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    • 1、爱情的英语名言本文是关于爱情的英语名言,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。1、回忆着曾经,一切只是纠结与悲剧。Remembering once, everything just tangle and tragedy 。2、谁应了谁的劫,谁又变成了谁的执念。Who should be the whos robbery , who became who obsession。3、逃离这喧闹的世界,寻找那片刻的安静。Escape from the noisy world , looking for the a moment of quiet 。4、如果你是我眼中的一滴泪,那我永远都不会哭。If you are a drop of tear in my eyes , I would never cry 。5、世界如此黑暗,我该把心交给谁来保管。The world is so dark , I should give heart to who is going to keep 。6、一个人,一场梦,一座空城,一生心疼。A person , a dream , an empty city , a

      2、 lifetime love dearly 。7、找不到回去的路,我希望我从未离开。Could not find the way back , I wish I had never left 。8、总是在徘徊,因为自己根本不知道在等的是谁。Always wandering , because they dont know who is waiting for 。9、你想象的,并非是我所谓的。你所谓的,并非是我想象的。Youcan imagine , is not what I call。Your so-called , is not I imagine。10、你曾经说要和我到永远,可是现在却是我一个人。You once said that be with me forever , but now is I a person 。11、当阳光刺疼了我的眼,眼泪也模糊了我的视线。Whensunlight pain stabbed myeye, tears also blurs the line of sight of me o12、两颗心曾经靠的那么近,如今却要就这样放弃。Twohearts

      3、 once so close , but now he want to give up, just like that 。13、伪装的快乐,多么不堪一击。真实的孤单,又会有谁在意Camouflage joy , how vulnerable 。 The real alone , and there will be who CARES14、如果我是真的决定付出我的心、能不能有人告诉他别让我伤心。If I were really decided to give myheart , can someonetell him dont make me sad。15、人总是要错过了才懂得认清现实。人总是要错过了才说出后悔的话。People always miss understand realism 。 People always say sorry to miss the words 。16、 牵绊我的人, 我让他永远站不起来。 扶起我的人, 我让他永远不会摔倒。Stumbles on me, I let him stand up forever 。 To help me, I let him

      4、will never fall 。17、一切问题,最终都是时间问题。一切烦恼,其实都是自寻烦恼。All problems , and ultimately is a matter of time 。 All the worry , in fact is a bother 。18、我望眼欲穿,看我看不到的你。我侧耳倾听,听我听不到的你。Dream, I see I cant see you 。 To listen to the song , I listen toI cant hear you 。19、你是太阳却不是我一个人的光。你是信仰却不是我一个人的心。You are not I a person is the suns light 。 You are my faith is not a persons heart 。20、我们都还小,不懂爱、不懂恨、不懂痛。但懂伤。Weare still small , do not understand love , dont understand hate , dont know the pain 。 But understand injury

      5、 。21、因为无能为力,所以顺其自然。因为心无所恃,所以随遇而安。Because helpless , so let nature take its course 。 Because the heart no bullying , so being on land , settle 。22、 爱你就好象呼吸一样理所当然, 可是我可以屏住呼吸, 却不能停止爱你。Love you like as breathing for granted , but I can hold your breath , but cant stop loving you 。23、再明显的爱,也透露不出我对你的爱。再显明的情,也隐瞒不了你对我的心。To love , also could not say I love you 。 Again manifest feeling , also dont hide your heart to me 。24、一座城市再怎么喧闹,没你,便是空城。一个角落再怎么陌生,有你,便是个家。A city again how noisy , not you, is empty。 How

      6、 strange a corner , have you , is a family 。25、我们说好不分离,要一直一直在一起。就算与时间为敌,就算与全世界背离。Weve agreed not to separate , always has been。 Even with time , even if the whole world and departure 。26、不要等我哭了,才说多么心疼我。不要等我走了,才说你多么爱我。Dont wait for me cry , just say how love me 。 Dont wait until Im gone, just say how much you love me 。27、所谓祝福原来只是在尔虞我诈。关系升华只是欲望垂死的挣扎。The so-called blessing was originally in the graft。 The dyingstruggle relationship sublimation only desire。28、 我那样求你, 你为什么还要违背承诺?我那样爱你, 你为什么还要忍痛 欺骗?So

      7、 I beg you to me, why did you break promise ? I love you , why do you have to bite the bullet to cheat ?29、那个谁,我爱你爱到可以连自己的爱都不要。那个谁,我爱你爱到可以连自己的情都不要。The who, I love you love to his own love 。 The who, I love you love to his own feelings 。30、全世界就这么一个我,别不把我当回事。全世界就这么一个你,我拉了命去珍惜。The world is suchThe world is such a me, dont take me seriouslya you ,I pull the life to cherish31、 给你黑的白的红的黄的紫的我的感受。 心情灰的黑的白的什么颜色你懂Give you a black and white red yellow purple I feel 。 What color mood grey black white you kn

      8、ow dont understand 。32、你是我眼中的泪滴,所以我舍不得睁眼。你是我心灵的空气,所以我舍不得呼吸。You are tears in my eyes , so I wont open 。 You are my heart of theair , so I hesitate to breathe 。33、说一句我爱你,要有多大声就有多大声。说一声我爱你,要有多甜蜜就有多甜蜜。Say I love you, want to have more than just how loudly loudly 。 SayI love you , want to have more sweet is sweet 。34、多少个日升日落,诠释这个黑天白夜。多少个日升日落,渲染这个灰白世界。Howmanyday litres of sunset , interpret the dark white night 。 How many day litres of sunset , rendering the gray world 。35、其实,我一直在你身后,就差你一个回头。其实,我一直在你身

      9、边,就差你一个眼神。In fact , Ive been behind you , just sent you a back 。 In fact , I have been in your side , just you a look 。36、爱上你,对你忠贞不二分分秒秒不停歇。恋上你,对你始终如一日日夜 夜在继续。Fall in love with you, every momentfor you wastrue everytime 。 Crush on you , to you consistently continued day and night。37、莪们日勺爱,不需要炫耀,全世界羡慕。莪们日勺爱,不需要广播,全宇宙 季度。Weare love , do not need to show off , envied around the world 。 We are love , do not need to broadcast , the universe quarter 。38、 踏着爱的节奏行走在有你气息的城市。 踩着爱的鼓点奔跑在有你话语的 世界。Walking through the rhythm of love in a city with your breath 。 Running on the drums of love in the world with your words。39、多少是非,多少对错,我们都无须在意。多少悲欢,多少离合,我们都无须畏惧。Howmany, how manyright and wrong, we all dont need to care about 。How many beads, how much we all dont need to fear 。40、当誓言已成谎言


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