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    • 1、主讲教师:XXX NOUN CLAUSEn定义与组成n做题步骤n主语从句n表语从句n宾语从句n同位语从句n关系词n名词性从句的虚拟语气 n定义与组成n做题步骤n主语从句n表语从句n主从与表语真题回顾名词性从句的定义、组成Definition and Compositionn主语从句整个从句相当于一个名词名词能做的成分,从句都能做什么是名词性从句?n宾语从句n表语从句n同位语从句特征:n是一个句子n有一个引导词n引导词做从句的一个成分(that 除外)1.That he will come is certain.2.I know that he will come.3.The truth is that I have been there.4.The fact that she was late surprised us.that/whether/as if(though)连接代词连接副词连词关系词不做成份where/when/why/how/wherever/whenever状语主、宾、表关系词在从句中的成分关系词的组成及相关概念what/who/which/whose/(whatev

      2、er/whoever/whomever/whichever)名词性从句的做题步骤Steps判断从句是否为名词性从句代入法解题0102高考中考查名词性从句时,经常考查连接词的选用根据特殊性选择特定连接词03解题思路1-主从分离,看从句2-判断从句是否完整句子不完整:句子完整:是否类,用if/whether特殊类,用what/where/how/which/when/why等缺sth.用what缺sb.用who/whom表陈述概念,用that表疑问概念须与陈述句语序相同:主语谓语动词。例句:我不知道他去哪里了。两个注意事项 语序时态一致时态一致I dont know where has she gone.I dont know where she has gone.宾语从句是一个客观真理时,可以不一致。如:She told me that the earth goes around the sun.She said that she had gone to BJ.宾从谓语主句谓语一般现在时根据情况使用各种时态一般过去时必须用某种过去时态主语从句Subjective ClauseThat无词

      3、义,不可省略What“什么”,“所的”When“什么时候”主语从句不用 if1.That he knows Japanese is known to all.他懂英语,这一点大家都知道令我惊讶的是在这儿见到他.3.When he will come is unknown.4.Whether he is coming doesnt matter.他来不来没什么要紧的他什么时候来不清楚.他们是怎么登上山顶的仍是个秘密.5.It remains a secret how they climbed up the mountain.主语较长时通常放句尾,句首用 it做形式主语2.What surprised me was to see him here.位于句首主语、宾语、表语、定语等成份不充当句子的任何成分what可以分解成定语从句的先行词+that What is needed is a change in land ownership.所需要的是变更土地所有制。What 与that 在引导主语从句时的区别连接词连接作用充当成分whatthat1._ he wants is a book.2

      4、._ he wants to go there is obvious.3.The result is _ we won the game.4.This is _ we want to know.WhatThatthatwhatPractice5.Is _ he told us true?6.We should pay attention to _ the teacher is saying.7.I have no doubt _ he will come.8.I have no idea _ he did that afternoon.whatwhatthatwhatPractice1.It+be+形容词+that 从句2.It+be+名称词组(duty/pity.)+that 从句3.It+be+过去分词(said/thought.+that 从句 4.It+不及物动词(seem/happen.)+that 从句 It is a pity that we cant go swimming.It is said that he told her everything.It happen

      5、ed that I was out that day.It is certain that he will do well in the exam.1.真可惜我们不能去游泳.2.碰巧那天我外出了.3.他考试肯定会考好.4.据说他已告诉了她一切.It 作形式主语的常用句型It is necessary thatIt is important thatIt is obvious that It is natural that It is strange that It 作形式主语的常用词及翻译1.It+be+形容词+that 从句2.It+be+名称词组(duty/pity.)+that 从句It is a surprise thatIt is a fact that It is an honor thatIt is common knowledge that必要重要的是很明显很自然奇怪的是令人惊奇的是事实是非常荣幸是常识 It 作形式主语的常用词及翻译3.It+be+过去分词.+that 从句4.It+不及物动词 +that 从句It is believed thatIt is know

      6、n to all thatIt has been decided that It is reported thatIt has been proved thatIt is said thatIt appears that It happens thatIt occurred to me thatIt seems that人们相信众所周知已决定 据报道已证实据说.似乎碰巧我突然想起看起来What引导的主语从句一般不可改为含形式主语的句子。What you said What you said yesterday yesterday is right.is right.ItIt is right is right what you said what you said yesterday.yesterday.It is certain that It is certain that she is still alive.she is still alive.That she is still aliveThat she is still alive isis certain.certain

      7、.原句改写原句改写练习:用it充当形式主语That we shall be late is certain.That the earth is round is known to all.That you missed the chance is a pity.Its known to all that the earth is round.That you missed the chance.Its certain that we shall be late.Practice表语从句PREDICATIVE CLAUSE实际情况是他从未去过农村问题在于我们能否在明天下午之前完成这项工作.好象看上去要下雨似的.(其实不会)她说话的口气好象以前去过那儿似的.这所学校已不再是从前的那个样子了.that 一般不省略表语从句不用 ifas if/as though常表示不真实的情况what=the thing that从句位置:系动词后面The truth is that he has never been to the countryside.The question is whether w

      8、e can finish the work by Friday.It looks as if it were going to rain.She talks as if/as though she had been there before.This school is no longer what it was before.固定句型This is where This is why This is how这就是的地方这就是的原因这就是的方法注意表语从句中where,how,why 的译法这就是鲁迅曾经住过的地方.这就是她为什么今天早上起得这么早的原因.他们就是这样赢得这场比赛的.This is where Lu Xun once lived.This is why she got up so early this morning.That was how they won the match.例句The reason why she was late was _ he didnt catch the bus.She was late.Thats _ she didnt catch

      9、the bus.She didnt catch the bus.Thats _ she was late.thatbecausewhyreason 后面表语从句只能用that 引导,不能用why 引导定语从句可以用why 或者that 引导表语从句中的that,because和why1.我们就是这样克服困难的.2.那就是他昨天缺席的原因.3.这就是我们上星期碰头的地方.This is/That was how we overcame the difficulties.That is why he was absent yesterday.This is where we met last Sunday.练习:表语从句翻译练习Practice主从与表语真题回顾Test in ExaminationA.WhenB.HowC.WhatD.That高考真题回顾 _you said at the meeting describes a bright future for the company.解题思路:代入法解题1-主从分离,看从句2-判断从句是否完整句子不完整:句子完整:是否类,用if/wh

      10、ether特殊类,用疑问词等缺sth.用what缺sb.用who/whom表陈述概念,用that表疑问概念提取从句:_you said at the meeting 从句中say是及物动词,需要接宾语,所以判断从句不完整Say sth.而不是say sb.判断此处用 whatA.WhoB.WhichC.WhatD.That高考真题回顾 makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer.解题思路:代入法解题1-主从分离,看从句2-判断从句是否完整句子不完整:句子完整:是否类,用if/whether特殊类,用疑问词等缺sth.用what缺sb.用who/whom表陈述概念,用that表疑问概念提取从句:_makes the book so extraordinary 从句中很显然make缺主语,判断从句不完整到底是人还是物让这本书不同凡响呢,要看后文有没有提示,后文说是作者的创意想象力,判断缺的是sth.,选择whatA.howB.whichC.whatD.that高考真题回顾Water,wh


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