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    • 1、Essay写作工作场所多样性We are researching a report on the effect of diversity in the workplace for communication 220.The research assignment is educating us to gain efficient time management, increase our individual capability to communicate in a team environment, and how to find and reference reviewed information.Brett Fillmore has helped us with clear guidelines and referencing material.Executive SummaryIn this report we will be talking about diversity,but focusing on personality,gender,and ethnicity.T

      2、his report should allow for our reader to learn about the importance of these topics and will hopefully allow for a more open mind and a larger scope of both the issues minority groups face and the benefits of have people from all walks of life,as well as the aspects of personality that affect the whole workplace.The workplace should be a welcoming and motivating environment for every individual. Companies achieve goals and success from arising ideas,diversity creates a realm of different views

      3、and expertise to be taken into consideration when problem solving and creating ideas.Essay writing service on Personality in the WorkplacePersonality has a major impact on every aspect of your life from how you interact with others,the career you pick,whether you can hold a job and much more.While personality testing is very popular,in both the corporate world and day to day life,there are many holes in the system that people dont know about.Through proper testing we can determine many things ab

      4、out your aptitude,your ability to learn,and even measure your potential to he a hazard.Personality testing can also help us to find employees who may be at risk of breaking ethical standards.Gender Diversity in the WorkplaceGender diversity is increasingly growing in the workplace around the world,but many issues still remain.Unconcious bias in the workplace plays a major role that affects a teams work ethic and ability to acheieve goals.Men and females are continued to be categorized into tradi

      5、tional gender roles instead of being categorized by their knowledge and accomplishments.Gender equality is still a developing idea around the world and needs to be recognized.Without gender diversity in the workplace, work places are limiting their amount of knowledge and perspectives that are taken into consideration which doesnt allow for ultimate success.Summary EthnicityEthnic diversity is a very hot topic in todays day and age,many companies have policies to protect and encourage ethnic div

      6、ersity.Cultural diversity has been shown to produce a higher morale and a major increase in community relations.Even outside of the workplace it has been shown that helpfulness,friendliness,and social acceptance are greater in more diverse cities.ConclusionOur report covers the idea of how diversity affects a workplace.We discussed three major characteristics of diversity;personality,gender and ethnicity.For the topic of personality we discussed the different types of behaviour that exist,how ce

      7、rtain characteristic traits are required to successfully achieve goals and tasks in the workplace as a team.As well as how mental health affects the capability to be successful in daily work.For gender we discussed the bias outlook on gender diversity, how gender diversity benefits team and company performance.As well as the positive and negative affects of gender diversity in the workplace,how different valujes and views can decrease a teams capability to communicate and have an effective work

      8、ethic.We discussed the development of gender equality around the world,the treatment of each gender and how individuals are viewed by traditional roles depending on their gender.We discussed Ethnicity as our third topic,explaing what ethnicity means and how it is viewed.The importance and advantage of a diverse ethnic work place.ContentsIllustrationsIntroductionPurposeBackgroundScopeMethodsPersonalityTypes of PersonalitiesThe Affects of OCEAN on Your CareerPersonality Disorders&BusinessGenderBia

      9、s Outlook on Genders Diversity in a WorkplacePositives and Negatives of Gender Diversity in a WorkplaceThe Development of Gender Diversity in the WorldEthnicityEthnic DiversityEthnicity Advantage in WorkplaceImportance of Ethnic PeopleConclusionGlossaryReferencesIllustrationsIllustration 1:Multiple PersonalitiesIllustration 2:Gender EqualityIllustration 3:Ethnicity in a WorkplaceIntroductionWe have compiled our research into one report to show how different characteristics such as;personality,gender and ethnicity affect a work environment.Firstly,is discussed personality and how an individuals personality displays different levels of accomplishments and actions.Secondly,we describe the affect resulted of being surrounded by a gender diverse work place and the ongoing issues about categorizing males and f


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