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    • 1、主讲教师:XXX ADVERBIAL CLAUSEn定义与组成n时间状语从句n原因状语从句n条件状语从句n让步状语从句n其他状语从句n练习状语从句的定义、组成Definition and Composition什么是状语从句?一个_用作状语时,在语法上叫状语从句。这个句子可修饰主句的_、_、_ 或_句子谓语定语状语整个句 子n什么是状语?说明动作“何时”、“何地”、“如何”发生,或者说明形容词或副词的程度。时间让步结果原因地点方式条件目的比较副词介词短语非谓语动词状语从句n状语的表达方式n状语从句的类型副词介词短语非谓语动词-不定式状语从句非谓语动词-分词Naturally,our parents were pleased to get our gift.We worked hard,from sunrise to sunset.To help my aunt,I spent an hour working in her house.Seen from a distance,the farmhouse looked deserted.I know how to cook it beca

      2、use I had done it before.状语的表达方式时间状语从句Time时间让步结果原因地点方式条件目的比较when,while,as区别whenwhileas主句与从句动作顺序从句动词的延续性可同时发生也可先后发生既可是延续性动词也可是非延续性同时发生延续性动词同时发生“一边一边”/随着延续性动词Henry is in charge when Im away.When he comes here later,Ill call you.It was raining while Jane was waiting for the bus.She always listens to light music as she does cleaning.例句动词拓展表示能够延续的动作,这种动作可以延续下去或产生持久影响。也称终止性动词、瞬间动词或短暂性动词,表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。延续性动词延续性动词非延续性动词非延续性动词learn,work,stand,lie,know,walk,keep,have,wait,watch,sing,read,sleep,live

      3、,stay等open,close,finish,begin,come,go,arrive,reach,get to,leave,move,borrow,buy等。before常用句型It is long before好久才It isnt/wont be long before过了不久就 记忆口诀:记忆口诀:肯定句肯定句“才才”否定句否定句“就就”简称:肯才否就简称:肯才否就It wont be long before he finishes his writing.It will be a long time before she comes back from Australia.The Civil War lasted four years before the North won.过不了多久他就能完成写作她要过很久才能从澳大利亚回来。内战持续了4年,北方才取胜。since+瞬间动词的过去式 since 若从句中是持续性动词的一般过去时,表否定概念,表示该动作结束有多长时间了It is/has been+时间段+since瞬间动词的过去时,表肯定概念,做某事已经多久I have k

      4、nown him ever since he was a boy.I have worked here since I graduated from the university.It is(has been)two years since he came here.他来这里两年了。It is 3 years since I smoked a cigar.我不吸烟已经有三年了。till,until和notuntil肯定句till不可以置于句首,而until可以:Until you told me I had no idea of it.否定句主句延续性动词主句非延续性动词“某动作一直延续到某时间点才停止”“某动作直到某时间才开始”We waited until he came.He wont go to bed till/until Mom returns.1)He will not go to bed until(till)his mother comes.2)Until she told me,I had no idea of what they had said.3)It is

      5、not until his mother comes home that he will go to bed.(强调结构)1、直到他妈妈回来他才上床睡觉。2、我对于他们说了什么一点都不明白,直到她告诉了我。as soon asas soon asIll phone you as soon as I get to BJ.On getting home,she began to cook.Every/each time I catch a cold,I have pain in my back.一就,表示主句和从句动作先后发生the momentThere was an applause the moment she appeared on the stage.on doingon doingevery/each timeevery/each timeI liked her the first time I met her.第一次见到她时我就喜欢上了她。I will meet you the instant you arrive.你一到我就去见你。The moment you leave,

      6、please tell me.你一动身就请告诉我。由名词转化过来的连词,前面一般都有定冠词。the momentthe instant the minute一就,马上,立刻the first time The next time The last time在某一次的时候名词转化过来的连词when,until/till,before,as soon as,the moment等引导时,如果主句的时态是一般将来时,则从句的时态用一般现在时Dont worry about him.Hell ring you when he gets there.No sooner had I arrived home than it began to rain.I had hardly left when the quarrel startedNo sooner than,hardly when,主句用过去完成时,从句用过去时时态:主将从现it is+时间+whenthatsincebeforethatIt is five years _he finished his research.It was fiv

      7、e years _he finished his research.It was five years later _he finished his research.It was 5 oclock _ he got home.It was at 5 oclock _ he got home.sincebeforewhenthat+从句考点:易混淆句型1.They walked out of the room _the meeting was over.2.They must stay in school _they are sixteen.3.Take the medicine _you go to bed.as soon asby the timebefore4.I knew nothing about it _he told me.5.It is more than five years _we started to learn English.6._he talked on,he got more and more excited.7.We should strike _the

      8、 iron is hot.untilsinceAswhile原因状语从句Reason时间让步结果原因地点方式条件目的比较BecauseHe didnt go to work just because his leg was broken.The ship changed its course because there was a storm.通常放在主句之后表示直接原因语气较强能回答的why的问句可和only,just,not连用n回答用why提出问题 -Why is he absent?-Because he is ill.n用来引导表语从句 He didnt speak to you,it was because he didnt recognize you.n强调原因状语的强调句中 It was because he was ill that he was absent at the meeting.n当从属连词前有only,just,simply修饰时 You shouldnt get angry just because others speak ill of you 只能

      9、用Because的情况 Since you are ill,youd better go to see the doctor.Since you do not understand,I will explain again.since通常放在主句前表示既成事实的原因语气较弱不能回答的why强调的是结果,而不是原因As he is from the south,he is not used to the dry weather in Beijing.As she was late for class,she had to say sorry.As Jane was the oldest in this family,she had to look after the others.as多放在主句前表示明显的原因或已知的事实语气较弱不能回答的why强调的是结果,而不是原因It is spring now,for the flowers are out.He must be ill,for he is absent today.It must have rained last night,f

      10、or the round is still wet.for(并列连词)放在两并列句之间常用逗号跟主句分开表示非直接地随便附加说明的理由或推断的理由Considering that考虑到,鉴于now that 既然seeing that 鉴于,由于,既然,因为其他原因状语引导词Considering that he is no more than 12 years old,his height of 1.80 m is quite remarkable.Now/Seeing(that)everybody has come,lets begin our conference.条件状语从句Condition时间让步结果原因地点方式条件目的比较if,unlessin case(万一);as/so long as,on condition that,only if;providing/provided that,suppose/supposing that(倘若假使)Well start our project if the president agrees.You will certainly


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