibliography1.0.INTRODUCTIONUK music festival is the industry focus of this report.A large amount of the UK economy is generated by the music festival,which are a big busine

      6、ss.A report on UK music says“in 2012 UK music tourism generated1.27 billion for the UK economy”(UK music,2013,p.42)also in a report by UK awards,it says that around2.2 billion are generated only by live music events for the UK economy(UKFA market report,2013,p.24).Additionally other reports have“found that 44%of the incoming tourist to the UK believes that music was one of the British key culture activities”(UK music,2013,p.22).The aim of the report is to assess the music festival market in UK,t

      7、o offer and study the competitors and present an extensive industry analysis of the UK music festival industry.The analysis will include:structure of the industry,geographical distribution of the major music festivals in UK(northern regions),and industry cycle,strategic groups in the industry and value chain analysis.In this report,three competitors will be considered and will analyse their strengths and weaknesses.The main aim of the report is to find the attributions about the present and futu

      8、re of the industry,to identify probability for new and upcoming companies.2.0.INDUSTRY ANALYSIS2.1.Industry StructureIt is estimated that there are about 55,000 UK music concerts and festivals according to UK music and festival report(MINTEL,2016,companies and products).The festivals may vary from the holding the small ones to about ones with hundreds of attendees(appendix 3).The managing director of festival republic says“three or four years ago there was a new music festival being announced ev

      9、ery week,but that has definitely disappeared”(UK music,2016,p.47).This tells us that music industry in UK has low barriers for a new festival to enter.Also in chapter 2.4,the industry cycle will showcase that new or upcoming festival has to struggle a lot and must compete with the already flourishing festivals from the beginning itself.“Outsourcing(is believed to enhance)flexibility and allows firms to concentrate on those activities where they possess superior capabilities”(Grant 2010,p.352).This is a fortunate belief for music festivals as their nature of integration is to large no of suppliers,contractors and other services which are very important to reach the desired result.This also tells that vertical integration is not possible because the festivals rely a lot on outsources like security,food,artists


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