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    • 1、Essay写作欧洲安全治理的挑战Europe consists of fifty sovereign states.The European Union(EU)is the most prominent economic and social cooperation in the region.A total of 28 countries in Europe make up the EU.To deal with the security issues in the region,the EU has come up with a number of strategies and policies.Key among them is the Common Foreign and Security Policy(CFSP)that guides the unions diplomatic,defense,and security actions.To safeguard their security,European nations have also cooperated with

      2、other nations and organizations.Considering that a majority of the European nations were part of the Western Bloc during the Cold war,they depended heavily on the US for their security.NATO has also been a key strategic partner to the EU when it comes to matters security.Until 1999,the organization handled all security matters affecting the European Union.However,the EU took over from NATO after 1999.However,both the EU and NATO have continued to cooperate.NATO and the EU share majority of their

      3、 member states.A total of 24 NATO member states are also members of the EU.Only 4 members of NATO are not members of the EU and vice versa.This has made it easy for the two organizations to cooperate in security matters.Europe has in the past faced a number of security threats.Key among them were a terrorism and increased aggression by Russia in the region.There also a wide range of emerging security threats in the region.They include immigration,ISIS,cyber-crime,and a weakening NATO.Better coll

      4、aboration between the EU and NATO is needed if the region is to remain secure.AbbreviationsEU=European UnionGDP=Gross Domestic ProductCFSP=Common Foreign and Security PolicyNATO=North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationOSCE=Organization for Security and Co-operation in EuropeUNSC=United Nations Security CouncilESDP=European Security and Defense PolicyISIS=Islamic State of Iraq and the LevantReport writin service on repor t.lxws.n etSection 1:IntroductionEurope is a continent consisting of a total of fi

      5、fty sovereign states.Cumulatively,the region has a total population of an estimated 740 million people(Lazaridis,2016).The European Union(EU)is the most vocal and active economic and political union within the Europe.As can be seen in table 1,it consists of a total of 28 countries and represents an estimated 510 million people.At the present,it is the largest and most diverse economy globally,with a gross domestic product(GDP)of an estimated$16.477 trillion.This is approximately 22.2 percent of

      6、the worlds total GDP.The EU has also been at the forefront when it comes to the issue of security governance.The union maintains a common security policy.The Common Foreign and Security Policy(CFSP)was developed by the EU with to guide the diplomatic,defense,and security actions of its member states.Traditionally,the CFSP considered the North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO)to be responsible for Europes reconciliation and defense.However,the situation changed in 1999 with the EU taking over th

      7、e policing of agreements and treaties as well as the implementation of peacekeeping missions(Lazaridis,2016).The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe(OSCE)has also played a major role in security governance within Europe.Table 2 illustrates that all EU member nations are also members of OSCE.It is the worlds largest intergovernmental organization that focuses primarily on security matters.At the present,the OSCE is composed of 57 member states from Europe,North America,as well as

      8、 Central and Northern Asia(Massart,2017).The body has a number of mandates which include controlling arms sales and movement.It also seeks to promote elections that are free and fair,press freedom,as well as respect for human rights.Section 2:How Security Governance in Europe has changed since the End of the Cold WarSecurity governance in Europe has evolved over the years to meet the regions ever changing needs.Traditionally,America and Russia played an active role in influencing security polici

      9、es throughout Europe.This was especially the case during the cold war when European nations aligned themselves to the Eastern and Western Blocs.The Eastern Bloc was constituted of the Soviet Union and it satellite states such as Cuba and North Korea.The Western Bloc on the other hand was mainly made up of United States of America and its NATO allies(Lazaridis,2016).It is worth noting that a majority of European countries were NATO member states.As such,they mainly depended on the United States of America for security during and immediately after the Cold War era.With the end of the cold war,European nations sought to take more control of their own security.They sought to move away from depending on the United States to having their own security policies and strategies.Until 1999,the region depended on NATO for security and defense(Sperling and Webber,2014).The trend however changed in 1999 when t


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