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    • 1、许国璋英语第二册(含课文、对话、练习、答案) 第七课许国璋英语第二册第七课(一) 课文:1) 电视教学课文: CHALLENGES Human beings enjoy challenges. Many of them like physical challenges. They ask themselves questions like this: How fast can I run? How high can I climb? How deep can I dive? How far can I swim? How long can I hold my breath? How much can I lift? How high can I jump? Because people enjoy challenges, they like to play sports and watch other people play sports. They like climbing, running, diving, swimming, lifting, jumping, and so o

      2、n. Every four years, millions of people all over the world enjoy the international sports competition called the Olympics. People also enjoy the excitement of climbing mountains, or of riding in a boat on a river that is moving very quickly, or of racing in a car around a track. Why do people enjoy these challenges? There are probably many reasons. One is curiosity. Another is the personal feeling of success or achievement. And now a days, for some people, it is a business. There are challenges

      3、that are not physical challenges. There are social and intellectual challenges, too. Leonardo Da Vinci, who lived in Italy during the fifteenth century, enjoyed every possible challenge. He was an artist and painted the well-known picture, the Mona Lisa. He was an inventor who invented a device to let people breathe under water. He was a scientist, and he learned a great deal about human anatomy. Another kind of challenge faced the Egyptians between 4,000 and 5,000 years ago when they decided to

      4、 build the first Pyramid. People are not sure why they built this Pyramid, but it must have been important. They used six million tons of rock. Four hundred thousand men worked for twenty years to build it. So , for thousands of years, people have accepted challenges. Today we still have many challenges before us. Medical science faces the challenge of conquering the many diseases which still attack human beings. Engineers and planners must build new cities and new kinds of transportation. Scien

      5、tists must develop new forms of energy. And many of us are interested in the challenge of space. We live in an age of challenges.2) 课文译文: 挑战人类很享受挑战。他们中的许多人喜欢身能上的挑战。他们问自己这样的问题:我能跑多快?我能爬多高?我能潜多深?我能游多远?我能屏住呼吸多久?我能抬多少?我能跳多高?因为人们喜欢挑战,他们喜欢运动,也喜欢看别人做运动。他们喜欢爬山、跑步、跳水、游泳、举重、跳跃等等,每隔四年,世界各地都有数以百万计的人享受被称为奥运会的国际体育比赛。人们也喜欢爬山,或在一条河上划船比赛,或者在赛道上赛车。为什么人们喜欢这些挑战?可能有很多原因。一个是好奇心。另一种是个人对成功或成就的感觉。现在,对一些人来说,这是一项生意。有些挑战不是体力上的挑战,而是社会和智力方面的挑战。15世纪生活在意大利的莱昂纳多达芬奇(Leonardo Da Vinci)享受着一切可能的挑战。他是个艺术家,画了一幅著名的画“蒙娜丽莎”.他是一个发明家,发明了一

      6、种能让人们在水下呼吸的装置。他是一名科学家,他学到了很多关于人体解剖学的知识。另一种挑战是在4000到5000年前埃及人决定建造第一座金字塔时面临的另一种挑战。人们不知道为什么建造这座金字塔,但它一定很重要。他们用了六百万吨的石头。四十万人为建造它而工作了二十年。所以,几千年来,人们已经接受了挑战。今天,我们面前还有许多挑战。医学面临着战胜许多仍在攻击人类的疾病的挑战。工程师和规划者必须建造新的城市和新的交通工具。科学家必须开发新的能源形式。我们中的许多人都对太空的挑战感兴趣。我们生活在一个充满挑战的时代。3) 课堂笔记:1. Every four years, millions of people all over the world enjoy the international sports competition called the Olympics.All overHe has travelled all over the world.He was smiling all over his face.I was sweating all over.2. People als

      7、o enjoy the excitement of climbing mountains or of riding in a boat on a river that is moving very quickly or of racing in a car around a track.Excitement 后跟了三个 of+动名词3. Leonardo Da Vinci, who lived in Italy during the fifteenth century, enjoyed every possible challenge.4. He learned a great deal about human anatomy.Learned 知道,懂得,A great deal 大量(可修饰不可数名词)He spent a great deal of money on books.非常,极其I like her a great deal.He runs a great deal faster than i. 5. Another kind of challenge faced the

      8、 Egyptians between 4,000 and 5,000 years ago when they decided to build the first Pyramid.Face 放在。面前,面对The Egyptians were faced with another kind of challengeThe problems that faced us 我们所的问题The problems that we were faced withAn economic crisis that faced the country 这个国家所面临的经济危机an economic crisis that the country was faced withmedical science faces the challenge of conquering the many diseases which still attack human beings.He faced the difficulty with courage.他勇敢地面对困难。You should face reality

      9、. 你应正视现实。6. So, for thousands of years, people have accepted challenges.现在完成时,7. ChallengeAccept a challengeTake up a challenge接受挑战Face a challengeConfront a challenge面对挑战(二) 原课文:1) 课文:MINISTERS WITH PICK AND SHOVELThousands and thousands of volunteer workers took part in the construction of the Ming Tombs Reservoir in 1958. They came from all parts of the country, and from all walks of life.One day, a group of rather elderly persons arrived at the construction site. Many were in their sixties and some even over seventy. They were leaders of our government: ministers, vice-ministers and department heads. The comrade in charge of the construction welcomed them warmly as leading comrades, but they quickly replied, “No, we are not government leaders here,


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