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    • 1、Essay写作阅读对色彩命名控制过程的影响AbstractFormer research suggests that there is complication when asked to recall the colour of the ink a word is written in,especially if the text is the name of an alternative colour.The purpose of this study was to investigate the Stroop effect to see if the automatic process of reading interferes with the control process of colour naming.Two groups of participants were either given the colour word condition or the non-word condition,all of the words in both conditions wer

      2、e written in one of six ink colours.The participants were then asked to recall the ink colour of each word in the fastest time possible ignoring the written word itself.The results confirmed that participants took longer to recall the colours of incompatible colour words compared to the non-word condition.The results support previous research on automatic and controlled processing and provides greater evidence of the Stroop-effect.IntroductionThe concept that the controlled and automatic cogniti

      3、ve processes are fundamental to human cognition has been suggested for many years.In previous literature papers a controlled process is referred to as consciously coordinated actions stimulated by the precise attention and the control of the individual(Schneider&Shiffrin,1977). Alternatively, automatic processes are habitual responses that occur unconsciously and naturally.Automatic processing usually takes little or no effort to complete as the response doesnt require attention(Schneider&Shiffr

      4、in, 1977;Walczyk,2000).Research suggests that word recognition for reading is a relatively automatic process(Rayner&Sereno,1994).Word recognition is a vital aspect of reading which occurs from excessive practice at a young age which results in automaticity allowing words to be effortlessly recognised in adulthood(Cattell,1886;LaBerge&Samuels,1974).Essay writing service on essa y.lxws.n et The most influential study related to automatic and controlled processing was done by Stroop(1935).In Stroop

      5、s original study he inspected participants capability to name ink colours of incompatible colour words.The time taken to recall all of the ink colours were then compared to the time taken to recall the colours of solid shapes.The results confirmed that it had taken participants considerably longer to recall the ink colours of the incompatible word condition than the solid shape condition(Stroop,1935).The Stroop-effect was the name given to this process of interference.Numerous researchers have c

      6、onducted experiments which are comparable to Stroops findings.Studies explored how incongruent words written inside of pictures(e.g.the word cat inside a picture of a dog)interfered significantly when asked to label the picture.(Golinkoff&Rosinski,1976;Rosinski,Golinkoff and Kukish 1975).These studies concluded that words that werent related with the picture caused interference when asked to label the picture.Another variation of the Stroop experiment also used the names of colours typed in inco

      7、mpatible ink like in the original study.However,this study used other ordinary words which werent the names of colours but were also written in coloured ink instead of Stroops solid shapes(Klein,1964).Kleins study found parallel results to Stroops experiment as participants took significantly longer to recall the ink colour of the words which were the names of colours.It was also concluded that the level of automatic interference was greater when the word had colour connotations.An additional va

      8、riation of the Stroop experiment also used the same contrasting colour word condition but this time comparing the task completion time to the recall time of a nonsense syllable condition(Hintzman,Carre,Eskridge,Owens,Shaff,&Sparks,1972).This variation found further supporting evidence for the Stroop effect as participants took notably longer to recall the ink colour for the word condition compared to the non-word condition.Previous variations found that participants took longer to recall the ink

      9、 colour of all of the words which had significant meaning or associations to colours than the non-words.The present research was conducted considering the results of former research,and intended to investigate whether the automatic process of reading interferes with the control process of colour naming causing a delay.In addition,this study wanted to investigate if previous finings can be replicated.The present study was similar to Stroops(1935)original study,however the coloured shapes were substituted with non-words.Based on previous research it is predicted that participants will take longer to name all of the ink colours of incompatible ink colour words compared to nonsense syllables(Hintzman et al.,1972;Klein,1964).It is predicted that the automatic process of reading should interfere significantly less with colour naming for the non-word condition as they are not semantically meaningful.MethodParticipantsThirty-two participants


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