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    • 1、Essay写作提高玩具反斗城的组织效率Improving Organizational Effectiveness at Toys“R”UsTable of ContentsIntroduction 2Problem Statement 2Literature Review 3Analysis 7Solutions 9Reflection 11References 12IntroductionThe organization I have chosen to research that is of interest to me is Toys“R”Us.Founded in 1948,Charles Lazarus opened a baby furniture store called Childrens Bargain Town in Washington,D.C.After customer demand for toys increased,Lazarus restructured the organization to solely retail toys and renam

      2、ed it Toys“R”Us.By 1966,sales had reached$12 million.He sold his company to discounter Interstate Stores for$7.5 million,with the condition that he would retain control of the toy operation(Arnold,2018). By 1974,Lazarusdivision had expanded to 47 stores and$130 million in annual sales,but the parent had filed for bankruptcy.From 1978 to 1983, earnings grew 40%annually,market share climbed to 12.5%,and the number of toy stores reached 169(Arnold,2018).The company opened two Kids“R”Us clothing sto

      3、res in 1983,copying the toy storesdiscount formula.Toys“R”Us entered the Japanese market in 1991.In 1993,Toys“R”Us continued its international expansion before Lazarus stepped aside as CEO in 1994. The company opened its first franchise in Dubai,United Arab Emirates in 1995(Arnold,2018).By 1998,Babies“R”Us had become the largest US baby store chain.During its 70 year tenure,the company operated 880 stores in the U.S and more than 750 locations internationally.Essay writing service on repor t.lxw

      4、s.n etProblem StatementToys“R”Us holds a special place in my heart as it was my favorite toy store as a child,a kids dream.Naturally,when I learned that the worlds largest toy store would close or sell all of its U.S.stores,I was saddened.Upon hearing the news,I initially assumed the decline of the organization was due to their inability to compete with big-box retailers like Wal-Mart and Amazon.Other issues attributing to the companys downfall are its massive amount of debt accrued dating back

      5、to the mid-2000s,its junk bond status,and Amazons breach of contract to exclusively sell Toys“R”Us toys.How could Toys“R”Us have reorganized to save their brick and mortar stores and remain competitive with merchants in an ever-changing retail industry?My research will examine what changes Toys“R”Us should have made and provide a solution on how to adapt and thrive in an industry where consumerspreferences are continuously changing.I will focus on resolving these issues related to Terminal Cours

      6、e Objective A(Given an example of a dysfunctional organization that is highly diverse,evaluate how organizational theories and practices can improve the situation.)and Terminal Course Objective D(Given a team that is struggling to meet its objectives,examine the appropriate application of organizational behavior theories to become high-functioning.)Literature Review1.Determinants of Shopping Behavior of Urban Consumers.(Rajagopal,2011)In this study,Rajagopal aimed to explore the influence of cus

      7、tomer attractions in shopping malls and the route to shopping of urban shoppers.The study also focused on analyzing retailing patterns in urban areas in reference to customer orientation strategies,product search behavior,and enhancing value for customers.Rajagopal found that in urban shopping centers,multichannel retailing provided an attractive blend of old and new retailing formats for customers.The author determined multichannel customers are the most valuable customers,and integrating multi

      8、channel platforms improves customer loyalty and retention.Results of the study determined promotion-and quality-concerned customers and mall-oriented shoppers were more satisfied with store-based retail channels for purchase of goods,whereas price-conscious shoppers surveyed other channels,including alternate-store catalogues and Internet channels before making buying decisions.2.Making Online Products More Tangible:The Effect of Product Presentation Formats on Product Evaluations.(Verhagen,T.,V

      9、onkeman,C.,&van Dolen,W.,2016)The purpose of this study was to determine if product presentation would be a viable solution in overcoming the intangibility constraint of the online shopping channel.The study compared three online product presentation tools(pictures,360 spin rotation,and virtual mirror)as a means to increase product tangibility,and therefore product sales.The results exhibited that online product presentation formats may increase product tangibility,and as a result,assist consumers make better,informed decisions on online purchases.The results demonstrated that tangibility plays a major role in perceived diagnosticity,the feeling of experiencing relevant product information and being aided in online product evaluation.It also showed online retailers that technologically advanced product presentation formats,like the virtual mirror,ensures an easier online product experience,positively


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