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    • 1、Essay写作范文在组织中培训员工的好处本文的目的是识别所有有了解训练,它对两家公司和员工的影响,原因是,尽管它是有益的提供业务增长,一些组织和个人仍不愿意接受投资于培训和发展的想法。为了证明这一点,有必要首先提到培训和发展的成本效益,通过这些方法可以重新确定培训的效果,以及培训对组织繁荣的参与,甚至当培训与国际市场的一体化有关时。High quality essay writing service on .The aim of this paper is to identify all there is to know about training,the impact it has on both firms and employees and then,the reason why,although it is beneficial provision to business growth,still some organisations and individuals are not willing to accept the idea of investing in trai

      2、ning and development.In order to come to that claim,it is necessary to mention first the cost-effectiveness of training and development,by which methods it can be reinsured,and the involvement of training in an organisations prosperity and even more,when it has to do with the integration in a international market.To begin properly,it should be noticed that training at any level and in whatever form this can take,could have only positive aspect.Considering that,training means investing in people

      3、to enable them perform better and to empower them to make the best use of their natural abilities(Armstrong, 1996;2003).Through the practice of a range of activities,it is believed that learning is an important clue here,as a means for developing a high performance culture and achieving businesss competitive advantage (Pieper,1990,Salaman,1992,Tyson,1996).This appear clearly from the below definitions of training.According to Heevy and Noon(2001),training is the process of changing the skills,at

      4、titudes,and knowledge of employees with the purpose of improving their level of competence.It is a planned process,usually involving a series of stages where incremental improvements can be identified.It takes two main focus 1)on the job training whereby an employee observing the tasks,being guided through them by experts,and then practising them.2)Off the job training whereby an employee is instructed away from the place of work,either in a training room on the premises or at a separate locatio

      5、n.This training is more often theory based and might even take the form of self learning packages(Heevy and Noon,2001).Furthermore,as Manpower Services Commission defined training in 1981,it is the following:“A planned process to modify attitude,knowledge or skill behavior through learning experience to achieve effective performance in an activity or range of activities.Its purpose,in the work situation,is to develop the abilities of the individual and to satisfy the current and future manpower

      6、needs of the organization”.Seeing the definition of the training from the perspective of education as Smith put it:“Development refers to the growth of realization of a persons ability,through conscious or unconscious education”,where education is“activities which aim at developing the knowledge,skills,moral values and understanding required in all aspects of life,rather than a knowledge and skill relating to only a limited field of activity”(Smith,1992).Besides the definition of training,the me

      7、ntion of the potential benefits for both employees and firms and from which methods these are derived,is essential in order to understand why training is so important for the business(Lonr,1990,Murray,2007).It is worthwhile to point that it cannot be any development without the training procedure.As it has already been mentioned,training aims to develop employeescompetences and to improve their performance but also,to reduce the learning time needed for employees starting in a new job on appoint

      8、ment,transfer or promotion and to ensure that they will become fully competent as quickly and economically as possible(J.Swart et al,2005).When a training programme being used effectively,then the benefits for employees are numerous and are illustrated on firms performance.It also helps to manage changes and provide to employees the knowledge and skills they need to adjust with new situations and work demands,as well as to adopt new technologies and methods,to be innovative(Armstrong,2003).In th

      9、at way,employeesmotivation is increased and the same goes to efficiencies in processes resulting in firms financial gain while employees turnover is being reduced.Highly trained workforce provides higher levels of service to customers which enhance companys image(Mullins,2007).The cost-effectiveness of training is a vital element because it can help the line manager to establish credibility,to reveal the value of the training by achieving both operational savings and increases in firms revenue;then,enforce the organization to look training more as an investment and less as a dispensable cost of operation.By training their employees,companies maximize the potential of this investment(Campbell, 1995).In order to improve the skills of its human resource,an organization can either train its existing employees or recruit pre-skilled labor forces that have been trained elsewhere(Booth,1998;Jameson,2000).The importance of investment


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