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    • 1、Essay写作伦理框架在社会工作案例研究中的应用分析Applying ethical theoretical frameworks to the practice scenario of GiftyEthics have been widely considered to have a central role in social work,from both a personal and a professional perspective(Beckett and Maynard,2013;Rutter and Brown,2015).Ethics can be defined as the implicit agreement that individuals in society make with each other,which lays out expectations on how members of that society interact with each other on a daily basis(Kymlicka,2003).However,the way

      2、 that individuals understand and interpret this implicit ethical agreement tends to differ based on cultural,religious,social circumstances and experiences(Spano and Koenig,2007).Therefore,ethical dilemmas come up often in social work, based in particular on the fact that social workers are often working with difference and diversity(Rossiter,2011).In this way,ethical dilemmas in social work can be defined as trying to do the right thing,in the right way,at the right time,with the right people,a

      3、nd with the right spirit, something that is rarely simple or straightforward(Hugman and Carter, 2016).This essay will explore the ethical dilemma in Gifty case(Appendix1); while the case study will not be repeated,the specific ethical dilemmas will be outlined.The essay will start by exploring different theoretical approaches to this case,a deontological approach(Candee and Puka,1984) and a utilitarian approach(Osmo and Landau,2006).Following on from this, Beauchamp and Childress(2001)four princ

      4、iples of ethics will be applied to the case,with a focus on beneficence and respect for autonomy.The SIAC model of ethics will then be applied to this case.(Icheku,2012).Essay writing service on repor t.lxws.n etAlthough,Josephsons(2002)six pillars model was considered as it focused exclusively on character traits for ethical decision making.The SIAC model four steps to principle reasoning(Appendix 6)was considered appropriate in the case of Gifty.This will be elaborated upon in more detail late

      5、r in the essay.Finally,the impact of personal value(Bank,2006) and professional values(HCPC,2012)on ethical decision making will be considered,and it will be shown that while the ethical decision to be made in this case is complex,the application of SIAC model and theories is helpful for social workers trying to make sense of these types of complex dilemma.This case scenario involves ethical dilemmas based on Health, socialisation and finance.In relation to health,Gifty has signed a Do Not Resus

      6、citate(DNR)in the presence of her General Practitioner(GP), something that the family believes they should have been more involved in.In relation to socialisation,Gifty wants to attend college.Her family has expressed concerns that being exposed to new people in new circumstances will lead her to be more at risk of abuse or being taken advantage of.The final ethical decision relates to finances,Gifty has expressed that she would like to have more control over managing her finances on a day to da

      7、y basis,something her family believe she does not have the capacity to do.The first theoretical model to be considered is deontology.This model has its root in the writings of Emmanuel Kant,and the approach is based on a belief that there is a moral righteousness related to actions themselves, rather than on the consequences of that action(Gray,2010). Essentially, this means that actions are to be considered ethical if they are based on rational and universally true principles(Icheku,2011).This

      8、is important to social work,because social work is based on the inherent belief in specific values,and to some extent this is what defines the profession on a whole(HCPC 2017;BASW,2018).Some of the strengths to this model include that it tends to provide clear guidance,related to the adherence to strict ethical obligations and duties(Banks,2014).Applying this model to the case study as a social worker,core principles that could be considered as important for all situations include autonomy and i

      9、ndependence(Icheku,2011).In this way,Gifty would be allowed to make her own decisions on all these issues,and a social worker working from a person-centred perspective would support her to make this possible.However,deontology is a model that can be considered callous and uncaring in the unflinching way it applies overarching principles of ethics(Reamer, 2006).In relation to this case,it is difficult to apply,because the familial dynamics are so complex,meaning that ethical principles can be in conflict.For example,while the principle of autonomy is important to social work(Banks,2014),this could come into conflict with the protection of vulnerable individuals,another important principle for social work (Ferguson,2007).For example,Gifty taking on more responsibility for her day to day life will undoubtedly create more risks of abuse or being taken advantage of,and under an approach that sees there is a duty to protect vulnerable individuals as a fundame


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