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    • 1、许国璋英语第二册(含课文、对话、阅读、课后练习及答案) 第三课许国璋英语第二册第三课(一) 课文:1)课文原文: ROBERT BRUCE, KING OF SCOTLANDMany centuries ago, Scotland was ruled by a king named Robert Bruce. He was a wise king and a brave soldier. When the English army invaded Scotland. Bruce took up arms and led his people in the defence of their country.Battle after battle was fought. Six times Bruce led his brave little army against the enemy, and six times his men were beaten. His army was scattered, and he was forced to go into hiding in the

      2、 woods or in lonely places in the mountains.One rainy day, Bruce lay on the ground in a hut. Listening to the sound of the rain on the roof. He was tired and sad, and ready to give up all hope. It seemed to him that it was no use trying to do anything any more.As he lay thinking, he saw a spider over his head, trying to spin a web. He watched her as she toiled slowly and with great care. Six times she tried to reach the opposite wall to fix her thread, and six times she failed. “ Poor thing!” cr

      3、ied Bruce, “ you, too, know what it is to fail.”But the spider did not lose hope. With still more care, she tried for the seventh time. Bruce almost forgot his own troubles as he watched her swing herself out upon the slender line. Would she fail again? No! the thread was carried safely from one wall to the other.“ I, too, will try a seventh time!” cried Bruce. He got up and called his men together. He told them of his plans, and sent them out with messages of cheer to his disheartened people. S

      4、oon there was an army of brave Scotsmen gathered around him. Another battle was fought. This time the Scots won and the English invaders were driven out of Scotland.2)课文译文: 苏格兰国王 罗伯特 布鲁斯 许多世纪以前,苏格兰被一位名叫 罗伯特 布鲁斯 的国王统治着。他是个聪明的国王,也是个勇敢的战士。英国军队入侵苏格兰的时候。布鲁斯拿起武器,带领他的人民保卫自己的国家。战斗一场接着一场。六次布鲁斯率领他的勇敢的但弱小的军对抗敌人,六次他的士兵都被打败了。他的军队被打散了,他也被迫躲藏在树林里或山上荒凉的地方。一个雨天,布鲁斯躺在一个小屋里。倾听着屋顶上雨的声音。他又累又伤心,准备放弃一切希望。在他看来,再做任何事情都没有用了。当他躺下思考时,他看见一只蜘蛛在他头顶上,试图织网。他注视着她,慢慢地、小心地操作着。六次她试图到对面的墙上修线,六次失败了。“可怜的家伙!布鲁斯叫道,“你也知道失败是什么了吧。”但是蜘蛛并没有失

      5、去希望。她更加小心,进行了第七次尝试。布鲁斯看着蜘蛛在细线上摇荡着,差点忘了自己的烦恼。她会再次失败吗?不!这次蜘蛛线线安全地从一堵墙运送到另一堵墙。“我也会尝试第七次!布鲁斯叫道。他站起来,召集他的部下。他把他们的计划告诉了他们,并向沮丧的人们发出了欢呼的消息。不久,一群勇敢的苏格兰人聚集在他身边。另一场战斗发生了。这次苏格兰人取得了胜利,英国侵略者被赶出了苏格兰。(二) DIALOGUE对话:1)原文:PHYSICAL TRAININGa. There goes the bell. It s time for physical training . lets go to the sports ground.b. What do we do today?a. Well run round the track first. Then well practice the high jump. After that well break into small groups. We can either play basketball or volleyball.b. Thats good.

      6、 Our basketball team is going to play Class Three on Wednesday. We need a lot of practice.a. Look, they are already lining up there. Lets run over and join them.2)扩展词汇:1、 Physical education 体育 4、field events 田赛 2、 promote physical education 发展体育运动 5、track events 径赛3、long jump 跳远 6、track and field 田径运动3)对话译文:铃响了。现在是进行体育锻炼的时候了。我们去操场吧。我们今天做什么?我们先绕赛道跑。然后我们练习跳高。然后我们分成小组。我们可以打篮球,也可以打排球。那很好。我们的篮球队将在星期三打三班。我们需要大量的练习。看,他们已经在那里排队了。我们跑过去加入他们吧。(三) WORD STUDY:(词汇学习)1. Send ( v t)1) 寄,送(东西):He sent me these b

      7、ooks from London.2) 派,送,调(人):We sent a man to town to buy some paper.The Browns were too poor to send Betty to school.(注意没有NOT)3) Send for 请(医生):Amy is ill. We must send for the doctor at once.注意: I sent him to the station.(我派他到车站去) I saw him to the station.(我送他上车站)2. Lose (v t)1) 失掉,丢失:Have you found the pen you lost?He never lost heart. He went on fighting until victory was won. 2) 输:I am sorry you lost the game.3. Try 试,设法:Will you try to tell the story in English?If you cant do is now, try a

      8、gain.We tried to catch the bus, but missed it.4. Hope ( v t) 希望1) 跟不定式:We hoped to reach there before dark. 2) 跟从句:He was ill last week. I hope he is all right now.3) 其他用法:Will it be fine tomorrow? I hope so.Will it rain tomorrow? I hope not. Hope (n) The spider did not lose hope, though she had failed six times.5. Lead (v t) 领导:The Party has led us from one victory to another.Led by the Party, the Chinese people are going all our to build socialism.Leadership (n)Under the leadership of the part

      9、y.在党的领导下(四) PHONETICS EXERCISES:(语音练习)1. Review of sounds:1) -edad-dead bad - bed sat - set than then man menhad head pat pet stab step sand send 2) - a: Cat cart pack park at art lack - lark hat heartMatch march had hard ham harm back - bark3) - e - a: That map / bad attitude / a black cap / a far man / catch that / a red flag/Very happy / gather together / practice spelling / hand in the exercise /He went back to bed / bring me the chart. / they work hard at French. / We plan to send some postcards to her.4) t - dChild / chairman / changes / cheap / ch


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