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    • 1、许国璋英语第一册(含课文、对话、阅读、课后练习及答案) 第十九课许国璋电视英语教学第一册第十九课(含新、旧版课文)(一) 课文:1) 课文:NIGHTINGALEFlorence Nightingale came from a rich family and was very pretty. In her family, young girls usually spent their time going to parties until they married rich young men. But Florence found parties boring; she wanted to be a nurse. Finally, in 1850, when she was 30, her parents accepted her decision. So she went to study in a hospital in Germany. Then she was in charge of a nursing-home for women in London. Soon she

      2、was asked to go to the Crimea to take charge of the wounded soldiers. 弗洛伦斯南丁格尔出身于一个富裕的家庭,非常漂亮。在她的家庭里,年轻女孩通常把时间花在聚会上,直到他们嫁给有钱的年轻人。但是佛罗伦萨发现派对很无聊,她想成为一名护士。最后,在1850,当她30岁时,她的父母接受了她的决定。于是她去了德国的一家医院学习。然后她负责伦敦的一家妇女疗养院。很快,她被要求去克里米亚接管伤员。The conditions in the Crimea hospital were terrible. Forty per cent of the patients died. Certain beds seemed fatal: soldiers died in them after two days. Nightingale decided that this was because of bad drains, and insisted that the government do something about it. Work

      3、men put in a proper drainage system and supplied pure drinking water. The death rate dropped to two percent. On her return to England people greeted Florence Nightingale as a heroine. She was an important force in the movement to reform hospitals and nursing in England. By 1900 unsafe hospitals and ignorant nurses were things of the past.克里米亚医院的条件非常糟糕。百分之四十的病人在医院里死去。有些床位似乎是致命的:士兵在床上呆两天就死去。南丁格尔认为这是由于恶劣的排污状况引起的。她主张政府要设法改变这种状况。工人安装了合适的排水装置,提供纯净的饮用水。死亡率下降到百分之二。当她返回英国时,人们把弗罗伦斯南丁格尔作为女英雄来欢迎。她是英国医院改革及护理

      4、运动中一个重要的推动力。到1900年,不保险的医院与无知的护士都不存在了。 2) 课堂笔记:1. Until: (单句中为介词,重句中为连词)In here family, young girls usually spent their time going to parties until they married rich young men.(前为主句,后为从句)He lived in England until last year.(肯定句中,跟延续性动词,直到。时为止)Wait there until I call you.在。之前,I wont go until tomorrow morning.I have nothing to say until I see my lawyer.The rain did not stop until midnight.2. Marry 一词两用,嫁,娶同词3. spent time doing sth. 花时间做某事,一定要用进行时,是习惯用法。He spent his lifetime working for the cause of

      5、 peace.Find +sth.+ 形容词 (发现。怎样)But Florence found parties boring.I find him an interesting man.He found the text too difficult for him.4. Soon she was asked to go to the Crimea to take charge of the wounded soldiers.Was asked 被动语态。(be+过去分词)The Crimea 半岛名称前要加定冠词:Take charge of (强调动作), in charge for(强调状态)He is in charge of that project.Mary is going to take charge of the child when his parents are away.5. Per cent 用基数词Tow per cent 2%Fifty-five per cent 55%6. Certain beds seemed fatal: soldiers died

      6、 in them after two days.Seem 连系动词,与Be相似。7. Nightingale decided that this was because of bad drains, and insisted that the government do something about it.Because of (习惯用法,表示因为什么,后面跟名词或名词短语,不能跟句子)The plane was one hour late because of the bad weather.Because of his efforts, the meeting was a great success.8. Insist We insist that he take the doctors advice.She insisted that the library be open on Sundays.9. Dropped to 下降到。The death rate dropped to two per cent.The temperature dropped to zero.10.

      7、 Rate 率Death rateBirth rate Employment rate Un employment rateCrime rate11. Greetsb. She greeted me with a smile.12. She was an important force in the movement to reform hospitals and nursing in England.13. By.到。之前I was very tired by the evening.I usually finish work by five oclock3)附旧课文: STUDY AS LENIN STUDIED Yesterday we went to an exhibition on the life and word of Lenin, the great revolutionary leader of the working class. There we saw pictures of Lenins early life. They were very inspiring

      8、 and taught us a lot.昨天我们去了一个关于工人阶级伟大革命领袖列宁的生活和话语的展览。在那里我们看到了列宁早期生活的照片。他们非常鼓舞人心,教会了我们很多东西。Lenin was born on April 22, 1870, in the town of Simbirsk. After he finished school there, he went to the University of Kaman. There he was a leader of the student movement and took an active part in revolutionary work.列宁出生于1870年4月22日,在Simbirsk镇。他在那里完成学业后,就去了卡曼大学。在那里,他是学生运动的领袖,积极参加革命工作。Lenin lived simply and studied hard. He was the best student in his class, and was always ready to help his friends with th

      9、eir lessons. Lenin worked very hard at foreign languages, because he knew they were a useful weapon in revolutionary struggle. He read a great deal, and made full notes while he read. He planned his work carefully, and never left todays work for tomorrow.列宁生活简朴,学习努力。他是班上最好的学生,随时准备帮助他的朋友们上课。列宁努力学习外语,因为他知道他们是革命斗争的有用武器。他读了很多书,边读书边做笔记。他仔细地计划工作,从不把今天的工作留到明天去做。Lenin learned not only from books. He talked with workers and peasants and learned a great deal from the. He was always close to the people, and the people loved him.Lenin set an example to all of us. Let us study as Lenin studied.列宁不仅从书本中学到东西。他和工农谈话,从中学到很多东西。他总是贴近人民,人民爱他。列宁为我们树立了榜样。让我们像列宁学习一样学习。 (二) DIALGUE:(对话)1) 原文:AFTER THE TEST- How did you do in yesterdays test?- Not very well, Im afraid. I ma


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