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    • 1、Essay写作范文波士顿学院录音带争议波士顿学院的录音带被认为是迄今为止围绕北爱尔兰问题最具争议的话题之一。2001年,马萨诸塞州波士顿学院开始创作一部关于这些麻烦的口述历史,为未来的人们提供第一手信息,了解当时人们的生活是什么样的。来自共和党和统一党背景的前准军事人员被接触,并被要求参与这一口述历史的创造。作家兼记者埃德莫罗尼(Ed Moloney)是该项目的负责人。共和党人接受了前爱尔兰共和军囚犯安东尼麦金泰尔博士的采访,威尔逊麦克阿瑟记录了效忠者的情况。1中国英语学习网这个项目有一个至关重要的规则,那就是采访中提到的任何信息都不能被使用或发布,除非得到采访对象的许可,或者在他们去世的时候。巧合的是,前两位去世的受访者可以说是经历过这些麻烦的最具代表性的人物之一。这些人是前爱尔兰共和军(IRA)指挥官大卫欧文和阿尔斯特志愿军(UVF)成员大卫欧文。大卫在2004年5月至10月期间接受了采访,布伦丹休斯在2001年3月至2002年8月期间接受了采访。许多重要的时刻与两位受访者都有重叠,但对这些关键事件的原因的看法形成了鲜明的对比。当两人都已死亡,录音带被公布时,采访中提到的一些话题激

      2、怒了公众,尤其是北爱尔兰警察局(PSNI)。他们认为,如果这两份采访中都有两人承认自己是非法准军事组织的成员,那么剩下的采访中一定包含了有价值的信息,可以帮助破获当时发生在朝鲜的多起谋杀案。一场法律战争即将打响,整个关于伦理道德的争论以及什么是对,什么是错的问题有待认真讨论。Essay writing service on .IntroductionThe Boston College Tapes can be seen as one of the most controversial topics surrounding the troubles in Northern Ireland to date.In 2001,the Boston College of Massachusetts set about creating an oral history of the troubles to give people of the future first-hand information on what life was like for people at the time.Ex

      3、 paramilitary members from Republican and Unionist backgrounds were approached and asked to take part in this creation of oral history.Ed Moloney,a writer and journalist was the director of the project.Republicans were interviewed by an ex IRA prisoner Dr Anthony McIntyre and Loyalists were recorded by Wilson McArthur.1The project had one crucial rule,that rule was none of the information spoken about in the interviews could be used or released only with permission of the interviewee or when the

      4、y died.1 Out of coincidence,the first two interviewees to pass away were arguably two of the most iconic figures who had lived through the troubles.These men were David Ervine,a former Irish Republican Army(IRA)commander and David Ervine,a member of the Ulster Volunteer Force(UVF).1 David was interviewed between May and October 2004 while Brendan Hughes was interviewed between March 2001 and August 2002.1 Both men gave their own accounts of several major events that took place during the trouble

      5、s.Many of the significant moments spoken about overlapped with both interviewees but the opinions on the cause of these key events contrasted greatly.1 When both men had died and the tapes were released,some of the topics spoken about during the interviews angered the public,particularly the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI).They felt that if these two interviews contained both men confessing being part of illegal paramilitary organisations,then the rest of the interviews must contain va

      6、luable information in solving many of the cold case murders that took place in the North at the time.A legal war was about to take place leaving the whole argument about ethics and what is right and wrong up for serious debate.The day lives were changedOn Friday the 21 July 1972,the IRA detonated 26 bombs across the city of Belfast in under two hours.Extreme casualties were recorded with nine people dying and 130 injured.2On Oxford street bus station,a car bomb exploded killing four workers and

      7、two soldiers.In Cavehill Road in the north of the city,two women and a schoolboy were killed by another car bomb.2“Some of the bodies were so badly mutilated that it was initially thought that a greater number of people had died”.2 Even though warning calls were given by the IRA,the police and emergency services of the city were unable to cope with such large-scale damage from bombs detonating. This faithful day later came to be calledBloody Friday.2 During the recordings,both men admitted that

      8、this was a significant moment in the course of their involvement in paramilitary acts.Hughes says that“I was one of the key monoverse on the day later to be known as Bloody Friday”3In the tapes,Ervine admits that after witnessingBloody Fridayhe says he“I went over the edge,the following Sunday I joined the UVF.I wanted to sort of hit back and I wanted to hit back with an absolute ruthlessness.”3 From that day forward,the mens lives would never be the same as both became key figures in their sepa

      9、rate paramilitary groups.The Legal DisputeFollowing the release of the tapes,tensions began to mount between the PSNI and the Boston College.In March 2011,the British Government announced to the US Department of Justice that they would be initiating a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty(MLAT).The British Government wanted this agreement because they wanted to issue a subpoena for all data involving Brendan Hughes and Dolours Price.4Because of the agreement that no data could be released to the public until that interviewee had died,the British Government had no access to the tapes.After the British attempted to initiate a(MLAT),Boston filed a motion to quash this attempted subpoena in June.4 The British Government were not long about submitting a second subpoena and did so in August.This time,they wanted all material of Dolours Prices interviews containing information on the disappearance of Jean McConville,a young girl


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